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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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isn't it forbidden for men 18 to 60 to leave the country? Maybe its not race based.
I've Geo Located the position from where Ukranian's attacked a Russian Su-25 with MANPADS.

The Original video:

Location: 46.64*N , 36.62*

Already available here
Train was full, not everything is revolved around Africans
simple questions:

if Ukraine is winning so hard how come there's Ukrainians fleeing and blocking Africans from trains in Ukraine, and not Russians fleeing Russia and blocking Africans from trains in Russia?

if Ukraine is winning how come they need to stop men 18-60 from leaving? How come Russia isn't stopping men 18-60 from leaving?

If Ukraine is winning how come they're handing out guns to random people like Hitler's Volkstrumm? Did Soviets hand out guns to random people in WW2? How come Russian Army isn't handing out guns to random Russians?
Don't get obsessed with casualty figures. All that matters in the end is the strategic outcome. Iraq and Afghanistan were strategic failures for the USA. Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban who cares about the kill ratio. Israel today is fighting over less territory after every conflict.

True, everyone forgets the Russian casualty rate fighting against Germany. All people will remember is Russian troops in Berlin.

Russia lost 30 milion people to the germans. Germany lost maybe 3 million to the Russians.
Don't get obsessed with casualty figures. All that matters in the end is the strategic outcome. Iraq and Afghanistan were strategic failures for the USA. Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban who cares about the kill ratio. Israel today is fighting over less territory after every conflict.
Casualty figures are the most important, because they decide what the outcome is going to be.
Now, I know that the outcome is Russian failure.

What do you mean fighter over less territory?
simple questions:

if Ukraine was winning so hard how come there's Ukrainians fleeing and blocking Africans from trains in Ukraine, and not Russians fleeing Russia and blocking Africans from trains in Russia?

if Ukraine is winning how come they need to stop men 18-60 from leaving? How come Russia isn't stopping men 18-60 from leaving?

A very good point. Its obvious to al that Ukraine is getting its ares kicked. Butnnoone expected anything different. The only issue is what cost can be imposed on Russia.
True, everyone forgets the Russian casualty rate fighting against Germany. All people will remember is Russian troops in Berlin.

Russia lost 30 milion people to the germans. Germany lost maybe 3 million to the Russians.

Russian wars are mostly like that... Very shitty beginnings with high casualty rates but they do win in the end.

WW2 and chechan wars are good examples of it.
True, everyone forgets the Russian casualty rate fighting against Germany. All people will remember is Russian troops in Berlin.

Russia lost 30 milion people to the germans. Germany lost maybe 3 million to the Russians.
Germany shot civilians and people who surrendered. Well all of Germany surrendered but Russians allowed them to live. This was mercy on part of Russia, not a strength of Germany.
Germany shot civilians and people who surrendered. Well all of Germany surrendered but Russians allowed them to live. This was mercy on part of Russia, not a strength of Germany.


Imagine if they went full chengiz khan on them. Russian mercy despite the amount of russians germany killed is truly a remarkable sight to see.
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