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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Look at the date...
Ukraine isn't Afghanistan, the USAF bombed the shit out of those mountains. In Early December 2001, the USAF dropped a 15,000 bomb off the back of a C130 in Tora Bora which shook the mountains for miles after impact. In April of 2017, the US went one step further and dropped a 21000lbs MOAB on an ISIS tunnel complex.

Based on available statistics between 2006 and 2019 the allied forces dropped 47,081 bombs in Afghanistan. Let that sink in!

Afghanistan's geography is really something:


The sheer amount of firepower Afghanistan have absorbed over the course of years is mind numbing.

This country does not have much infrastructure to begin with, landlocked, and provides too many hideouts to facilitate guerilla warfare - the graveyard of Empires.
The only humiliation thus far is entirely Russian. A massive, modernised army, many times the size of its presumed victim, and they're destroying Russian armour left, right and centre, with the help of western weaponry. Now, the madman hiding in his bunker threatens nuclear weapons because he's lost so much face and his forces are impotent. His aim, to prevent Ukraine joining Nato, and to prove nato weakness has utterly failed. Now, he has a revitalised NATO, a rearming Germany, a Europe acting united, and an utterly ruined Russian economy.

When all this is over, and it is close to endgame now, we need to find out who some of these PDF based Russian trolls are and deal with them
WOW - this would be Mig29's / Su-25's and Su-27's from the former Soviet states. There is no way that they can operate any other type..
Seems like a win win. Give Ukrainian your old planes and spend billions of dollars on new F35.
The only humiliation thus far is entirely Russian. A massive, modernised army, many times the size of its presumed victim, and they're destroying Russian armour left, right and centre, with the help of western weaponry. Now, the madman hiding in his bunker threatens nuclear weapons because he's lost so much face and his forces are impotent. His aim, to prevent Ukraine joining Nato, and to prove nato weakness has utterly failed. Now, he has a revitalised NATO, a rearming Germany, a Europe acting united, and an utterly ruined Russian economy.

When all this is over, and it is close to endgame now, we need to find out who some of these PDF based Russian trolls are and deal with them
Upgraded T-72's are no match for current gen ATGM's. The Russian battle doctrine relays on quantity not quality. Its still far too early to determine who won.
Russia is destined to be a country limited to the west of the Urals and integrated with Europe. From Peter the Great's time. The megalomania of the USSR days are unachievable. But I wish the West had waited until after Putin passed away. What is destined to happen, will happen over time. But sadly too many lives would be lost before that.

Quoting myself: This is what I believe for the long term. And I also think Pakistan's interests are slightly better served by a victorious Russia in this conflict although a Russian loss won't be too much loss for Pakistan. Pakistanis may stay totally neutral in this conflict. But Pakistan's strongest ally China has a stake in Russia's strength, at least for short term. Above all, I believe Russia is provoked into this. This is not all of a sudden. Russia didn't do much when the Baltic and other Warsaw Pact countries joined NATO. But for last many years, Ukrainian have been used, armed to provoke Russia and that has led to the current war.
BTW, 'Liking' someone's comment is not that same as agreeing with them. I have done that all the time in this forum and even in this very thread for a few posts which were contrary to my position. If something enhances my understanding of issues then that's to be 'Liked'.
There are plenty of pro-Russian posts in this thread - I haven't removed them.

I removed your post because it represents trolling.

Trolling = "make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them."

You find views of those Pakistani who are concerned about what is happening to Ukraine as appalling? I reminded you of the fact that Ukraine have contributed to Pakistani defenses on many counts through the years. WE are supposed to respect our allies.

Do not bring off-topic conversations into your exchanges with me. For perspective, what happened in Salala is deplorable but Pakistan was able to make Obama administration apologize for this incident. Pakistan have significant economic ties with both USA and Europe in fact. Any word on IMF bailout packages as well? Open your eyes for a change.

Well, I wasn't trolling, nor was my post pro-Russia (it was rather anti US/NATO imperialism), nor did I say that I find the view of those who are concerned about Ukraine as appalling. I find the view of those defending US/NATO imperialism as appalling, esp the Pakistanis who have been a direct victim of US and NATO aggression. What are you on about??

And now I find the apathy and indifference you have shown to the martyrdom of 28 Pakistani soldiers in Salala at the hands of NATO in a preplanned, premeditated act of naked aggression, rather terrorism as "appalling".. That's my view and you are free to disagree with it but just because a certain point of view makes you feel uneasy doesn't mean that it's 'trolling'

You are free to believe in the western propaganda regarding Putin and Russia. I will never support US and NATO who have killed more innocent human beings, Muslims and Brown people exclusively, in the last few decades than anybody else ever has. Anyone challenging the US and NATO global terrorism deserves our support. And no, we shouldn't sell our sovereignty and self respect for few dollars/trade.... In the end, US and NATO are going to support India against us no matter what we do for them. It's you who needs to wake up and smell the coffee
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