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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Japan was the defending force and US was the attacking force during the late Pacific island campaigns. Are you pretending to be retarded or really retarded? For someone claiming to be a psychopath you sound more like a fuckwit.

In any case, Japan was losing at least 5 to 1 despite having been dug in simply because they were outgunned by Americans. Ukraine is now outgunned by Russia at least 10 to 1 in terms of artillery firepower.

And why were they outgunned? Because they had no connection to the land they stood on. No people to put in army, no industrial base. Evrything had to be shipped in from Japan.

This attempt at psychoanalysis is factually off track but you wouldn't know. Same goes for the subsequent political analysis. Now you're projecting your political assessments on me and are assuming I must surely share them - however that isn't the case, for I fail to see what humiliation and misery relative to my homeland you're referring to. The criteria we attach importance to aren't identical, that's in addition to disinformation about Iran you've been confronted with. As for my surroundings in the west, I simply don't pay attention to them nor do they affect me (either positively or negatively) for I have more important things to attend to. But this being very much off topic, I shall not pursue it any further.

My analysis is absolute on track. I know Iran amigo. One of my girlfriends parents came from Shiraz. Its a deeply insecure country witz extreme complexes of humilation. The smart people left long ago and those who are educated run to the west as well. What is left behind is plebs, farmers, mullahs and crazed nationalists.
For a former Soviet Republic with so many inherited weapons factories, Ukraine sure ran out of shells fast. What you cannot take by firepower, you must pay in lives.
It's more complicated than you think. As I said, the Arms and Munition in Ukraine are Unique.

Ukraine largely uses Soviet Bloc weapon since 1991 until 2014 when the Russian sided with the separatist, Ukraine were in the process to phase out all Soviet Weapon with new Weapon (such as Fort Series firearms are co produced with Israel) and newer heavy equipment aligned to NATO standard (such as 155mm instead of 152mm) For example the new 2S22 Bohdana SPG Ukraine made uses 155mm.

Which mean since 2014, the weapon and munition production in Ukraine are effectively halved with one half produce munition and parts for the older Soviet Equipment in order to maintain the stock and the other half that produce newer NATO compliant weapon.

Problem is, since 2014, majority of Industrial Base are either captured or destroyed in the East, only those factory in Dnipro and North of Kyiv is spared. Their munition productivities already halved, and then this war started and the first thing Russia do is to invade the Industral Area north of Kyiv (Hostomel and surrounding) And the Dnipro plant can't work until you get parts which mean more or less the entire arms production in Ukraine is halted since the war.

Not to mention there is an active war going on since 2014 til 2022 when it was replaced by the current war.

Which mean they are now largely runs on Western Munition donated by the West or whatever old Soviet Stock Eastern EU country still have.

Bosnia can ease their situation in certain extent with all that you mentioned as we have the capacities and facilities for such but some external push and supervising from NATO and EU is needed.
Most likely they will push for entire NATO stock. I mean, sure, you can make munition in Bosnia, but you can't make those Soviet Weapon that were destroyed in this war (the 2S9, D-30 and so on). And without those weapon firing the Soviet Calibre munition, it's pointless to order more Eastern Bloc calibre munition.

Which mean after this war, we will most likely see what left of Ukraine would be at least mostly if not entirely using NATO standard weapon.
Given the scarcity of of ex-Soviet artillery ammunition, it is likely that a number of Western artillery pieces and ammunition will be sent, because no one in the West manufactures artillery ammunition to Soviet/Russian calibers (152mm & 122mm). Instead, they will send in SP and towed Western 155mm artillery systems for which plenty of ammunition is available.
You can use 155 on D-30, as @Paul2 said, you will wear out the barrel and waiting on it to explode.

You can't use 152 shell on a M777 or M198 US artillery uses caseless munition, you will need to break it open and then insert the shell and charge separately, and that is if they ever propelled off that barrel.
You can actually fire 155mm out of old 152mm barrels. They are just that much worn out.

They are already requesting new MG3 barrels because current ones have worn out

And yes. US 203mm should be fireable from Ukrainian pion.

HOWISTERS…155MM, 175MM. this is because the Ukrainians do not have ammunition for their Russian GUNS. INDIA has ammunition, Pacistan has ammunition…EGYPT…Israel…African nations. Most likely POLAND…Latvia, Estonia…possibly Finland. Iraq…Lybia, Sudan, Saudis would be another source. CHINA could make a few BILLION DOLLARS
You can use 155 on D-30, as @Paul2 said, you will wear out the barrel and waiting on it to explode.

You can't use 152 shell on a M777 or M198 US artillery uses caseless munition, you will need to break it open and then insert the shell and charge separately, and that is if they ever propelled off that barrel.

USSR has 2 completely different 152mm artillery systems, one QF semifixed, another non-fixed with bags
Did US lose 2 to 3 times as many men as the Japanese did when they were attacking in the Pacific? No Japanese defenders were always devastated by superior firepower.

Ukraine is getting outgunned at least 10 to 1 in terms of artillery, not to mention Russia having air superiority.
Actually, US have twice the Casualty than Japanese Force during Iwo Jima Campaign and about ~1.5 to 1 (excluding civilian) in Okinawa Campaign.

US suffer around 30,000 Casualty (KIA, WIA and MIA) in Iwo Jima vs 19,000 IJN casualty, and around 100000 Casualty vs 5-70000 IJN Casuaty in Okinawa.

There aren't more US troop killed because of the advance of Battlefield Medicine over Japan. And on the other hand, US only suffer 100,000 casualty in Okinawa simply because US out number Japanese 5 to 1 in the beginning and 10 to 1 at the end.

Russia does not out number Ukrainian that much, conventional estimation saw 70-80 BTG (80000 troop if full strength, and most western analyst said most of these BTG are at least half strength) Russian deployed in the East facing off 6 Ukrainian Brigade (about 3-40000 with TDF augment) Russia probably have 2 or 3 to 1 advantage over Ukrainian in Donbas.

USSR has 2 completely different 152mm artillery systems, one QF semifixed, another non-fixed with bags
Not sure about that, depends on what Ukraine have.
And why exactly are they flying Soviet flags? To commemorate the Soviet Union's historic victory over that same regime Scholz purportedly isn't "too proud" of... In other terms, to celebrate victory in a defensive war against a western power threatening their people once again as we speak.
They are flying the flag of an empire which annexed ukraine and committed genocide on the ukranians…forgot that part?

you deflect. My point was both putin and its military very much want ro “relive” sovjet glory/history.
And here you went claiming russian federation is a completely seperate entity….And ukraine/east europe are just being paranoid for no reason…laughable.
Also, do I really need to recall the entire list of NSDAP members and Third Reich dignitaries recruited by the current German regime?
Puting was kgb.
So I was talking about gestapo members.
To add insult to injury, today we have Berlin supporting neo-Nazis in Ukraine, who torture people Gestapo-style.
Berlin supports the 80% ukranians that want to have closer EU ties. The sovereignity of a nation of 44 million.

We are talking avout tens of millions here.
You keep framing and maligning their rights based on extreme right views of a few hundreds to max handful of thousands.
No, Germany is definitely not in a position to lecture Russia in this regard, nor anyone else for that matter.
So basically you agree that a former kgb agent openly wanting to re-create sovjet/empire past is a cause of concern?

“But they are called russian federation now” seems like a ridiculous argument now hmmm?
The Chechen wars saw Russia squashing separatists, which included head-cutting, NATO-backed foreign fighters.

In Syria, Russia was requested to intervene by the local government against NATO-sponsored head-cutting insurgents including "I"SIS.
Yes, hundred of thousands of civilian dead. But they were “all really just fascist/terrorists” we can see a recurring theme 🤣. Same with all those flattened “liberated” cities.
These are defensive wars.

So is Ukraine, although this one's partially preemptive. Just partially though, because the regime in Kiev had broken the ceasefire in the Donbas, violated two international agreements and was repressing the Russian community on its soil.
Yes the “ukraine is not really a state” talk and push for kiev is very “defensive”
No, all along the 1990's Russia was entirely powerless and in a more than desolate condition. A bankrupted Russia, whose industries were being plundered by western-linked oligarchs could impossibly afford any meaningful funding of political parties in western Europe. Whereas conversely, Foreign Ministry employees in Moscow were receiving instructions on the phone from Washington.

This is what the actual historic sequence looks like.
Because you pretend the russian federation has nothing to do anymore with the past.
Despite their kgb leader wanting to re-instate it.

Yes when they were weak their efforts were reduced. As soon as they regained strength we see the same destabilizing (funding nationalist/seperatist in eu), opression (belarus), agression (chechnia/syria/ukraine) as we europeans are very much used to from the russians.

An entire department of the Ukrainian judiciary staffed by Russian supporters?

Who knows what internal critiscism came up.
Shall we handpick some judiciary statements during pro-western times from ukraine???


This is Pakistan Defence Forum, not the German public space where anti-zionism is quasi systematically equated with judeophobia, you know.
The “zionists” are behind “everything” is a pretty recurring thinly veiled antisemitic theme.
Strawmanning all over the place. The fact remains that in Mariupol, the Azov regiment had their headquarters and was fielding thousands of fighters as per the admissions of western regimes and media, which is the point under discussion.
With only a % of azov being nazi…

Now shall we discuss the 35 million ukranians now wanting to join the EU?
Nearly half of Ukraine's population is composed of native Russian speakers. And they experienced eight long years of oppression at the hands of western-promoted Ukrainian far right extremists. They still do in regions not yet liberated, where upon the slightest expression of sympathy for the Russian Federation, they are arrested and disappear in dungeons where they are tortured in conformity with Ukrainian law (which has legalized torture much like the Bush junior regime did in the USA).
More propaganda. Thats 20 million suffering heavy oppresion/genocide. Can you show me some solid proof?

Even in east, russia is facing stiff resistance.
Many polls also among russian speaking population show a good portion is pro west. Facts speak louder mate…
1) Russia unlike NATO isn't simply bombing everything to smithereens.
Please stop lying cause the heavy overall infrastructure damages from russian artillery/bombs is well documented over their many wars.
2) The basic warfighting capability of Ukrainian armed forces is far superior to Afghanistan or the Iraq of the early 2000's.
3) Over-represented neo-Nazis and other far right extremists, high on captagon and morphine are engaging in a nihilistic and hopeless stand which achieves to delay Russian advances even though it fails at averting them.
4) The Donbas is home to the heaviest and most fortified Ukrainian defence lines.
5) If morale among many regular units of the Ukrainian military wasn't particularly low, they wouldn't release this many videos to voice their desperation, despite the extreme punishments they risk.
6) Now desertions need to be added to the mix, as acknowledged even by western propaganda media:

So just watch Ukrainian forces falter little by little, they can slow down but not prevent the inevitable.
A demoralised army does not lead to 500 meter territory taken per day. It leads to collapse like we saw in iraq/afghanistan
You're making it appear as if NATO never manifested any hostile intentions towards Russia. Bona fide russophobes they put in power in Kiev after overthrowing democratically elected governments via CIA-orchestrated "color revolutions" and armed mobs, we must have dreamt it all up... not.

Meanwhile some western European politicians acted in a slightly more responsible manner than the bulk of their sell-out colleagues and attempted to counteract Washington's push for confrontation with Russia. It's they to whom we owe projects such as Nordstream. However, in the end EU regimes proved that they're comfortable with vassalage and will forego their own best interests for the sake of Uncle Sam's raging lust for destruction.

As said, continued subjugation to American (and zionist) overlords will only have devastating consequences for European states, including on the security front and not least because they're actively making an enemy out of Russia when this was not necessary nor inevitable. All it would have taken was to show some fortitude and decouple their policy from the US regime. It's still not too late.
I am saying its an eb and flow of geopolitical pressure and interests from

American action does not justify all counter-reactions. Especially against third party.
There's no relation and I explained why. Neither of the countries destroyed by NATO in recent decades posed any real threat to the latter. So much so that they needed to concoct bogus "evidence" of WMD and other such universally debunked fairy tales. With regards to Ukraine and Russia, the situation is of course totally different.

Claims a MI6-handled nobody in his home in London, who is known for issuing uncorroborated statements left and right. But even the latter cannot but confess that the governmental camp's civilian to military kill ratio was no worse than 2 to 1 - in reality it was probably far more favorable even. Which, for a counter-insurgency effort in mostly urban and densely populated area fought with a lack of precision munitions is nothing out of the ordinary. The zionist regime, which benefits from a much larger stock of accurate ordinance, has killed proportionally more civilians in several aggressions it launched on the Lebanese and Palestinians.
Blahblahbal with basically amounting to “america and israel did bad things so russia can now flatten ukraine!”
I don't know of any invasion of Afghanistan by Russia. As for the USSR, factor in the might and resources of the very few states assisting the Taleban in the 2000's, versus the array of powers supporting the Mujahedin against the Soviets, or else no comparison would make sense.
Millions of civilian dead vs thousands is what im talking about. Watch the population development during both.
Some of them seem to have thought it'd be a good idea to seek "revenge" against a weakened Russia by joining NATO, instead of establishing strong mutually constructive ties. Now it's backfiring and rightfully so.
Every time they chose distance/sovereignity the soviets send more troops/kgb.

But i will convey the message of an iranian to all eastern europans. They dont know what they are doing. Their experiences and knowledge of russia is clearly worthless.
Others like the current administration in Hungary still seem to be capable of independent and rational policy-making, relatively speaking.
Doesn't need to be, there are enough credible sources attesting of it. If the USSR was given such an assurance, which it was, then in all logic it would have had to apply even more so to a much weaker Russian Federation in the 1990's and early 2000's.
Because the neoconservative "Brookings Institutions" is a valid source now? :lol:

That sort of stuff isn't going to fly with anyone with an ounce of intellectual probity.
Gorbachov stated it…
And for your “legal” view. How much is a statement made in passing to a regume that doesnt exist anymore holding up to more recent written promises by the russian federation??

Again you pick and choose whichever angle suits you…
Getting progressively encircled by a rabidly hostile military alliance whose nation-wrecking habits are there for all to see, and exhausting all peaceful diplomatic means in an attempt to reason with them, justifies pushing back if they obstinately stick to their antagonistic line.
"Running" from windmills. Or rather, gobbled up by an expansionist, hegemonist, warmongering US regime.

Russia has been militarily intervening against former Warsaw Pact states "all the time", in a parallel universe perhaps.

It is initiated by one party. And that party was the regime in Kiev, end of story.

The prospect of having a hostile, notoriously oppressive and warmongering superpower station troops on one's border, and use the area as a staging ground for acts of destabilization, while one's ethno-linguistic brethren are getting shelled by local clients of that superpower provides far better justification than some trumped up "WMD" charges against an impoverished, feeble country located ten thousand of kilometers away and relying on an incapable military - not least because it was subjected to a decade of inhumane sanctions by the aggressor, as a result of which a million of its citizens perished.
More propaganda.
Outlandish contention. Between the signing of the Minsk accords and the start of the Russian special military operation, 14000 Donbas residents were slaughtered by Ukrainian regime forces, most of them civilians.
Read the un report again maybe? Playing with numbers again…its “all regime victims “ now…
Ah, Iranians are bound to be propagandists while eastern Europeans leaders are incapable of objectionable policy-making and miscalculation. And if the German people in March 1933 voted the NDSAP into power, that too must have been based on their superior "know-how and experience" I suppose.
The nazi party never got majority vote.
Again a sign that maybe you do not know better then europeans about their own history….
By the way, it's quite rich to be labelled a "propagandist" by one of the multiple NATO-sympathizing users who joined this forum over the past few weeks with the express purpose of posting merely in this one thread, and trying to salvage what is salvageable on the psy-ops front by means of rehashing pre-fabricated talking points conceived by western regimes, considering the debacle zio-American muppets in Ukraine are suffering.
Longer time lurker to perceive “the other side” opinion/sources. Couldnt handle the blatant russian propaganda on this matter. I have ukranian friends… it hurts me to see a european country being attacked like this.
There can be no doubt that the unenviable title goes to the US regime regime, its client states and other minions. Who caused a million Iraqi civilians to perish including half a million children and newborns by imposing suffocating sanctions on that country from 1991 to 2003, which the Secretary of State brushed off as an "acceptable price" to pay on live television.

The war in Syria is also a direct consequence of zio-American meddling and deliberate engineering of a civil war.
Saddam could feed his million men army but not the children. Also medicine was not included in sanction and new evidence points to purposely inflated iraqi numbers…
That's your thought process, not mine. Ukrainians and Russians are suffering because of the US empire's expansionism in Europe as well as the concrete, immediate existential threats this policy is posing to the Russian Federation. US attacks on Iraq and an endless list of other countries however serve as an illustration as to how Washington operates and what its true policy goals are, behind the fallacious facade of lies and manipulations.

Yes, let the ukranians suffer russias dreams of colonial empire, for something america did to iraq.

We europeans have a better history with american influence by the way. A reason so many a running away from the russian “embrace”
Rheinmetall is ready to deliver the first of 100 Marder to Ukraine. In addition 88 Leopard 1 and multiple Leopard 2. As soon as Scholz gives his Ok the tanks can roll.

Soldaten aus dem sächsische Marienberg verladen im Januar 2020 Schützenpanzer des Typs Marder auf Güteranhänger der Eisenbahn.

Soldaten aus dem sächsische Marienberg verladen im Januar 2020 Schützenpanzer des Typs Marder auf Güteranhänger der Eisenbahn. Bild: DPA


Rheinmetall is ready to deliver the first of 100 Marder to Ukraine. In addition 88 Leopard 1 and multiple Leopard 2. As soon as Scholz gives his Ok the tanks can roll.

Soldaten aus dem sächsische Marienberg verladen im Januar 2020 Schützenpanzer des Typs Marder auf Güteranhänger der Eisenbahn.

Soldaten aus dem sächsische Marienberg verladen im Januar 2020 Schützenpanzer des Typs Marder auf Güteranhänger der Eisenbahn. Bild: DPA

Not gonna happen. Leopard 2 is Germany's cash crop. Leopard 2 blown up in Donbas is bad for Germany's sales. Maybe Leopard 1 but definitely not Leopard 2.

Not gonna happen. Leopard 2 is Germany's cash crop. Leopard 2 blown up in Donbas is bad for Germany's sales. Maybe Leopard 1 but definitely not Leopard 2.
Wait and see
Scholz, Marcon and Dragi will visit Kiew. I think they will give ok to heavy weapon delivery and EU membership.
Putin meanwhile realizes this is not a 3 day war but a war of attrition. That will exhaust resources both sides. Ukraine has the West. Putin only has his own propaganda. The war costs Russia one billion USD per day, hundreds of deaths per day. Putin needs a constant money flows from selling oil and gas.

Wait and see
Scholz, Marcon and Dragi will visit Kiew. I think they will give ok to heavy weapon delivery and EU membership.
Putin meanwhile realizes this is not a 3 day war but a war of attrition. That will exhaust resources both sides. Ukraine has the West. Putin only has his own propaganda. The war costs Russia one billion USD per day, hundreds of deaths per day. Putin needs a constant money flows from selling oil and gas.

This is a permanent war with no end just like covid is a permanent pandemic with no end. 100 years from now they will still be going on.

This is a permanent war with no end just like covid is a permanent pandemic with no end. 100 years from now they will still be going on.
In middle age, the war between France and England last 116 years. The war between Vietnam and Champa over 400 years. Who knows this Russia-Ukraine war will last longer. Zelinskki says he won’t cede territories nor surrender.
In middle age, the war between France and England last 116 years. The war between Vietnam and Champa over 400 years. Who knows this Russia-Ukraine war will last longer.
If hopefully ends with Putin.
In middle age, the war between France and England last 116 years. The war between Vietnam and Champa over 400 years. Who knows this Russia-Ukraine war will last longer. Zelinskki says he won’t cede territories nor surrender.

The war is permanent. Longer than how long Zelensky lives.
The New York Times reported that Ukraine citizens in Kherson gave coordinates of a Russian base of operations to Ukrainian artillery about 12 miles from Kherson, and the base was completely destroyed killing about 200 Russian soldiers and mercenaries.

This was only a few days ago.

The Russians are losing at least 200-300 soldiers per day. Their losses are catastrophic.

About the same as Ukrainian losses if you take into account reporting bias.
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