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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Yes, two actors become the president of the county, Zelensky and Reagan. But they are different from Hu Jintao.

Although Hu Jintao was only a dam administrator at first, he has successively held the posts of technician, director and director of Gansu Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau, Gansu provincial official and Secretary of Tibet provincial Party committee. He was promoted to every level by virtue of his excellent political achievements, so he does not lack experience, ability and excellent subordinates.

Zelensky and Reagan became the president of a country just because of a film. They lack the experience, ability and subordinates to govern a country. Their power will actually be controlled by their behind the scenes bosses and advisory groups.

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Hu got the job exactly because he was a complete nobody, and stayed a powerless eunuch through his reign.

Massive artillery barrages reported this evening across the front. It's almost as if Russians are trying to tell: you haven't blown up all of our ammo yet!
Incredibly important discussion on Mike Pompeo's speech. An absolute foundation stone of US policy and the emerging war with China.

' We should recognise an Independent Taiwan regardless of what may occur.' An open acceptance of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan and a war with China.

Please watch 50 minutes in. A Pacific war is going to kick off.

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