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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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If I were PA.. I would be taking notes.... Newer anti tank weapons seem pivotal in modern warfare .. considering lack if aps on Indian armored tanks ... Top attack missiles it is...
Imagine 1-2 launchers with 4 rounds at platoon level....
APS for current inventory of leading tanks including Al-Zarrars should be top priority.....
Instead of developing Al-Khalid 2 we should invest in anti tank missiles....
We can work on an urban up armor kit for Al-Khalids with Turkey in line with Altay... And purchase some Altays specifically with Urban warfare in mind....

PA should be taking notes for overall operation done by both sides, specially how Russia used Helicopters, MBRLs, SRBMs etc.

If I were PA.. I would be taking notes.... Newer anti tank weapons seem pivotal in modern warfare .. considering lack if aps on Indian armored tanks ... Top attack missiles it is...
Imagine 1-2 launchers with 4 rounds at platoon level....
APS for current inventory of leading tanks including Al-Zarrars should be top priority.....
Instead of developing Al-Khalid 2 we should invest in anti tank missiles....
We can work on an urban up armor kit for Al-Khalids with Turkey in line with Altay... And purchase some Altays specifically with Urban warfare in mind....

PA should be taking notes for overall operation done by both sides, specially how Russia used Helicopters, MBRLs, SRBMs etc.
Not a good thing to posture with - given the circumstances. With everything seemingly going in the favor of Russian side this shouts of desperation.
I agree that it’s desperation but things are not going in favor of Russia. They’re being pushed deep into a hole with no off-ramps now.
On this forum, 95% of people were making fun of the British warmongering and provocation of Russia. By the end of the fifth day we understand a little better why the US and Britain pushed Russia into a full-scale invasion war.
I hope Germany change the stance after this war and see that the security future is in Germany hand not anyone else.
My take on this...And applies to anyone, not just Germany...

The closer you are to a potential war adversary, the more you should be ready to display the Big Stick. And I believe post Cold War western Europe have been seduced by wealth, granted generated by themselves, into believing that disputes can be resolved by small sticks. The US is strong enough to stand on its own and maybe NATO is dated. But if not NATO, or even do away with NATO, a mutual defense alliance in the mold of NATO is inevitable. The argument that Poutine was somehow 'pushed' into this war because all he wanted is a neutral Ukraine is ludicrous. There is no such thing as neutrality and the idea of a 'legal' neutral status is a soothing fiction. A sugar pill that everyone is willing to take even though they know it is useless. I said in this thread earlier that there are two types of club membership: explicit and implicit. Those who swallowed that sugar pill of legal neutrality are implicit NATO members and Poutine knows it.
I wouldn't expect too much tank Vs tank......both sides have similar tank qualities (OplotvT90, Bulat vs t-t72). The key observation here for Pakistani military circles will be the effectiveness of Javelin type ATGM's. IMO, PA should start thinking about acquiring HJ-12's in large quantities.
Strike Corps of both countries have tanks as offensive weapons and depend on tanks to enter enemy territory, not ATGMs.
The Russia-Ukraine negotiations are just a sham. Russia will make unacceptable demands to Ukrainians and the meeting will result in nothing. It will however give Russia a narrative that it attempted to resolve the problems peacefully and it was rejected by Ukraine. In just a few days Russia will sweep in with the rest of its 2/3 invasion force and have most of Ukraine pacified.
My take on this...And applies to anyone, not just Germany...

The closer you are to a potential war adversary, the more you should be ready to display the Big Stick. And I believe post Cold War western Europe have been seduced by wealth, granted generated by themselves, into believing that disputes can be resolved by small sticks. The US is strong enough to stand on its own and maybe NATO is dated. But if not NATO, or even do away with NATO, a mutual defense alliance in the mold of NATO is inevitable. The argument that Poutine was somehow 'pushed' into this war because all he wanted is a neutral Ukraine is ludicrous. There is no such thing as neutrality and the idea of a 'legal' neutral status is a soothing fiction. A sugar pill that everyone is willing to take even though they know it is useless. I said in this thread earlier that there are two types of club membership: explicit and implicit. Those who swallowed that sugar pill of legal neutrality are implicit NATO members and Poutine knows it.
When League of Nations failed in preventing WW2, then UN should be disbanded too, as it is unable to prevent wars from ‘45 till now.
The Russia-Ukraine negotiations are just a sham. Russia will make unacceptable demands to Ukrainians and the meeting will result in nothing. It will however give Russia a narrative that it attempted to resolve the problems peacefully and it was rejected by Ukraine. In just a few days Russia will sweep in with the rest of its 2/3 invasion force and have most of Ukraine pacified.
I don't think so.

I think main demand is drop NATO membership
Yes, Indian students should walk towards Russia not evil Europe.
Confirmed reports of Indians, Moroccan, Algerian, African,... students being bullied and refused access to trains and forbidden to leave the frontiers, by Ukrainian civils and Ukrainians forces.

Ukraine is responsible of their safety as they are legally resident there.

Your words are more condemnable than the racist acts of Ukrainians.
On this forum, 95% of people were making fun of the British warmongering and provocation of Russia. By the end of the fifth day we understand a little better why the US and Britain pushed Russia into a full-scale invasion war.

They didn't push Russia into war but they wanted to deter Russia from starting one by putting alot of pressure on it and playing some wicked media mindgames but Russia didn't fall for that and rejected them by going ahead with an invasion..

People don't realize how much of a big Fuk you to the west that was...
The Russia-Ukraine negotiations are just a sham. Russia will make unacceptable demands to Ukrainians and the meeting will result in nothing. It will however give Russia a narrative that it attempted to resolve the problems peacefully and it was rejected by Ukraine. In just a few days Russia will sweep in with the rest of its 2/3 invasion force and have most of Ukraine pacified.

Russian media already accidentally posted an article proclaiming victory and deleted it. Read the translation through Google translate. Pretty hilarious given ground realities. Goes to show they expected everything to be over by the end of the weekend.

Some news suggest that Turkey is about to apply Montreux convention article 19 limiting Russian ships and only the ships belonging to Russian bases would enter the straits. This move has risks within itself. This can be a right move or not the risks should be calculated. Russia may not attack directly to a nato country but for example putin will try to influence nearby countries for example Greece to pressure Turkey which are both nato members. Everyone should be careful and aim to end the conflict as soon as possible in my opinion this should be the main target and at the same time we all should block this fire spread to somewhere else igniting a worldwide conflict.
I don't think Turkey would stick it's neck out, doesn't make sense to declare war against Russia indirectly. A multipolar world is in Turkey's interest and undermining Russia will create a new chaos world order from which Turkey will not be immune. NATO has no affinity for present day Turkey and it is only a matter of time before they are kicked out of NATO and become a frontline enemy state.
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