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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The russian Air force is nearly unused and this is a huge mistake. They have something like ~500 x Su-25, Su-27, Su-30, Su-34 and Su-35 combined. All are capable of using PGMs, antiradiation missiles inluded. Then they have Tu-22M3 and Tu-160.

If only the half of them would fly 4 sorties a day, it would make >1000 Sorties per day with few tons per sortie. Instead they simply don't use almost all of these strike aircraft.
They are getting hit by MANPADS whenever they try to fly over Ukraine... They surely have many many aircrafts but no dollars to maintain them in battle ready condition.
Civilian-purpose infrastructure of Iraq was working as well.

You can clearly see lights and vehicles moving on roads.

Russia have bombed Ukraine very heavily by now. Just wait for statistics to emerge. Hundreds of TBMs have been used, let alone other types of munitions. People think what is happening in Ukraine is a joke?
Next...Russia supporters are going to say that Poutine ordered Russian troops to be sacrificial, in other words Russian troops have been killing each other, to minimize civilian deaths and that also explained the unexpected Russian troops deaths.
Did Putin not inform his field commanders about the invasion until only like an hour before? Those are the sort of vibes I’m getting. The captured soldiers all talk that they were doing training exercises and they were pushed into combat suddenly. That could be a standard response in interrogations, but idk seems like something’s off…
Did Putin not inform his field commanders about the invasion until only like an hour before? Those are the sort of vibes I’m getting. The captured soldiers all talk that they were doing training exercises and they were pushed into combat suddenly. That could be a standard response in interrogations, but idk seems like something’s off…
This is what happen when governments doesn’t allow its people to ask questions. e.g. anyone questioning government in India become anti national within seconds and asked to go to Pakistan.
They are getting hit by MANPADS whenever they try to fly over Ukraine... They surely have many many aircrafts but no dollars to maintain them in battle ready condition.
Ok, Mr. Expert. Thx.
"Russian military gains in Ukraine will not be recognised, says G7
Russian military gains in Ukraine achieved through its ongoing campaign will not be recognised, foreign ministers from the G7 club of wealthy nations said in a joint statement on Sunday.
"Ministers underlined that any change of status achieved by the Russian act of aggression will not be recognised. Ministers agreed to coordinate closely to ensure a broad and strong international condemnation of Russia's unjustifiable behaviour," the statement said."

Basically stop this now because you are going to have to hand it all back if you want the sanctions lifted.
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