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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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You thought this was gonna be an easy win for Russia.
Based on your assumption.

You accepted you were wrong,
But then you went ahead and did the same thing regarding the losses.
Based on... your assumptions once again after watching a few videos.

Sooooo, if anything,
You need a new armchair, this one is getting old. :D

Now, lets see here.
We have only seen TWO wars recently fought between conventional militaries.
It is an accepted fact that both sides will go toe to toe.

The same is the case with the Russians here.
Ukraine wasn't a cakewalk.
They're both former soviet states,
They both have the same/similar equipment and understanding of each others tactic and former mentality.

They are also head to head together in this conventional fight.
There is no superior side from what I see.

UKAF has done its finest to stop the Russians while Russians have still managed to move on ahead despite the fierce resistance.
I think the assumptions people here are making based on the fact that most wars in the recent past have been against disorganized armies that have lacked morale In the moment of their fights.
This is not the case with Russians and the Ukrainians.

So both of your assumptions are wrong,
because the reality is that they're equally matched together.
And the fight is fierce, the losses are tremendous on both sides of the war.

Only the end will give us the answers we seek,
Not right now.

If you're gonna talk about armchairs generals, please don't make such basic bad comparisons. It's like saying that the US Army and the Somalian army are equally matched.

There is a group whose entire message history consists of posting to this topic, it is divided into two within itself,
- Those who became members after the war started,
- Those who are a member before, but send their first and all messages to this thread;

There are 6 or 7 members matching this profile, maybe more.

I have the idea that a few accounts in this thread are paid trolls.
Life under the spectre of war:


If you're gonna talk about armchairs generals, please don't make such basic bad comparisons. It's like saying that the US Army and the Somalian army are equally matched.

Last time the US army tangled with the Somalian people they had their a55es whooped so bad they made movies to get over the butt hurt
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