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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Look at website or go to war zone.
Why should i look for "statistics" when the most important thing is to understand who is winning and who is afraid?

you should lose that consultant badge, seriously, consultants are sharp at analyzing things ,but not you.

Russia has lost a third of their armored force.
you cant prove this, blockhead.
That’s directly from the top General of the US military. Those are massive losses.
LMAO- AND YOU BELIEVED HIM? says alot about your IQ.
They’ve expended so many PGMs, their now relying on 1960s era KH-22 antiship missiles for land attack.
LMAO- still telling this lie from day 1 of the war? the equipment Russia uses doesnt matter now, the effect on the battlefield matters.
By the end of the year, Russia is looking at 50% losses of their entire armored force.
Will NATO jump in then? or is NATo and US military so broken that it is afraid of a near peer to peer war?
Almost 100,000 antitank/armor weapons have been sent to Ukraine. Russian armor will never outnumber the amount of antitank weapons the Ukrainians possess. They will continue to suffer huge losses.
those "Russian losses" are just dreamt up in Americans heads that are in denial..just like they were in denial that sandal wearing taliban beat them and they had to run away....then they started this losing war phase II, with money and equipment they cant afford to spend....oh get ready to rebuild Ukraine ok? cuz US will have to do that. enjoy.
Why should i look for "statistics" when the most important thing is to understand who is winning and who is afraid?

you should lose that consultant badge, seriously, consultants are sharp at analyzing things ,but not you.
Stats are an integral part of any analysis.
Stats are an integral part of any analysis.
not if you cant interpret them and know whats important to look for.

Ukraine is getting worked to the bone and NATO cowards cant do much about it and are afraid to enter the war- what dont u understand about this summary of the conflict?
I don't know what the Russians think. Not only the air force, I also wonder why the Russians did not directly attack Kharkov.
Kharkov is close to the border, so Russia can easily take advantage of artillery. Moreover, Kharkov is an industrial center and a population center. Kharkov is a Russian speaking area, and the locals are pro Russian. During WW2, Germany and the Soviet Union broke out in Kharkov to decide the ownership of Ukraine. If Russia chose Kharkov as its main attack direction instead of eastern Ukraine when the Ukrainian war broke out, the situation should be very different now.
Attack Kharkov to force the Ukrainian army to rescue, and use the air force to attack in the process of Ukrainian army transfer.
Baffled me as well, but Putin is pretty brutal honest guy. If you analyze he's words literally, he's telling the world he's going to demilitarize Ukraine. So he's main goal is not to capture territories per se, he wants to quickly trap UA's best troops and fight the decisive battle ASAP to shorten the cost of War. He's first goal to blitzkrig Kyiv which failed miserably, but forced Ukraine to keep reserves near the capital. Kharkov was also a probing attack and main purpose was to keep UA reserves occupied in the region. Luhansk + Donbas presented opportunity for a decisive battle. Putin coldly calculated that Zelensky's cronies will fight to bitter end rather than retreat in the region, so he took that opportunity to dissect UA defence in Severondonesk and Lysychansk. Ukraine despite knowing full well they are trapped and outgunned are choosing to stand and fight + sending in best equipped special forces + foreign legions again and again to be demolished. Now in Slovyansk + krematorsk, the same scenerio is playing out again. UA trapped in defensive formation waiting for Russian artillery to pummel them. Pretty brilliant so far.

As you say Kharkov would of being far easier target, and allow Russia to attack UA logitical nodes near central Ukraine. But that will sent off alarm bell in Donbas, and Ukraine might of withdrawn its best forces and equipment west of Dnipro river to prolong the war.
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Vladimir Putin has told Kyiv it should quickly accept Moscow's terms or brace for the worst, adding ominously that Russia has barely started its action in Ukraine.

I don't know what the Russians think. Not only the air force, I also wonder why the Russians did not directly attack Kharkov.
Kharkov is close to the border, so Russia can easily take advantage of artillery. Moreover, Kharkov is an industrial center and a population center. Kharkov is a Russian speaking area, and the locals are pro Russian. During WW2, Germany and the Soviet Union broke out in Kharkov to decide the ownership of Ukraine. If Russia chose Kharkov as its main attack direction instead of eastern Ukraine when the Ukrainian war broke out, the situation should be very different now.
Attack Kharkov to force the Ukrainian army to rescue, and use the air force to attack in the process of Ukrainian army transfer.
Because it is so close to Russia, the fate of the city is already sealed. After the russian army advanced west of the city, there is no way Kiev can hold and support it. Then Russia can easily take it, without big fights and damage like in mariupol.

More important is now to capture Odessa to turn Natos puppet "state" into a land locked country. After that Ukropistan is done and there will be no sense to hold Kharkov, they will need all their troops for Kiev etc.
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A moment to reflect.

This war is a constant reminder that humanity is not going where it should.

This is where we are supposed to get :

" And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. "

Isaiah ,Chapter 2 verse 4

Which is hardly where we are standing at today. How to get from where we are now to there . . . ?

Any suggestions are welcome.

quo vadis domine . . .

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