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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Even if we're on Russia's side we don't have anything against Ukrainians and we feel sorry for civilians getting hurt and cities getting damaged. However, Russians have a record of rebuilding a place once they've conquered it. Not like the Anglo-Zionists who attack Muslim countries in a fit of hatred and anger and leave them in ruins.

Here are pictures of Grozny, the capital of Chechnya in 2000 and 2020. Cities in Ukraine will be rebuilt.

Chechnya is part of Russia - very likely to be rebuild.

What about Syrian cities like Aleppo? Would Russia rebuild it?
I see.

What about navigation equipment of American armed forces?

Do Americans not have superiority over Russians in this matter?

Things have come a long way since 2003 as well. UAVs are making a lot of difference for instance.

The problem is that WE are looking at Russian army in 2022 and comparing it to American army in 2003.
Not sure about it now, when I was in, we have something called Battlespace Management system, it's probably a bit less sophisticated than google map now, it show you where your unit and where other vehicle as long as you have lo-jack on your vehicle,

But the map is really, no other way to say it, shit. imagine it's the rudimentary map you get from opening an atlas and then with unit reflash, if you have ever tried to navigate on the street by a map, you will know you need landmark to relate to where you are and where you are going, and landmark is something really hard to find when you are in a desert. It will not do what GPS do now telling you "turn right at 400 meters, then into middle lane" if you missed that 400 meters, you will keep going. And that's how you get lost.

In Ukraine, what I heard is local turn the street sign the other way around or took them down altogether so to confused the Russian, I have no idea what kind of Nav the Russian have, but even if they have a competent system, that still depends on how the people who used those system.
You Being out of service from a rank of 2/lt Or Lt, u can call me sir!
Well, I can't answer a post about a battle with the reference to something only happen during Winter War between a fight with Superman and Batman. I was a soldier and a Military Scientist, not a comic book fan

And seriously, don't quote me again.

Obviously they weren't gonna get the results they wanted as Putin wants to take all of Ukraine. I was hoping for them getting atleast the western part of the country but Putin knows that it will again revolt or make a comeback from that enclave.

Hence why Germany has to step up and create a buffer zone for the Ukrainian government on the western part of Ukraine
Even if we're on Russia's side we don't have anything against Ukrainians and we feel sorry for civilians getting hurt and cities getting damaged. However, Russians have a record of rebuilding a place once they've conquered it. Not like the Anglo-Zionists who attack Muslim countries in a fit of hatred and anger and leave them in ruins.

Here are pictures of Grozny, the capital of Chechnya in 2000 and 2020. Cities in Ukraine will be rebuilt.



They build it for a price, Russian have destroyed and killed every fighter who have foughted in Checenya. Kadirov is puppet litteraly, you have to pay a price.

Why are chechens fighting in Ukrain today, what kind benefits do they have? Nothing, only thing is they have to pay the price, Russia have rebuild Grozny lol...

Russian are the biggest in assimilating millions muslims in catholics. They have erased muslim identity. But hey anti zionist Palestine and good to go, it seems people like you looks from a tunnel view on life. Give 20 years and that picture will turn in something else.
Rightly pointed out, this thread is full of uninformed people who don't have a clue on what is going on. It is just lazy to paint all countries with the same brush. They will be the first to complain if it was done to their race, religion or country.

^^ This ×1000
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A sign in Western Ukraine has been painted over and simply reads "Пекло = Hell"
We go partiell of topic. Wheras it is partiell in topic cause of the sanctions.

Cause the politics in Germany dont want this. They want battery cars and not hydrogen cars. And they want the people dependent. And cause of that they do not build hydrogen gas stations. In the end 90`s, when the hydrogen hype was high till the hobos came into gov, Germany builded hydrogen gas stations. Then the hobos came into gov and till today there are only 100 hydrogen gas stations build in Germany - by privat firms like "H2". Twenty years ago the company Linde ( https://www.linde-gas.de/de/industr...n_technology/hydrogen_gas_stations/index.html ) said that it would build hundreds of hydrogen gas stations along the highways in Germany but the hobos in gov dont want it. And so for over a decade nothing happens. In the last 5 years privat companies build some hydrogen gas stations and so it is possible to drive through germany with hydrogen driven cars like the Hyundai ( https://www.hyundai.de/modelle/nexo/ ).

Producing hydrogen is easy. E.g. here is one of a lot providers

Sounds more like a conspiracy theory. I would rather stick to the actual economic reality.
Obviously they weren't gonna get the results they wanted as Putin wants to take all of Ukraine. I was hoping for them getting atleast the western part of the country but Putin knows that it will again revolt or make a comeback from that enclave.

Hence why Germany has to step up and create a buffer zone for the Ukrainian government on the western part of Ukraine
There are going to be insurrection in Ukraine regardless of which part of the country, people that were pro-Russia in Ukraine mostly changed their mind, and as a matter of fact they are one of the fiercest group that are repelling the Russian invasion, because if they were captured, they will be treated worse than Ukrainian.

Invading a country help uniting a defence, people that usually have quarrel set that aside and fight for a common enemy, that's what the Chinese did when they were attacked by the Japanese.....I mean, the nationalist and communist set their different a side to fight the Japanese.
^^ This ×1000

I take more issues with the fact that some very self-centric posters are here and everything has to be about them meaning there is alot of off-topic irrelevance thrown around by some while this is strictly Ukraine-Russian conflict thread..

I am not here to talk about Turkey-Pkk, Iranian sentiments or Imran Khan meetings or his view points on this conflict plus trade deals etc etc
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