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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Pakistan Rangers had MPs?
every armed force in pakistan have them

US-led forces were still found to be much better organized in Iraq than Russian forces are found to be in Ukraine; Jessica Lynch-like episodes were rare.

Russian forces have lost lot of stuff in different locations of Ukraine by now - some even to Ukrainian farmers.

I know, not remember had I told you, she was lost when I was in Iraq, and we are tasked to be on look out for her, She was at a different AO than us.

As for getting lost, they happened a lot more frequent than you think, especially if you have some incompetent officer on the helm, this is just going to make it hard (I personally know some officer who can't read map for shit...) Just that most of the the time they were found before it getting out of hand.........

And if you have read my Day 7 update, you will know I had pointed out that Russia advance is prone to get flanked, and if Ukrainian have any sort of mobile Brigade, that would make mince meat out of these Russian column.....
I think Germany's biggest mistake was to shutdown running nuclear power plants, Germany needs a strong leader in these desperate times.

Ha, Germany is total corrupt and ideological blinded. At the moment russians, who lived and worked for decades in Germany, get dismissed cause of they are russians. A lot of russians live here in Germany and at the moment russian shops get attacked and destroyed, workers who dont say somthing against Putin get dismissed, grocery stores sort out russians products - even Wodka is thrown away. You cant by russion products any more. And on the streets russians get attacked. With the hobos in gov and their propaganda. Total censoring of other opinions in internet and TV. You lose your job if your oppinion is not the same as the opinion of the hobo gov. 6/8 of germans turned into idiots.

And now, after the gas from russia is lost, the same hobos what wanted to shut down the nuclear plants, suddenly talk about to let the nuclear plants last a few years more. This hobos in gov are so dumb, thinking only in their ideology and at best some month into the future.
Taiwan being an Island have an distinct advantage, you cannot invade an island unless you have ways to control the ENTIRE ocean around it. And at this point, Chinese Navy tho strong, in a sense, is still not enough to do that. You cannot attack an island unless you have both Air and Naval Superiority. That's just not how you do it.

The problem is, if Chinese Navy reach that point (to secure the entire ocean around Taiwan) then it will tilted toward China and Taiwan would be in bad business. Much like how US Island Hopping Campaign back in 1940s.

Human factor does surely count, but I am afraid if China achieved Naval Superiority, Human factor is going to make heroic story, the ending would still be tragic.....
Taiwan is just at an arms length away from main land! China doesn't even need one destroyer to send landing crafts to taiwan! Costal defense has enough envelope!
They are treating Taiwan with kids gloves, just because USA and allies will feel embarrassed and are likely to do something bad and that has potential to escalate to things that are bad for all of humanity!
China is so big a military and economic power it can drown 5 US militaries into itself if they attack the mainland now. It's not 1960ies anymore.
Not out of the blue, Iran is being offered the nuclear deal and Iranian oil is about to enter the market. The entire process got expedited due to the Russian war. They stand to make the most of the situation at the moment, even KSA has suddenly issued a very pliant statement.
Bro, am I missing something? Any update in this respect?
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