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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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A few observations...

* Russia has shown it's hand and taken a clean break...
* It is now firmly in a Chinese led camp...
* This War was coming since the overthrow of Poroshenko...
* Ukrainian bluster especially from the current joker made it worse...
* Russian campaign is very restrained, at least in comparison with it's previous conflicts... they're not turning cities into piles of rubble, atleast not yet...
* The invasion force was perhaps inadequate, and my guess was perhaps they'd already either broken through the Ukrainian chain of command, gained assurances or were hoping for wide scale defections/surrenders as the conflict escalated...
* Gaining or more precisely current difficulty in obtaining total air superiority seems to be the last hurdle that will expose all the Ukrainian forces...
there is no going back from that point on...
* U.N. has been made totally redundant! Eventhough Russia could have used existing pretexts, preludes or precedents... applied in past 30 year's to justify their actions...
they did not!
In fact they used Exceptionalism, the American context/pretext for invasion and coercion. A middle finger to existing order and the mandate/charter of U.N. while simultaneously putting themselves as an equal and a super power in the same light as the U.S. ...
* Pakistani premiers visit in this context is very telling... EuroAsia has been opened up for the first time in centuries. Colonial powers(though structures and systems remain) and The Great Game are all past us at this point(that is, Russia feels sufficiently secure in it's underbelly and East)... Pakistan being there on the eve of this invasion, which was totally a Russian prerogative... gives credence to this narrative.

I'd go further in my assumption(s) and add that Taiwan is on the menu... how and when... let's see.
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Russias own internal assessment showed over 50% support for Zelensky even among the Ethnic Russians in the East of the country. Zelensky is not a puppet regime no matter what the Russian propoganda states.

Russians have targeted Pakistan. The country went to war against them in Afghanistan. Russians have also intervened on the side of India in major conflicts and effectively prevent further US intervention/Support.

Russia aided India in 1971 but that was a lost cause for Pakistan anyway. Russia also setup a Steel Mills in Pakistan. Russia invaded Afghanistan but at that time America helped Pakistan. And today Russia is likely to supply cheap, reliable gas to Pakistan while stabilizing Afghanistan. And today India is 'abstaining' instead of opposing a UNSC resolution against Russia. And America has tried very hard in the last 20 years to make Pakistan accept the Indian dominance at the expense of China--and I'd say that is still America's fervent wish!!
Nations have only permanent interests.

I don't know how you could miss all these historic and current events? Oh, well, it is your first day at PDF!
It doesn’t have to do with their oil supply as much as their logistics. They quickly push into territory without securing their rear flank for fuel trucks.

Very amateur to allow your armour to get so far ahead of fuel supply. Unless they consumed more fuel than they anticipated due to having to reroute due to unexpected resistance...
So, now you are deleting posts just because you don't agree with them ??

And FYI, NATO has directly attacked and killed Pakistani soldiers, Russia hasn't .. Remember Salala?

No matter how much you try to spin it, the fact remains that It's Russia vs US/NATO imperialism.. Civilian casualties are always condemnable no matter what but you seem to be conveniently ignoring the fact that it's the puppet regime of Ukraine that brought this on to Ukraine.. Russia alone is not responsible for this

There are plenty of pro-Russian posts in this thread - I haven't removed them.

I removed your post because it represents trolling.

Trolling = "make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them."

You find views of those Pakistani who are concerned about what is happening to Ukraine as appalling? I reminded you of the fact that Ukraine have contributed to Pakistani defenses on many counts through the years. WE are supposed to respect our allies.

Do not bring off-topic conversations into your exchanges with me. For perspective, what happened in Salala is deplorable but Pakistan was able to make Obama administration apologize for this incident. Pakistan have significant economic ties with both USA and Europe in fact. Any word on IMF bailout packages as well? Open your eyes for a change.

And you do not read other posts in this thread or do you? Ukraine is not a conventional military juggernaut (far from it); Ukranians have surprised Russians on the ground nevertheless. Vladimir Putin was of the view that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a CIA plant and would be an easy picking because Ukranians won't pick up arms at his call - Putin is scratching his head now. Puppet regime of Ukraine, right? You are totally sold to Russian propaganda.

Those who are thanking you should better as well.

@Dual Wielder
I don’t disagree with that. It shows the weakness of Russian command. I was just pointing out that being the biggest oil producer and not having logistical issues are not necessarily related.
Moral of the story is don't go to war if you don't have DOLLARS.
and your aatmanirbharta modi couldn't come up with a decent online platform so you guys have to lurk here!
Some Indians do, not others. I am on seven fora concurrently. I have close friends here, and keep in touch.
Surprising. Any article or vid of that meet ?

Meanwhile, our own Modi ji in China :

Probably due to the High Command feeling irritated that he was making it look so easy.
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