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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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In theory they can do it and starting another wave of escalation. And this is the reason, the anglo saxons need to be kicked out of continental europe.

We need a de-anglonisation in europe and then in the whole world. Means kicking people like you out.

There are about 30 million Saxons living in Germany. Where would you tell them to go?
Hungary will not send troops or weapons to Ukraine and will not allow the passage of weapons into Ukraine from its territory.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto
I disagree, look at this video, it explains quiet well that the Russian advance is exactly on time…. The Russian seem to be avoiding civilian casualties for now and are using conscripts to test enemy strength.

Just to be sure that there is no doubt, I stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦 . This however does not mean we ignore the facts on the ground. I do agree there will be an insurgency after the illegal Russian occupation begins.

Well, I just wasted 20 minutes on that video.

I don't know who that guy is, but he actually did not say Russian advance is on time, he is saying Russian advance is along with the speed of their logistic. But what he did not tell you that in this case, the first wave of the enemy is always positioned forward to your supply line, it's very straight forward because you would not want to bring your entire first LOGPAK into battle. It would be fun if they got destroyed.

What you do is you leave your "Wagon Train" behind the main column, and spearhead with that column, and then bring up the rear guard, that's why you have 7 days of supply to go with your first wave, because that is the time you need for your supply column catch up. So by "going as much as the supplies go" it mean you are behind schedule, simply because your first resupply should not be anytime before the 7 days.

Objective such as Kyiv and Mariupol should not need to wait for supply to attack by the way, they are virtually next to the staging area.

Here are a better assessment of the current situation in Ukraine by a Professor in Defence Study Michael Clarke

Hungary will not send troops or weapons to Ukraine and will not allow the passage of weapons into Ukraine from its territory.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto

Troops as in volunteers? correct? This leader has been a rebel inside EU but he has no idea that they can actully regime change his azz. He takes the Westernes as pacifists but they are very dangerous don't take their democracy and stuff like that for granted because it is all Bullshit.. His just a fiefdom within there territories
There are about 30 million Saxons living in Germany. Where would you tell them to go?

If Putin doesn't nuke all of you out of existence , demographic change over few decades will change that. Your TFR is below replacement level.

UK issues more sanctions on Russian banks and shipping​

Back in the UK's House of Commons, and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss says she is imposing a "full asset freeze" on three more banks, including "Russia's national development bank", as she tells MPs she is "determined to go much, much further" in taking action against Russia.
She says "the UK and our allies will have to undergo some economic hardship as a result of our sanctions" but "our hardships are nothing compared to those endured by the people of Ukraine".
Meanwhile, the UK has also told ports not to provide access to any Russian-flagged, Russian-registered, Russian-owned or Russian-controlled ships, ahead of new legislation coming into effect."

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