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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Hustoomeel airport 25k from Kiev has fallen


Doesn't share the translation for me ....
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1 verses a lot.

You know that's not a good comparison.
Alright, Ukraine a tougher nut to crack than the mighty foes America has faced like Grenada. They are, after all, armed with Russian air defenses - among the best in the world. They'll get a shot or two in. But their fate is a foregone conclusion.

Just because someone manages to land a punch or two against Mike Tyson doesn't mean they won't get knocked out.
A high economic price, no one ever said NATO would militarily confront Russia in order to save Ukraine, which is why Ukraine was so desperate to gain membership, because it knew an invasion was coming.

Also, of the three nations mentioned, one is the Russian Federation, so your example doesn't really make sense here.

If there is no Ukraine anymore, that just makes Russia's neighbours all the more likely to join NATO, Finland and other European nations are already now in talks about joining, and they point out Russian actions in Ukraine as the cause.

Also, I disagree that these are "merely" sanctions. Russia's economy is on the verge of collapse right now. The EU has just banned market access to Russia, and stopped all trade with Russia. Russia can use it's oil leverage, but that will just make sure the EU will expedite it's move away from Russian oil and gas.

Before you mention Russian gas, think about it this way, why doesn't Pakistan trade with India, despite it being cheap and economically beneficial? Because it's a matter of sovereignty and Pakistan fully expects India to use it's trade leverage against Pakistani interests. The Europeans won't compromise their sovereignty just to pay cheap gas prices.

Russians made a massive blunder by thinking their gas leverage would save them from an economic depression. The Russians have pretty much guaranteed that the Europeans never trust them, and they will guaranteed to lead Europe away from Russia.
Why do you think Putin rushed to Beijing before pulling this stunt? Why did he invade After the Olympics!
Russians going for a regime change or only planning on taking over Donetsk and Luhansk?
I will only quote this part and refer to what trust means when it comes to individual's interests. Ukraine learnt the hard way.

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It never made any sense but columns are moving. Russia is not alone in anti NATO bloc.

And Russia does not seems to be doing so as well. No compromise in lieu of gas. As you said about Pakistan India. No compromise.
Sure, I agree.
Zelensky's declaration in Munich Security Conference that the 1994 Budapest Memorandum be revised and Ukraine should be nuclear armed put the final nail in the coffin of whatever peace that Ukraine might have obtained from Russia.

It seems like the world is once again entering into the Great Power competition. US-China in Pacific and US-Russia in Europe.

Anyways war/tension in Europe will finally give the Muslim world some breathing space and give the African continent some respite from neo-colonialist powers.

Here’s a man who knows he can’t defeat the US and NATO, therefore he has no choice but to threaten nuclear retaliation.

Putin has a massive inferiority complex

Threatening to use nuclear weapons = inferiority complex?

If I remember correctly, every time we talk about China's anti-ship ballistic missiles, people from some countries threaten to use nuclear weapons against China.
A bit late for those proclamations.

Ukraine, like Georgia, and Pakistan before, were led to believe that territorial integrity means something. But as Pakistan in East Pakistan, Georgia in Abkhazia/Ossetia and now Ukraine is finding out that it is all just lip service.

I cannot fathom the betrayal Ukrainians must be feeling right now.
What betrayal, no military response was promised.
Russians going for a regime change or only planning on taking over Donetsk and Luhansk?

Given the rules and how I see it, this is what seems to be planned. In the end, no one could object since this is exactly being done by NATO/US/West into other regions. Helping the oppressed and strengthening them to fight for their rights.
Russians going for a regime change or only planning on taking over Donetsk and Luhansk?

Regime change makes sense as the West installed their Zio puppet Volodymyr Zelenskyy Ghani who dispite multiple warnings is hell bent on making Ukraine join NATO.....even if it means his country gets shafted. Regime change and a change in the Ukrainian direction re NATO is the only way for lasting peace in the region. Otherwise WW3.
Alright, Ukraine a tougher nut to crack than the mighty foes America has faced like Grenada. They are, after all, armed with Russian air defenses - among the best in the world. They'll get a shot or two in. But their fate is a foregone conclusion.

Just because someone manages to land a punch or two against Mike Tyson doesn't mean they won't get knocked out.
you really don't read other people's comments, do you? I've noticed that about you.
Zelensky's declaration in Munich Security Conference that the 1994 Budapest Memorandum be revised and Ukraine should be nuclear armed put the final nail in the coffin of whatever peace that Ukraine might have obtained from Russia.

It seems like the world is once again entering into the Great Power competition. US-China in Pacific and US-Russia in Europe.

Anyways war/tension in Europe will finally give the Muslim world some breathing space and give the African continent some respite from neo-colonialist powers.
Nazis have infiltrated the Zelensky regime. People like that having access to nuclear weapons is completely unacceptable.
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