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You can believe what you want to believe and I will believe in what can be clearly seen... One can't bee so naive to ignore the bushes those guys were putting up against the gun. the burnt debris and smoke can obscure view of the optical device... This is post firing so most probably they were trying to hide it.... The breach, gun length are all to similar to the M777 than any Russian gun. You were earlier posting here that you saw a shield but that story didn't hold up so you are chasing this... We can go down this rabbit hole but you will never reach the end if you keep on digging... That's an M777 in my opinion and in the majority of the members opinion with different opinions... Now, I don't have any issue in what you believe.... You can believe it's the Tooth fairy's wand if you want. I don't care.
But asserting something that isn't should really raise questions with yourself.
You can't see the entire gun to know that was the right length and size. That number 1.

On the other hand, I don't buy the story that comes with the video. As I said, you have to be really naïve to believe Ukrainian is making a push on Snake Island, not just try to interdict the area. But a full on invasion of Snake Island..Sure, with Russian Navy still blockading Odessa. And then you tell me you send a regiment (RT said Platoon, which was never used to describe an Artillery Platoon) to cover the invasion?? Snake Island is not some inland island you can use artillery to cover an invasion, the last month or so the Ukrainian uses TBM and TB2 Drone on it. And am I supposed to buy this angle? And bring towed artillery to another island no less??

As I said, I have no problem you believe this is a M777, that's a different opinion, the only time I have problem is when you said I was wrong but yet you failed to produce anything to address my point. That is what I have problem with, as I said before at least you tried, unlike the other 2. And to be honest, I don't care what you think either, I am not here to please you, I am here to discuss military matter. And you can say I am wrong as long as you provide evidence that I was wrong. On the other hand, I will leave you with this picture.

This is a similar drone footage from a Russian attack on a acknowledge M777 system. You can see the communication assembly or Bracket on this picture. You can see both the gap between the barrel and housing is different (As the bracket partially obstruct the Barrel) and you can clearly see the outline of the bracket on top of the gun.

M777 being attacked.jpg

Now compare to this


And to be honest with you, I was thinking of another fake photo I have already posted before when we start talking about this, I didn't know this is a new footage. That why I said it was a D-30 and there is a shield.

The US has chosen the towed M777 over their self-propelled M109 howitzers for Ukraine because the M777 is inherently easier to maintain; the tracked M109s require months of training for the mechanics to keep them moving. The M777s are very mobile as well; they are in frontline service with US airborne and Stryker brigades. The CAESAR will be easier for the Ukrainians to maintain than M109s because the trucks are far easier for less-trained mechanics to understand. One issue for the Ukrainians in the near future is going to be the complicated logistics of maintaining all the different systems they are receiving from various countries, since it will be difficult to get the right spare parts to the right units at the frontier
M777 is chosen mostly because they can be deploy quickly. EG you can take it apart in 90 minutes and bunch it on a couple of C-17 and it will be in Ukraine the next day. You can't do that with both M109 or M198 tow Howitzer.

As I have explained before (with @Paul2 if I remember correctly, could be someone else, I forgot) This mix bag of weapon is only okay in a short run, in a long run, UK and other NATO country would need to help Ukraine build their own weapon, renting out NATO production line would be a near long term solution so they can make Ukrainian local made guns like 2S22, with all the different alphabet system, it would have been a logistical nightmare.
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You can't see the entire gun to know that was the right length and size. That number 1.

On the other hand, I don't buy the story that comes with the video. As I said, you have to be really naïve to believe Ukrainian is making a push on Snake Island, not just try to interdict the area. But a full on invasion of Snake Island..Sure, with Russian Navy still blockading Odessa. And then you tell me you send a regiment (RT said Platoon, which was never used to describe an Artillery Platoon) to cover the invasion?? Snake Island is not some inland island you can use artillery to cover an invasion, the last month or so the Ukrainian uses TBM and TB2 Drone on it. And am I supposed to buy this angle? And bring towed artillery to another island no less??

As I said, I have no problem you believe this is a M777, that's a different opinion, the only time I have problem is when you said I was wrong but yet you failed to produce anything to address my point. That is what I have problem with, as I said before at least you tried, unlike the other 2. And to be honest, I don't care what you think either, I am not here to please you, I am here to discuss military matter. And you can say I am wrong as long as you provide evidence that I was wrong. On the other hand, I will leave you with this picture.

This is a similar drone footage from a Russian attack on a acknowledge M777 system. You can see the communication assembly or Bracket on this picture. You can see both the gap between the barrel and housing is different (As the bracket partially obstruct the Barrel) and you can clearly see the outline of the bracket on top of the gun.

View attachment 855855

Now compare to this

View attachment 855856

And to be honest with you, I was thinking of another fake photo I have already posted before when we start talking about this, I didn't know this is a new footage. That why I said it was a D-30 and there is a shield.

Where has it been claimed by the Russians that the video footage is of M777s being used to make a push on Snake Island? And you're comparing photos taken from videos of significantly different quality and zoom setting, you can't see detail to the same extent in those two different UAV footage. But you can see enough of the outline of an M777, that much is clear. Even a "non military expert" can see that, but the self proclaimed "military expert training Uki Nazis" can't even identify an M777, even though you've field stripped one right?! :rofl: :omghaha: Talk about shooting yourself in the foot....you've just posted pictures both showing M777s taken by Russian UAVs...and then claim they are not the same!!! o_O:rofl:

So you finally admit you don't know what you're talking about!!

And to be honest with you, I was thinking of another fake photo I have already posted before when we start talking about this, I didn't know this is a new footage. That why I said it was a D-30 and there is a shield.
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Where has it been claimed by the Russians that the video footage is of M777s being used to make a push on Snake Island? And you're comparing photos taken from videos of significantly different quality and zoom setting, you can't see detail to the same extent in those two different UAV footage. But you can see enough of the outline of an M777, that much is clear. Even a "non military expert" can see that, but the self proclaimed "military expert training Uki Nazis" can't even identify an M777, even though you've field stripped one right?! :rofl: :omghaha:
Dude, either do your own research or shut up about it. I hate to do your own homework for you

"Missile and artillery attacks at Snake Island were launched by Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles, Uragan multiple rocket launchers and M777 155-mm howitzers from their combat positions to the west from Odessa and in Kubansky island."

"Russian air defense means (Pantsir air defense missile and cannon system and Tor air defense missile system) have destroyed all the destruction means of the enemy launched at Snake Island
The unsuccessful fire attack forced the enemy to abandon the landing to Snake Island.

Two artillery platoons of M777 155-mm howitzers have been destroyed in Kubansky island.

As for the rest of your post.

BAHHHAAHAAHAA :blah: :rofl: :rofl: Even Ray Charles can see the bracket in the other drone footage, are you saying you have worse eyesight than Ray Charles?
Even Ray Charles can see the bracket in the other drone footage, are you saying you have worse eyesight than Ray Charles?

Hey Ray Charles....check your eyes and read again what you wrote! :omghaha: :rofl: :omghaha:
Hey Ray Charles....check your eyes and read again what you wrote! :omghaha: :rofl: :omghaha:
Oh my god.

Dude, really, go get your eye check :rofl: 8-):enjoy:

M777 being attacked.jpg

Even Ray Charles can see the color reflected differently inside the red circle and you can literally see the outline of the bracket on the gun.

Dude, you want me to send you a white cane so you can cross the road?? :rofl::blah::blah::rofl:
Kiselivka — Russians artillery returned to pound it. Were they out of shells?

Let's look whether Ukrainians can out-counterbat it.
Oh my god.

Dude, really, go get your eye check :rofl: 8-):enjoy:

View attachment 855862

Even Ray Charles can see the color reflected differently inside the red circle and you can literally see the outline of the bracket on the gun.

Dude, you want me to send you a white cane so you can cross the road?? :rofl::blah::blah::rofl:

Corrected it for you :omghaha: :rofl: :devil: You've shot yourself in the foot...both are M777s


Sure, ignore the part that you can see the bracket clearly.

But then what do I expect from Mr White Cane like you?? :rofl: :rofl: :enjoy: :haha::D

If you're such an expert, why don't you show us what howitzer it really is :devil: :omghaha: :rofl:
If opposing forces have counter-fire radar the guns need to be moving directly after they finish firing their current mission. Other factors play in as well such as enemy air assets and observers
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