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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia is not affected by Western sanction due to China backing. So while Germany is hurting, Russia is soaring.

Russia is a net importer of food stuffs by the way, or should I call you Vlad and has a small economy when compared to most western countries. It makes all of its exports from gas and oil and when Europe turns away from both its economy will tank
I add a spoiler tag to all of the graphic posts and even make it very clear that it is "GRAPHIC". Besides, there are others who posts dead Russian soldiers and brag about it, while calling them all names in the book. Therefore, your faux outrage is laughable.

I don't get banned because I follow the rules. I just report the news.
Whataboutism does not make your posts OK.
Russia is a net importer of food stuffs by the way, or should I call you Vlad and has a small economy when compared to most western countries. It makes all of its exports from gas and oil and when Europe turns away from both its economy will tank

Economy doesn't mean much these days. Russia can print 1000 quidrillion US dollars if it wants to. Civilians are not allowed to print money. Governments are allowed to print money.
Waking up then I read the news of the day.

Russia says the point of no return is passed. Peskow, the man in Putin’s inner circle, says Russia will never trust the West again. Putin says there is “no return”. Too bad, this war will become very ugly.


Waking up then I read the news of the day.

Russia says the point of no return is passed. Peskow, the man in Putin’s inner circle, says Russia will never trust the West again. Putin says there is “no return”.

The West has decayed to beyond belief. If I were Russian, I cozy up with the Chinese and leave the West to rot.

The West has decayed to beyond belief. If I were Russian, I cozy up with the Chinese and leave the West to rot.

Cozy up to China? I wish I can. Chinese are like Japanese and Koreans they consider themselves as civilized other are babarians aka ni…
Cozy to China? I wish I can. Chinese are like Japanese and Koreans they consider themselves as civilized other are babarians aka ni…

China ain't called the world's oldest continuous civilization for nothing. 5,000 years ago, Sumerian settlers conquered China from the hunter gatherers and brought civilization to the land of the twin rivers.
Sure, and you know :)

Again, map the parts with this still image I captured form the video to a specific M777 parts?

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And Russia have satellite, did they? Why not they task a satellite and photo the wreckage for battlefield damage assessment? Instead of that grainy drone image??

Also, the Russian claim of how they come to destroy those "M777" are also suspicious. According to newsweek the claim is the Ukrainian is trying to retake Snake Island (itself is a big WTF, it's a small island, virtually undefendable, even if they can take it back, by Ukraine as long as Russian Navy blockading Odessa, unless daily naval bombardment is what the Ukrainian fancy over the next 3 to 6 months)

You don't send static artillery to support a landing of an islands. How are you supposed to do it? That was an island, in the middle of the sea around 30 km away from any land. And putting artillery piece in Kubansky Island (The location this supposed to happen) is absurd, sure, put a system that cannot be put up easily on an island that you cannot move easily.


Well, I did admit that OSINT spotted 4 M777 Wreck, I am just saying this is not one of them.
Why did you choose that frame ?
And the only one where the shadow is obscured... How convenient for you...
Satellite imagery because those resources can't be used on other more important targets... :lol:


That is most definitely an M777..... If you don't want to believe it that's your opinion .. but fact remains a fact ....

Giving a negative rating for a joke ??
Seriously I thought you were a decent guy, even if I don't share your views ....

Yesterday was @jamahir, now a joke ..... 🤔

View attachment 855726

It's stop being a joke when they are calling you directly on it. When they single you or anyone else out specifically, that stop being a joke, that become a personal insult.

And if I tell you you are a carpet worshipper (akin to how you Muslim pray) would you see that as a joke and laugh it off?? Not Muslim in general, but YOU. YOU are a carpet worshipper. Do YOU find that funny??

I mean I would not go around and make joke like that, if this is in a pub, you make joke like this is looking for a fight. You probably will end up getting more than a negative rating. A joke is "American are dumb" not "You are dumb"

Get it?

I'm not advocating name calling and personal attacks, not at all, I'm really shocked and astonished how much people here call names "retarded" "Stupid", .... Are commonly used without any mods interference.

Yes, "You a retard ?" is used here often. Mental retardation is a sad, involuntary condition and those here who use it as insult are such idiots who are insensitive and non-empathetic. Now idiocy is a totally voluntary condition. So JHungary should negative rate idiots who use "Retard" as well but he is not doing it.

I meant Lithuania. If Lithuania invades Kaliningrad then China will vanmoose Lithuania. And it won't be pretty. China would seriously annex Lithuania and make them all Chinese citizens.

What's China's interest in Lithuania ?
Waking up then I read the news of the day.

Russia says the point of no return is passed. Peskow, the man in Putin’s inner circle, says Russia will never trust the West again. Putin says there is “no return”. Too bad, this war will become very ugly.

Russia constantly breaches airspace european countryes with fighters and bombers (able to carry nuclear weapon)

Russia constantly funds and supports extremist and nationalistic parties to weaken EU.

Russia poisons russian political on european soil

Russia then tries to annex a european country…

Russia threathens european countries with nuclear war

Russian cuts off gas contracts with europe…not even seen during mid of coldwar…

But its russia that “ cannot trust” the west. What nonsense. Cry more russia, cry 😭
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Economy doesn't mean much these days. Russia can print 1000 quidrillion US dollars if it wants to. Civilians are not allowed to print money. Governments are allowed to print money.

North Korea was thought to have done this with US $100 bills. The thing is, relatively little of a country’s money actually circulates as notes and coins. Most of what we think of as “money” is really just blips in a computer somewhere. Think of your own money: how much do you have in savings, and how much do you have in your pocket right now? So while this is an inconvenience, it’s not a big deal economically. The only thing would be if these counterfeit notes got to be so widespread that they eroded confidence in the US currency.
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