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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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They are flying the flag of an empire which annexed ukraine and committed genocide on the ukranians…forgot that part?

But that's not what Russia is commemorating nor celebrating about the USSR. Only the victory over German Nazis is. Stop putting a spin on reality to suit the russophobic NATO narrative.

you deflect. My point was both putin and its military very much want ro “relive” sovjet glory/history.

All I did was to highlight how baseless it is to treat the presence of Soviet flags as supposed proof thereof, seeing how these flags are merely flown in reference to the defeat of Germany at the hands of the USSR during WW2, and nothing else.

Your allegations about President Putin seeking to restore the borders of the USSR are propaganda, as the Kremlin never declared to be pursuing this goal.

And here you went claiming russian federation is a completely seperate entity….And ukraine/east europe are just being paranoid for no reason…laughable.

Of course I did, and let me reiterate my insistence of the veracity of this statement.

Puting was kgb.
So I was talking about gestapo members.

First of all, the KGB was the main intelligence service of the USSR, tasked among other things with foreign intelligence and counter-espionage, unlike the Gestapo. And as a matter of fact, Vladimir Putin was working for the foreign intelligence branch of the KGB (based in Dresden for some time), as you perfectly know.

Secondly, this is how the discussion thread developed:

- Me: you are attributing Soviet policies to Russia, by that token you may also hold the current German regime accountable for the horrendous consequences of the Third Reich's invasion of the USSR.

- You: is Scholz proud of the Third Reich? Does he want to emulate its policies? Was he a former member of the Gestapo? Because Putin used to be a KGB officer.

- Me: the current German regime took in many Nazis, including a leading military intelligence officer, Reinhard Gehlen, who presided over "democratic" Germany's foreign intelligence service until 1968.

Bottom line is this: if you're going to use Putin's KGB history as "evidence" for the notion that there's a continuity between the policies of the USSR and those of the Russian Federation, then the fact that a former Nazi intelligence bigwig like Gehlen (who was responsible for the one front where German forces committed most of their atrocities) headed the BND for over twenty years, would have to be considered as evidence that the Federal Republic of Germany is prolonging Nazi policy.

Simple as that, and there's no flaw in this logical equivalence. So if Putin having worked for the KGB's foreign intelligence department is "proof" that present day Russia is trying to revive the USSR, then Gehlen having led the BND for several decades is proof that Berlin is hoping to repeat the Nazi aggression and crimes against the USSR. You can't have it both ways, nor attempt to wiggle your way out with some irrelevant cross-reference to the Gestapo.

Berlin supports the 80% ukranians that want to have closer EU ties. The sovereignity of a nation of 44 million.

Source: a regime which has been suppressing its Russian-speaking community i.e. close to half the population for eight full years. Which has been shelling Russian towns in the Donbas, nabbing, detaining and torturing countless local Russians in contravention of basic rights and rule of the law.

So basically you agree that a former kgb agent openly wanting to re-create sovjet/empire past is a cause of concern?

What? Read again, and kindly refrain from inverting the meaning of my statements next time.

And you know what's really a cause for concern? When a state whose foreign intelligence service happens to have been founded and presided over by a Nazi implicated up to the neck in a genocidal and criminal military campaign against the Soviet Union, is now trying to encroach itself on former Soviet territory, openly taking aim at Russia with the help of local nationalists who are considering the main native collaborator of Nazi Germany as a source of inspiration.

Yes, hundred of thousands of civilian dead. But they were “all really just fascist/terrorists” we can see a recurring theme. Same with all those flattened “liberated” cities.

Show me where "hundreds of thousands of civilians" were killed by Russian forces in Ukraine, then we can talk.

Yes the “ukraine is not really a state” talk and push for kiev is very “defensive”

Ukraine is a state dominated by people who hold in esteem a collaborator of the Third Reich, and who were suppressing a local Russian community. Were allowing the US regime to run secret bio-labs on their soil. Were seeking to join an anti-Russian military alliance encircling Russia on its western flank.

But since "defensive war" in your book would rather apply to the methodical destructions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan and so on at the hands of NATO regimes, I'd recommend familiarizing yourself with the definition of the concept prior to making use of it.

Because you pretend the russian federation has nothing to do anymore with the past.
Despite their kgb leader wanting to re-instate it.

Pointing to the fact that Russia can't be held to account for crimes allegedly committed by the USSR.

President Putin wishing to "reinstate" the USSR is a NATO propaganda theme. Not grounded in reality whatsoever.

Yes when they were weak their efforts were reduced. As soon as they regained strength we see the same destabilizing (funding nationalist/seperatist in eu), opression (belarus), agression (chechnia/syria/ukraine) as we europeans are very much used to from the russians.

No, when Russia was weak NATO started moving towards its borders. Interfering in its internal affairs. Sponsoring head-cutting, "I"SIS style terrorists to lead separatist campaigns across Russia's Caucasus region. As we're very much used to from western regimes.

Who knows what internal critiscism came up.
Shall we handpick some judiciary statements during pro-western times from ukraine???

Show me that "internal criticism". "Who knows" isn't an argument.

The “zionists” are behind “everything” is a pretty recurring thinly veiled antisemitic theme.

There seems to a be reading comprehension issue on your part, because I don't remember making that statement.

With only a % of azov being nazi…

Azov's a neo-Nazi group, plain and simple.

Now shall we discuss the 35 million ukranians now wanting to join the EU?

According to the regime which has zero problems with the municipal council of its capital city chanting praises of Stepan Bandera while at the same time claiming to be a champion of liberal "democracy", you mean. Nah sorry, you can go discuss figures published by such a regime with fellow NATO sympathizers susceptible of falling for the hoax. Objective, serious observers don't usually take statements by such regimes at face value.

More propaganda. Thats 20 million suffering heavy oppresion/genocide. Can you show me some solid proof?

Arresting and mistreating people for expressing sympathy towards a neighboring country (which I pointed to) is "genocide"? If you say so, why not.

This said the Associated Press, a US news agency, made a video report about Ukrainian citizens getting arrested by the military for harmless actions such as commenting favorably about President Putin on "social media". This was posted here in this thread as well.

Even in east, russia is facing stiff resistance.

As explained, in the Donbas region Ukrainian forces established their main defensive lines, heavily fortified and manned by close to a hundred thousand troops including the bulk of their die hard fanatic neo-Nazis. Has nothing to do with local public opinion. This is why the speed of Russia's progress in the south of Ukraine was much faster.

Many polls also among russian speaking population show a good portion is pro west. Facts speak louder mate…

I'm familiar with the way in which regimes like the one in Kiev, or organisations with links to it conduct sub-standard "polls".

Please stop lying cause the heavy overall infrastructure damages from russian artillery/bombs is well documented over their many wars.

We weren't talking about "many wars" at this specific juncture of the discussion but about Ukraine. And the only thing that's been documented, is NATO's heavy handed approach when compared to Russia's conduct of operations in the present conflict.

A demoralised army does not lead to 500 meter territory taken per day. It leads to collapse like we saw in iraq/afghanistan

Since you don't appear to have paid attention to and/or didn't read what was said, repetition should be in order:

1) Russia unlike NATO isn't simply bombing everything to smithereens in its Ukrainian campaign.
2) The basic warfighting capability of Ukrainian armed forces is far superior to Afghanistan or the Iraq of the early 2000's.
3) Over-represented neo-Nazis and other far right extremists, high on captagon and morphine are engaging in a nihilistic and hopeless stand which achieves to delay Russian advances even though it fails at averting them.
4) The Donbas is home to the heaviest and most fortified Ukrainian defensive lines.
5) If morale among many regular units of the Ukrainian military wasn't particularly low, they wouldn't release this many videos to voice their desperation, despite the extreme punishments they risk.
6) Now desertions need to be added to the mix, as acknowledged even by western propaganda media:

I am saying its an eb and flow of geopolitical pressure and interests from

American action does not justify all counter-reactions. Especially against third party.

Russian action is a direct response to hostile US encroachment on its borders.

Blahblahbal with basically amounting to “america and israel did bad things so russia can now flatten ukraine!”

Not my problem if you fail to apprehend the content of what you're (presumably) reading.

Millions of civilian dead vs thousands is what im talking about. Watch the population development during both.

Addressed already.

For millions of dead civilians, look no further than Iraq under the US boot.

Every time they chose distance/sovereignity the soviets send more troops/kgb.

Nobody cares about the Soviets in this context.

But i will convey the message of an iranian to all eastern europans. They dont know what they are doing. Their experiences and knowledge of russia is clearly worthless.

No need, but what a pity you weren't born earlier so as to convey your wisdom to Germans in 1933 and prevent them from voting the NSDAP into power. This way, you may have sounded a tad more credible trying to put across the idea that people aren't susceptible to manipulation, that they always have a perfect grasp of political realities and of what the ideal choice for them is.

Gorbachov stated it…

The Gorbachev Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies begs to differ.


Gorbachev blasts NATO eastward expansion

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has criticized NATO's eastward expansion and the failure by Western powers to keep their promise not to deploy military bases near Russia's borders.

Gorbachev said in an interview with Germany's Bild newspaper published on Thursday that Western Germany, the United States and other powers had pledged after Germany's reunification in 1990 that "NATO would not move a centimeter to the east."

Gorbachev said the Americans had failed to fulfill the promise and the Germans had also turned a blind eye.

"They probably rubbed their hands rejoicing at having played a trick on the Russians," the former Soviet leader told the paper, adding that this had led to Russia's disillusionment with post-Cold War relations with the West.

NATO has enlarged since 1999, admitting three ex-Soviet Baltic republics and four Communist-bloc states in Eastern Europe. The membership was more recently increased on Wednesday, when Albania and Croatia formally joined the alliance.

The expansion has strained relations between the West and Russia, which is concerned by the new military bases emerging along its borders.

Last December, European NATO members led by Germany blocked U.S.-backed bids by Ukraine and Georgia to join programs leading to membership in the military alliance, but the ex-Soviet states were told they would eventually be allowed to join.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Gorbachev is respected in the United States and Europe for his role in ending the Cold War, but criticized by some in Russia for the reforms that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and the ensuing chaos.

And for your “legal” view. How much is a statement made in passing to a regume that doesnt exist anymore holding up to more recent written promises by the russian federation??

The pledge made by the USA and German regimes is one which concerns the elementary security of the Russian Federation. It's not as if preset day Russia is immune to imperialist NATO mischief and aggression by virtue of some derogatory supernatural instance.

Now Russia passively stood by as NATO expansionists moved closer and closer to her borders. Watched as they began increasingly threatening her security and territorial integrity. This went on for nearly two decades. In parallel, Moscow tried to have its legitimate concerns recognized through peaceful diplomatic means, through talks and negotiations. To no avail. Now it's pushback time, because no power in this world, especially those wielding their might in a particularly irresponsible manner, can get away with everything all the time.

Again you pick and choose whichever angle suits you…

Gratuitous contention.

More propaganda.

Facts. Cold hard facts.

Read the un report again maybe? Playing with numbers again…its “all regime victims “ now…

I stand corrected: close to 14000 slaughtered in the Donbas, among which 3300 civilians as a result of the Kiev regime's violation of the Minsk agreements and its decision to restart the war. Not that much less tragic.

The nazi party never got majority vote.
Again a sign that maybe you do not know better then europeans about their own history….

You're the one who brought up this gibberish about non-Europeans and their acquaintance with European history in the first place. Then you keep referencing my nationality in a repeated ad hominem manner, portraying it as sort of a prohibitive factor when it comes to commenting on European affairs.

And now you're rambling on about whether or not I know European history "better than Europeans" themselves, with "Europeans" being employed as a generic term. What's this even supposed to mean? I made no such claim, for I tend to avoid funny generalizations. There being several hundreds of millions of Europeans, some are bound to be more knowledgeable than I, while others won't. Because I studied European history for long enough to be familiar with relevant data you outright assumed I cannot be.

What this shows though, is that you're obviously having issues with the very fact that a non-European is commenting on the history of the continent. Which may possibly betray a xenophobic sentiment, but guess what, you'll have to get used to it.

Now as for your statement that the NSDAP never received a majority vote, you're twisting my words. I stated the Nazi party was voted into power, meaning that it was thanks to the plurality of votes they received at the March 1933 Reichstag election that they managed to get in control of the government. To claim otherwise would be like pretending that the current coalition administration in Berlin wasn't voted into office by the German people because no single one of its participants obtained more than 50% of votes.

Longer time lurker to perceive “the other side” opinion/sources. Couldnt handle the blatant russian propaganda on this matter. I have ukranian friends… it hurts me to see a european country being attacked like this.

Voices of truth aren't going anywhere. No matter how many more hours you're willing to spend on this discussion, facts debunking NATO propaganda will keep being added to this thread and not just by me.

Saddam could feed his million men army but not the children. Also medicine was not included in sanction and new evidence points to purposely inflated iraqi numbers…

All of which was known to the US, yet Washington would refrain from loosening sanctions accordingly, even in a targeted manner. The so-called "food for oil" program imposed on Iraq under US directives was supposed to prevent just that. The US Secretary of State is on the record for endorsing the toll among Iraqi infants. They saw what was going on, had the power to remedy the situation but being the criminals they are, they were fine with it.

Yes, let the ukranians suffer russias dreams of colonial empire, for something america did to iraq.

We europeans have a better history with american influence by the way. A reason so many a running away from the russian “embrace”

Again, failure to address what you're responding to.
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My analysis is absolute on track. I know Iran amigo. One of my girlfriends parents came from Shiraz.

Doesn't provide anything other than anecdotal tidbits and the subjective view of one out of some 87 million people, essentially.

Its a deeply insecure country witz extreme complexes of humilation.

I don't know how these attributes could possibly apply to an abstract entity such as a country, but on my part there's no feeling of "humiliation" whatsoever. The exact opposite is the case, I'm actually boundlessly enthusiastic and thankful for being a citizen of Iran at this particular juncture where the Islamic Republic happens to be one of only a handful of nation-states brave enough to resist one of the most oppressive and vicious empires in history. As should be apparent from my contribution on here.

The smart people left long ago and those who are educated run to the west as well. What is left behind is plebs, farmers, mullahs and crazed nationalists.

Sure, and this probably explains Iran's steady and well documented ascendance in scientific output and research, doesn't it. As said, relentless disinformation has taken its toll on your understanding of contemporary Iran. By the way, the Iranian emigrant community is hardly more numerous than the German one, since as many as 3,4 million Germans have chosen to leave their country and settle abroad (and they generally enjoy above average education levels).

However this is off topic, so kindly don't address it here.
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Come on , Ukrainians are fighting for there homes ,

Yep, just like how the Palestinians are fighting for their homes against the Israeli Zionist occupiers.

Not gonna happen. Leopard 2 is Germany's cash crop. Leopard 2 blown up in Donbas is bad for Germany's sales. Maybe Leopard 1 but definitely not Leopard 2.

In the first link, looks like an M777 howitzer being destroyed?
But that's not what Russia is commemorating nor celebrating about the USSR. Only the victory over German Nazis is. Stop spinning reality to suit the russophobic NATO narrative.
The indoctrinated russians see a “fight against the nazis”
The ukranians see a new invasion from their former butchers.
All I did was to highlight how baseless your attempt at citing the presence of Soviet flags as supposed "proof" thereof is, seeing how these flags are merely flown in reference to the defeat of Germany at the hands of the USSR during WW2, and nothing else.

Your allegations about President Putin seeking to restore the borders of the USSR are propaganda, as the Kremlin never declared to be pursuing this fictive goal.

The writing is on the wall…atleast for ukraine being under very real threat of annexation….
- Me: you are attributing Soviet policies to Russia, by that token you may also hold the current German regime accountable for the horrendous consequences of the Third Reich's invasion of the USSR.

- You: is Scholz proud of the Third Reich? Does he want to emulate its policies? Was he a former member of the Gestapo? Because Putin used to be a former KGB officer.

- Me: the current German regime took in many Nazis, including a leading military intelligence officer, Gehlen, who presided over Germany's foreign intelligence service until 1968.

Bottom line is this: if you're going to use Putin's past as a member of the KGB as "evidence" for the notion that there's a continuity between the policies of the USSR and those of the Russian Federation, then the fact that a former Nazi intelligence bigwig like Gehlen (who was responsible for the one front where the Wehrmacht committed most of its atrocties) headed the BND for over twenty years, would have to be considered as evidence that the Federal Republic of Germany is prolonging Nazi policy.

Simple as that, and there's no flaw in this logical equivalence whatsoever. So if Putin having worked for the KGB's foreign intelligence department is "proof" that present day Russia is trying to revive the USSR, then Gehlen having led the BND for several decades is proof that Berlin is hoping to repeat the Nazi aggression and crimes against the USSR. You can't have it both ways, nor attempt to wiggle your way out with some irrelevant cross-reference to the Gestapo.
Its a multitude of things. Like putin thinking the soviet collapse was a catastrophe, like russia being in denial about sovjet misdoings (holodomir/warsaw). This all adds up to a situation that there is very little reason to assume the russian federation is an entirely different beast from the past.

And look…trying to annex a coubtry again. What a suprise. No wonder sweden and finland had enough.

You are just playing with semantics.
As If tomorrow america would rename itself and put a million army next to iran i would be calling you paranoid to raise eyebrows…”its a new regime. All the past is wiped out from record!”
Source: a regime which has been suppressing its Russian-speaking community i.e. close to half the population for eight full years. Which has been shelling Russian towns in the Donbas, nabbing, detaining and torturing countless local Russians in contravention of basic rights and rule of the law.
Childsplay compared to russian behaviour.
What? Read again, and kindly refrain from inverting the meaning of my statements next time.

And you know what's really a cause for concern? When a state whose foreign intelligence service happens to have been founded and presided over by a Nazi implicated up to the neck in a genocidal and criminal military campaign against the Soviet Union, is now trying to encroach itself on former Soviet territory, openly taking aim at Russia with the help of local nationalists to whom the main native collaborator of Nazi Germany is a source of inspiration.
Thats the russian framing yes. Instead we are helping millions of refugees and millions of ukranians who just want their sovereignity. Which russia is trying to erase, against signed promises…
Show me where "hundreds of thousands of civilians" were killed by Russian forces in Ukraine, then talk.
Was talking about chechnia, syria.
Ukraine is not on that level yet but casualties are mounting.
Ukraine is a state dominated by people who hold in esteem a collaborator of the Third Reich, who were suppressing a local Russian community. Were allowing the US regime to run secret bio-labs on their soil. Were seeking to join an anti-Russian military alliance encircling Russia on its western flank.

But since "defensive war" in your book would rather apply to the methodical destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan and so on at the hands of NATO regimes, I'd recommend to familiarize yourself with the definition of the concept prior to making use of it.
Its a defensive alliance. Most eastern european countries joined this as a result of past russian agression and annexation.

You cannot rewrite the past iranian.
Pointing to the fact that Russia can't be held to account for crimes allegedly committed by the USSR.
You use sovjet time vague verbal promises and acts (nato expanding) when it suits you, and pretend that sovjet past doesnt exist when it doesnt suit you.

Its quite apparent….
Show me that "internal criticism". "Who knows" isn't an argument.
You use the ukranian court findings during pro-russian dominated times when it suits you. And its part of zionist manipulation when not (like yanukovich being judged a traitor)
Azov's a neo-Nazi group, plain and simple.
Not that simple
A unit between 900-2500 members. Most nationalist with a minority holding fascist ideas.

This is ofcourse no justification to invade to “denazify” ukraine with its 44 million population.
Russian claims ate widely ridiculed…you parotting the “nazis everywhere” angle is equally laughable.

Do i need to post videos of russians gunning down civilians? Denazification in progress?
According to the regime which has zero problems with the municipal council of its capital city chanting praises of Stepan Bandera, you mean. Nah sorry, you can go discuss figures published by such a regime with fellow NATO sympathizers susceptible of falling for the hoax. Objective, serious observers don't usually take statements by such regimes at face value.
You have no issue with taking russian statements at face value.
No issue with choosing what parts of history to use and what not. What parts of promises “count” and what not.
You dont have a semblance of objectivity.

Every day ukraine is resisting further damages your propaganda that the vast majority of russian speaking ukranians were heavily oppressed and eager for “liberation”.
You must have thought this was was gonna be over in a week huh?

I'm familiar with the way in which regimes like the one in Kiev, or organisations with links to it conduct sub-standard "polls".
You prefer your russian polls i understand.

12 million refugees to “zelenski nazi regime” zones or the “nazi nato” . Hmm thats a lot of ukranian nazis! Again. Just wait. Cold hard numbers..cold hard reality is cracking your deluded propaganda frame day by day.
We weren't talking about "many wars" at this specific juncture of the discussion but about Ukraine. And the only thing that's been documented, is NATO's heavy handed approach when compared to Russia's conduct of operations in the present conflict.
Hahaha grozny, aleppo, mariopol is russias gentle approach? How far from reality have you deluded yourself?
Since you're visibly experiencing comprehension issues at this point, and/or didn't read what was said, repetition will be in order:

1) Russia unlike NATO isn't simply bombing everything to smithereens.
2) The basic warfighting capability of Ukrainian armed forces is far superior to Afghanistan or the Iraq of the early 2000's.
3) Over-represented neo-Nazis and other far right extremists, high on captagon and morphine are engaging in a nihilistic and hopeless stand which achieves to delay Russian advances even though it fails at averting them.
4) The Donbas is home to the heaviest and most fortified Ukrainian defence lines.
5) If morale among many regular units of the Ukrainian military wasn't particularly low, they wouldn't release this many videos to voice their desperation, despite the extreme punishments they risk.
6) Now desertions need to be added to the mix, as acknowledged even by western propaganda media:
Russia has a massive military advantage over ukraine.
Now 20 million ukranians are “supposedly” dying to rejoin russia.
Ukranian morale regular units (which is vast majority btw) is supposedly at an extreme low.

Yes…ofcourse such a war takes 100 days without end in sight yet….your propaganda shatters in front of situation on the ground.

Russia has been claiming the front would collapse and the donbass army trapped in a pocket for months now. What would be expected with shattered morale…
Instead they are now fighting 3 weeks for severodonetsk.

Russian action is a direct response to hostile US encroachment on its borders.
A man carries responsibilities for the actions they choose.

Its not fucking dominos with all fault landing on the one pushing the first stones and the others had “no choice but to fall”.

This invasion is a disgrace.
For millions of dead civilians, look no further than Iraq under the US boot.
Dont deflect. Just admit (sovjet) russia was many times more heavy handed in afghanistan
Nobody cares about the Soviets in this context.
Well the russians never admitted any fault. And now happily continue their actions of flattening cities and bombing hospitals (also in enormous numbers compared to even america)
No need, but what a pity you weren't born earlier so as to convey your wisdom to Germans in 1933 and prevent them from voting the NSDAP into power. This way, you would come across a tad more credibly trying to sell the idea that people aren't susceptible to manipulation, and that they always have a perfect grasp of political realities and of what the ideal choice for them is.
Maybe iran should be part of a sunni dictatorship. Much more “stable” then this shia/sunni thing. You like stable dictators so im sure you are all for it.
The Gorbachev Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies begs to differ.
And in another interview he had a different tune.

Besides, “nobody cares about the sovjets” right? And written promises (especially more recent and with the federation) supercede verbal statements.

Hell you know how many statements the sovjets broke back then hahahaha.

But no. Lets handpick this particular one as the “one ring to rule all promises”?

The pledge made by the USA and German regimes is one which concerns the elementary security of the Russian Federation as well. It's not as if the latter is immune to imperialist NATO mischief and aggression by virtue of some bizarre supernatural occurrence.

Now Russia passively stood by as NATO expansionists moved closer and closer to her borders, and began increasingly threatening her security and territorial integrity. This went on for nearly two decades. In parallel, Moscow tried to have its legitimate concerns recognized through peaceful diplomatic means, talks and negotiations. To no avail. Now it's pushback time, because no power in this world, especially those which wield their might in a particularly irresponsible manner, will get away with everything all the time.
Yes. Thats exactly what the ukranians think after being used as toiletpaper too often by the russians.

Nato is a defensive alliance by the way.
Europe had record low military spending and readiness. There was little threat to russia and russia could have chosen diplomacy.

I stand corrected: close to 14000 slaughtered in the Donbas, among which 3300 as a result of the regime's violation of the Minsk agreements and its decision to restart the war. Hardly less tragic.
Corrected indeed. And both sides performed multiple violations. Russia..i mean the “seperatists” causing the brunt of the civilian casualties.

Ofcourse this is very thin ice to justify a war of agression on. “Genocide” who are the russians kidding…
and, I did study European history for long enough to be familiar with relevant data you assumed I'm not.
Very selective reading of that history might i add.

So much as to come to the conclusion that eastern europeans and ukranians shouldnt be so paranoid and embrace russias warm motherly bosom.

What this shows though, is that you're obviously having issues with the very fact that a non-European is commenting on the history of the continent. Which betrays sort of a xenophobic sentiment, but guess what, you'll have to get used to it.
I just think its presumptious to think you “know better” then millions of eastern europeans living through russian occupation and pressure.

In a way you think like an american…
They “knew better” too in trying to reshape the middle east and forcefully install democracy
All of which was known to the US, yet it would refrain from loosening sanctions accordingly. The so-called "food for oil" program imposed on Iraq under US directives was supposed to prevent just that. The US Secretary of State is on the record for endorsing the toll among Iraqi infants. They saw what was going on, had the power to remedy the situation but they were fine with it.
I am no fan of america.
Its misconduct Has little to do justifying russia trying to annex ukraine though.
Report stated Ukrainian force have pushed Russia back to within 20 KM from Northern edge of Kherson City. Putting Kherson city in direct artillery range for the first time since fall, geolocated report put Ukrainian force in Kyselivka , some 15 km from Kherson City.
Su-25 artillery smashing jets

Report stated Ukrainian force have pushed Russia back to within 20 KM from Northern edge of Kherson City. Putting Kherson city in direct artillery range for the first time since fall, geolocated report put Ukrainian force in Kyselivka , some 15 km from Kherson City.

Kherson is no go for Ukraine. Ukraine will never have Kherson back.
Report stated Ukrainian force have pushed Russia back to within 20 KM from Northern edge of Kherson City. Putting Kherson city in direct artillery range for the first time since fall, geolocated report put Ukrainian force in Kyselivka , some 15 km from Kherson City.

Excellent move, getting Khersom back is a huge thing. Pussolini uses Kherson alot for his propaganda. The prime target must be to take Kherson back.
I am reading news that Ukraina is started to suffer from lack of ammunition, especially artilerry rounds, here in Bosnia we have huge factory which produced Warsaw pact standard ammunition, also able to produce by NATo standards but there are no orders by EU countries of for resupplying UAF, if there is organized effort by NATO that factory should already work in 4 shifts due necessity for field artillery units of UA.
producing ammunition in your factory is a very different subject from: 1) Paying for it - NATO's bill for a losing war keeps increasing, and 2) Supplying the Ukrainian forces that need it- this is the real issue- Russia is mostly evaporating NATO's equipment sent to Ukraine before it reaches the Ukranian army in east Ukraine.

stupid NATO is now at a dead end because Russia controls the Ukrainian battlefield. OH WELL!
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