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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Wow, 18! My god the Russians must be quaking in their boots!! :omghaha: The same way you and your lapdogs bark about a few token HIMARS and M777s, which are clearly being destroyed, but your poodles seem to be butt hurt and denial about it :rofl::devil:
Sure sure sure, everything is being destroyed by Russian.

Is that the reason why they lost 2000 Tanks and APC?? And have progressive holding less land since operation started in Feb 24??

Russian Occupation on March 27, 2022


Russian occupation of Ukraine on May 15, 2022, Oops, Kyiv is Gone, Chernihiv is gone


Russian Occupation on Ukraine June 1, 2022 Oops, Kharkiv is gone, Sumy is gone


Russian Occupation in Ukraine June 21, 2022 Oops, Kherson is now being push too.


Really want to know what's the Russian next Phase, with every Phase, they hold less land.......lol.....
Again, same principal applies.

If I call Turks or Egyptian are "Sand Nergo" (Can't use that word I want to use but you should know the term) That probably meant as a joke, But what if I say it in your face and call you "Com'ere Sand Nergo" does that mean a joke to you or do you find that funny??

How about African and the "N" word. If I say all African are "ni..er", that is an untasteful joke, borderline racist. But when I come up to a Black American I don't know and say "Hey Ni..ger" do you think he would still think this is an untasteful joke??

I mean if you don't find it offensive, then you don't leave him negative rating, but does that mean because he call me a banana and that does not offend you, then I shouldn't feel offended??
Really strange when your logic, thinking, organisation of ideas,... in the military field disappear completely upon a funny joke.!!!!

That Banana joke is just a smart Parallel, it only mean Asian outside, Western inside, what's offense you want to insinuate to it by force???

All the examples you gave aren't jokes, they are pure racist statement, you are purposely are diverting the matter.

Strange how people can act with reason on some fields, but feel insecure and have to bash people with the so called "power" of Negative Rating or banning upon a soft joke.

That's my 2 cents on the matter ....
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The only "arse" here is someone who throws his dummy out of his pram when he's proven wrong. And you still haven't identified those howitzers "mr expert bs" :devil: :omghaha: :rofl:
lol. Well, I don't know Ray Charles can see :) HAHAHA :blah: :enjoy: :rofl: :rofl: :D :D :yahoo:

Really strange when you logic, thinking, organisation of ideas,... in the military field disappear completely upon a funny joke.!!!!

That Banana joke is just a smart Parallel, it only mean Asian outside, Western inside, what's offense you want to insinuate to it by force???

All the examples you gave aren't jokes, they are pure racist statement, you are purposely are diverting the matter.

Strange how people can act with reason on some fields, but feel insecure and have to bash people with the so called "power" of Negative Rating or banning upon a soft joke.

That's my 2 cents on the matter ....
Well, that's your 2 cents.

Probably because you aren't asian, so you don't think that is offensive, this is as much as I don't find Sand Ni..er offensive as I am not a Middle Eastern or Nig..r offensive as I am 1/8 black from my father Hispanic side, in fact, I call many of my friend ni..er

How something is perceive offensive is up to individual, you may not think being call Chico (short for Chicano) is offensive, that does not mean I have to have the same finding as yours, and then there are more complicated issue such as why Black people don't mind other black call them ni..er but they mind other does.
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He is saying nicknaming people with color (as in reservoir dog) some people think calling people by color is not appropriate, and people with shit up their arse would have a problem with that, but it was used anyway, by the way, Mr Brown is played by Tarantino himself.

On the other hand, color is one of the more frequently use code for units. I don't see any problem calling me Mr White, Mr Black or calling my entire Unit Red or Blue or Green. Not sure if that was implied by him tho.
Thanks for insights

Just noticed the laxative reference, as I just re-read his post.

Is he promoting Lgbt?? 😁🤣
Mi-28NM can kill Starstreak from 20 km away using BVR missiles. Starstreak can't touch Mi-28NM.

All air defence systems aim for two things: attrition and deterrence. Actually shooting down enemy aircraft is good, but if you can actually keep them away entirely through fear of being shotdown, that is actually better. A Russian pilot who sees a missile flash past him isn’t going to know if it's a Strela or a Stinger, and aren't likely to stick around to find out.

I think Ukraine did not yet taken responsibility, probably is them, but I read somewhere the Russian themselves denied it

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Ukrainian forces getting very close to Kherson, which is much more strategically important than Severodonetsk BTW.
They are going to push on to Kherson, its just some 10km away.

What Russian is doing is effectively squeeze troop from everywhere, and attacking somewhere it wasn't really important. That's a big strategic mistake because you will want to keep Kherson as it is a direct line to Crimea. if an when Kherson fall, Ukraine will most likely launch a counter attack toward Melitopol.

All air defence systems aim for two things: attrition and deterrence. Actually shooting down enemy aircraft is good, but if you can actually keep them away entirely through fear of being shotdown, that is actually better. A Russian pilot who sees a missile flash past him isn’t going to know if it's a Strela or a Stinger, and aren't likely to stick around to find out.
Screw that, I want to see how Mi-28 can lock on a dude with starstreak.......Dude is living in his dream world........

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Ukrainian forces getting very close to Kherson, which is much more strategically important than Severodonetsk BTW.

Not gonna happen. Kherson is a big city. Plus, Kherson is vital for Crimea's water supply so Kherson is off limits.

If the Kiev regime touches Kherson then Russia obliterates Nikolaiv in retaliation so I think the Kiev regime will think twice about touching Kherson.

They are going to push on to Kherson, its just some 10km away.

What Russian is doing is effectively squeeze troop from everywhere, and attacking somewhere it wasn't really important. That's a big strategic mistake because you will want to keep Kherson as it is a direct line to Crimea. if an when Kherson fall, Ukraine will most likely launch a counter attack toward Melitopol.

If the Kiev regime touches Kherson then Russia declare war on Ukraine and mobilize 10 million Russian men. Keep in mind Russia has 4 times the man power compared to the Kiev regime, 147 million people compared to 37 million people, and that's not counting rebels.
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Not gonna happen. Kherson is a big city. Plus, Kherson is vital for Crimea's water supply so Kherson is off limits.

If the Kiev regime touches Kherson then Russia obliterates Nikolaiv in retaliation so I think the Kiev regime will think twice about touching Kherson.

If the Kiev regime touches Kherson then Russia declare war on Ukraine and mobilize 10 million Russian men. Keep in mind Russia has 4 times the man power compared to the Kiev regime, 147 million people compared to 37 million people, and that's not counting rebels.
Is this guy for real?

Sure, Ukraine don't dare touch Kherson, and for that effect, Ukraine should not have recover any land because Russian will just blow X, Y and Z up, they may as well surrender now.........lol

Do you know what is a war? This is a very basic, fundamental question. .........
Is this guy for real?

Sure, Ukraine don't dare touch Kherson, and for that effect, Ukraine should not have recover any land because Russian will just blow X, Y and Z up, they may as well surrender now.........lol

Do you know what is a war? This is a very basic, fundamental question. .........

Kherson is vital to Crimea's water. Crimea is officially Russian land. Russians blew up the dam in Kherson the Kiev regime built to block water to Crimea. Russians would fight tooth and nail for Kherson if the Kiev regime touches Kherson. Russia has 4 times the man power as the Kiev regime, 147 million people compared to 37 million people, and that's not counting rebels. If I were the Kiev regime I would not be playing with fire. Russia mobilizing 10 million men would be devastating for the Kiev regime.

Touch Kherson can also force Russia's hand to become more brutal and target the dams which are also roads on the Dnipr river, causing flooding and millions of deaths in Ukraine.
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Kherson is vital to Crimea's water. Crimea is officially Russian land. Russians blew up the dam in Kherson the Kiev regime built to block water to Crimea. Russians would fight tooth and nail for Kherson if the Kiev regime touches Kherson. Russia has 4 times the man power as the Kiev regime, 147 million people compared to 37 million people, and that's not counting rebels. If I were the Kiev regime I would not be playing with fire. Russia mobilizing 10 million men would be devastating for the Kiev regime.
Again, you do know there is a war going on, right?

I am not saying anything else, but you do know that is a ground reality.

This is not some football game you play, this is a war, you kind of expected that when the Russia go across the border and come kill you in your land. Or do you think Ukraine will care "If Russian mobilise all their people blah blah blah" because you can say "I will mobilise everyone" just about everything, as I said, if you really think this is logical. Ukraine would have surrendered a long time ago lol.

Hence, are you for real??
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