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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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You're forgetting Pakistani students...
What have the Pakistani students have to do with the facts or with your racist statements???

I've mentioned the reports I've seen, if you have something concerning Pakistani or any other nationality incident, just share✌️
Been observing this thread for days. Here's what I think.

1. Russia is a formidable player on world's stage. She has people who take pride in their history. She will not go down alone fighting.

2. Ukraine is trying to punch above her weight desperately and to an extent is being used by EU/US.

3. The net gains are going to US - She is only winner here in this conflict.

4. Europe is portraying strong character but I feel they are very nervous inside and seeing unpredictable future ahead. The Fire is straight on their near horizon.

4. Russians have enormous experience in war fighting and their grit/determination should not be underestimated. They will take losses but they may move ahead. Their sphere of influence is getting too contested and they are not liking it one bit.

5. The way US/Europe are cornering Putin/Russia in financial/military domains is extremely dangerous. As if they are trying/hoping to carve a villain out of Russia.

I am more on Russia's side here....Yes, loss of lives on both sides is condemn-able and peace should be on table asap but I can't blame Russians here.

They are fighting a defensive war.

Their invasion looks aggression on ground but in nature, it is actually a defensive move to preempt circle of NATO right on Russia's border. Add prior history/cultural links Russia has with Ukraine and picture may get complete for us to see.

Turkey is NATO
Been observing this thread for days. Here's what I think.

1. Russia is a formidable player on world's stage. She has people who take pride in their history. She will not go down alone fighting.

2. Ukraine is trying to punch above her weight desperately and to an extent is being used by EU/US.

3. The net gains are going to US - She is only winner here in this conflict.

4. Europe is portraying strong character but I feel they are very nervous inside and seeing unpredictable future ahead. The Fire is straight on their near horizon.

4. Russians have enormous experience in war fighting and their grit/determination should not be underestimated. They will take losses but they may move ahead. Their sphere of influence is getting too contested and they are not liking it one bit.

5. The way US/Europe are cornering Putin/Russia in financial/military domains is extremely dangerous. As if they are trying/hoping to carve a villain out of Russia.

I am more on Russia's side here....Yes, loss of lives on both sides is condemn-able and peace should be on table asap but I can't blame Russians here.

They are fighting a defensive war.

Their invasion looks aggression on ground but in nature, it is actually a defensive move to preempt circle of NATO right on Russia's border. Add prior history/cultural links Russia has with Ukraine and picture may get complete for us to see.
Most concerning issue is that Russia is being severely rejected and isolated. I don’t think Putin is “crazy” as the Western media has painted him up to now. However, having no off-ramps or de escalation is leading to strong rhetoric coming from Russia, especially regarding nukes.
Using Chechen troops was a brilliant move by putin.

Not only for the phsycological aspect, as the chechens are absolute warrior peoples known the world over. And it is scaring the kiev junta so much that it needs to put out specific propaganda to try and dissuade them.

Also, The Chechens are the only muslim soldiers in the theatre now. This potentially prevents Euope from using naive muslims against Russia. And we all know muslims make the best guerrila fighters simply because of faith.

The Europeans are flooding ukraine with weapons, and encouraging everyone and their grandma to go fight as private citizens. If the europeans could have created some sort of tartar genocide jihadi propaganda, Russians could have been in serious trouble.
Russian media already accidentally posted an article proclaiming victory and deleted it. Read the translation through Google translate. Pretty hilarious given ground realities. Goes to show they expected everything to be over by the end of the weekend.

Wow - pure and simple - this is nothing about "securing security by commitments to not join NATO" and instead - is a full fledged invasion and occupation of the whole of Ukraine ....
Really you are trying to score political brownie points over indian students in distress even life threatening situation. Can't believe hatred for one makes people like you stoop so low. Low lives pathetic like you push neutral and people on fence into voting for BJP, previously I was uncertain about my vote preference in 2024 however now I am absolutely certain whom to vote, thanks for making my mind clear about that. And also dont bother replying to this, you are blocked.
should I show you tweets saying only Modi ji can bring back Indians?
and people still abusing Nehru for putting Indian students in danger? 😅
Been observing this thread for days. Here's what I think.

1. Russia is a formidable player on world's stage. She has people who take pride in their history. She will not go down alone fighting.

2. Ukraine is trying to punch above her weight desperately and to an extent is being used by EU/US.

3. The net gains are going to US - She is only winner here in this conflict.

4. Europe is portraying strong character but I feel they are very nervous inside and seeing unpredictable future ahead. The Fire is straight on their near horizon.

4. Russians have enormous experience in war fighting and their grit/determination should not be underestimated. They will take losses but they may move ahead. Their sphere of influence is getting too contested and they are not liking it one bit.

5. The way US/Europe are cornering Putin/Russia in financial/military domains is extremely dangerous. As if they are trying/hoping to carve a villain out of Russia.

I am more on Russia's side here....Yes, loss of lives on both sides is condemn-able and peace should be on table asap but I can't blame Russians here.

They are fighting a defensive war.

Their invasion looks aggression on ground but in nature, it is actually a defensive move to preempt circle of NATO right on Russia's border. Add prior history/cultural links Russia has with Ukraine and picture may get complete for us to see.
I would say that Russia is a corned bear that is striking out.... :lol: :lol: :lol: Too early to say if this was worth it. If Ukraine agrees not to join NATO as part of a cease fire then the Russians achieved their main goal.

USA gains the most (At the very least the EU will be forced to stop free loading off of collective defense). MENA region and China will also gain. Time will tell.:pop:
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