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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The Turkish Grand National Assembly will hold a closed session today with the Ukraine agenda. In the session, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense will inform the deputies. It is expected that the 'confidentiality' decision will be taken by majority vote before the session.

The West is putting great pressure on Turkey. The opposition criticizes the government's decision in the European Parliament's Russia decision vote. Turkey may have difficulty in carrying out the process without being caught in this turbulence.
oh bhai It is not that we are supporting anyone ....

I don't know who made this infographic but inclusion of our name with countries supporting Russia is wrong .... we are neutral in this dog fight ....
China, India, the United Arab Emirates all abstained from voting. Why only put China at countries that support Russian military action?
China supports Ukraine's sovereignty, but China opposes NATO's eastward expansion.
Pakistan and Turkey are neutral.
Neutral same as Pakistan. Unless you don’t know your government position
Whoever made this is out of touch with whats happening
Sorry guys, have deleted that false info post.
This time, Russia's method is too rough, and it should be more subtle.
Russia wants to prevent NATO from expanding to its doorstep and to organize Ukraine's offensive in the east.
Russia should continue to expose Ukraine's 15000 civilian deaths in the east over the past eight years, and should expose Ukraine's Massacres of villages by the Azov Battalion. should strongly oppose the adoption of the Ukrainian Language Act by Ukraine, which bans Russian from appearing in government, media, television, and schools.

Rather than direct military action, when the US army attacked Iraq, it was the media, NGOs, and others who created the issue of Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction that led to the military action.

It may have something to do with the national character. Even if the United States does bad things, it will first stand on the moral high ground to make a reason. Russia does not like to explain when it can do it.
The warhead exploded before touching the ground.

I think we all know what happened there.
That was the Ukrainian army's largest underground ammo and weapons depot, built during the WW2 after the Nazi defeat at Kharkov and was expanded during the post war era. It was taken out by a Russian precision missile strike. Russian military analyst known for his publications about Russia's political and military leadership was just on TV and he is no friend of Putin, but acknowledged that the Russian army is doing quite well and slowly grinding down the Ukrainian resistance. In the South Russia has total control of all sea ports and Ukraine is now land locked and has very little hope. This ammo dump explosion destroyed 60% of their munitions. Mariupol has also fallen to Russian paratroopers commanded by Colonel General Andrey Nikolaevich Serdyukov.
Do you really want to start a religious debate here by making such false claims?

And what household?
This household in which a captive lady is raped by the owner, and once fulfilling her sexual lust in a Temporary Sexual Relationship (like Shia Muta), he was allowed to sell the captive lady to another owner, who again raped her and sold her to the 3rd owner for raping her .... ?

Jews and Christians were also notorious for slavery, but at least they had to marry the captive women in order to have sex with her, and after the marriage, she became like a regular wife, and could not be sold further after the temporary sexual Muta type relationship.

The credit of freeing humanity from slavery goes neither to Islam, nor to any other religion, but only and only to the modern humanist movement of the West.

This is true.

Toughest sanctions yet. I bet Russia will go nuclear because of this.

It is only due to the opposition and protest of this left-wing movement in the West, which controlled the Israelis not to kick out the remaining Palestinians and occupy the whole land. Otherwise, just as Putin kicked out all the Ukrainians from Crimea, and declared it a part of Russia, same fate would have happened to Palestinians too.
Sadly, you are not going to do justice, and still keep on blaming this humanitarian movement to be responsible for all the crimes of the past.

I think youre giving western humanist movement more credit than its due. Much of the reason why left leaning thoughts intergrateted into the society, whas actually effects of policitical and geopolitical neccesseties and interactions. Forexample tte revolution of the 1960s with its flower power and anti-segregation movements was actually a geopolitical driven societal shift in the west. As the Soviet Union official ideology was a left leaning anti-colonial, anti-racists and anti-traditional, thus it had magnetic influence on all non-white people on the planet, because until recently the west was a extremely racists Society. There are of course other factor too like affluence and so on.

There were «humanist» philosophers in Europe from 16th century and onwards but the society at large was still illiberal and feudal well into the french revolution and beyond. Jews werent allowed to live in my country Norway before the early 20th century.

Although slavery in traditional Islam and Modern Western society does not have same cannotations, to me its still one of the more challenging aspects of Islam. Islam seem to simply encourage abolishment of slavery but not outright ban it. The answer i believe has to do with Islam largely being a pragmatic oriented ideology; if i am interpreting this correctly (My faults are only my own and if iam right that is only by help of God), Islam seem to take a realpolitik stand and says that if you can abolish slavery then that is what pleases God the most. BUT IF there is already a system of slavery that is too strong to get rid of immidiately, then you should at minimum treat slaves this and this way; not harm them, feed them, treat the as your own damily members and so on.
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Lets talk nuclear war as it is a possibility. What is protocal to nuclear war? Tactical nukes to take out divisions/batalions first? Or straight to the city killers?
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