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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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If this is true, and allowing the 'fast and furious' nature of internet news, maybe the Russia/Poutine supporters should consider the possibility that while the Ukrainian military maybe lacking in hardware, they are not short in prescience. Given what happened to Georgia, the Ukrainians could have been preparing for this invasion or at least have been laying out at the high level what they could do if Russia invade. And that was unexpected for Poutine.

@LeGenD : I am wondering if it is ok to deliberately misspell the country leader in insulting ways? Not that it bothers me, but it would be nice to have clarity, :- )
Russia will be wrecked by this no doubt. But so will the west, especially Europe. I know that the western media has distorted facts about the global reality so long that most westerners are out of touch with the way the world is changing but Europe’s economy is about to be majorly wrecked. I am talking about the dissipation of much of the middle class.

What percentage of GDP of EU is made up of trade with Russia? very very small. Its like 174 billion Euro? out of a 15 trillion economy. My maths says that less than 1% of the GDP. Less than a fraction of 1% of EU economy.

EU will be fine.
I'll withhold judgement until I see clear footage of this.

If I count the number of destroyed planes, helicopters, tanks and cars mentioned in Vergennes, Raptor22, Messerschmiit's posts, they are probably more than the Russian have total in their inventory, :- D

What percentage of GDP of EU is made up of trade with Russia? very very small. Its like 174 billion Euro? out of a 15 trillion economy. My maths says that less than 1% of the GDP. Less than a fraction of 1% of EU economy.

EU will be fine.

Dude, the diesel prices have jumped to 2 EUR a liter in Germany, gas prices have reached their historical highs. The whole auto industry is in freefall because Aluminum, wood and other raw material is not coming from Russia. The DAX has lost about 2000 points in the past week.

Inflation jumps up whenever a slight price hike comes in the oil/gas prices and here we are talking about historical hikes.

And you think it will not impact the EU economy? The biggest economy in EU completely disagrees.
A quick TLDR as to whats happening so far in this war

Ukraine is chatting mad shit regarding casualties inflicted and sustained

Russia is keeping relatively civil with its reportings (more civil than Ukraine) but still chatting shit

The fog of war still shrouds the truth regarding the outcome of this war

And SM is going full retard with people showing destroyed ukrainian military vehicles and personnel as Russian, and vice versa. Aka its full of shit.

Oh and f22 raptor is back after his ban, so round of applause for him. Unfortunately hes back to his old habits.
spot the differences .

Zalenski with his minister of defense , Putin with his . . .

Well what's your idea of antivax . To me seems zelenski and his minister are irresponsible people who don't even observe the basics
Despite numerous discussions - The Hungarians have signed a decree refusing lethal aid shipments into Ukraine to pass through the Hungarian Border.

Russia will STOP invasion if Ukraine agrees to the following demands:
- Constitutional amendment ruling out membership of any blocs (NATO)
- Ukraine must recognise CRIMEA as Russian and Donetsk and Lugansk as Independent states.
Source: AP Wire
Pakistan's opposition leaders have labelled IK's statements re EU diplomats as "Dangerous"
Human traffickers are targeting Ukrainian women and children arriving in Berlin, pretending to offer them shelter. Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-n...-exploit-ukrainian-refugees-dark-side-exodus/
Ukraine FM confirmed that shipments of arms and ammunition are flowing into the country:
Source: Visegrad24
Former Ukranian President Yanukovych arrived in Minsk

Second round of talks between Russia and Ukraine end with no cease fire:
European markets eager for diplomatic solution with Russia. - Source: RationalFX

Ukraine's president seeks international trade embargo on Russia:
  • Russia’s top diplomat will reportedly meet with his Ukrainian counterpart on Thursday in Turkey.
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