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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Yeah, it's a clothes drier, ooops, sorry, its parts are also used as the Su-57's radar, the goal of the Special Military Operation is to seize enough washing machines to keep Sukhoi able to sell "monkey models" for the next 50 years
Actually, it's $40,000 for Waffen-SS infantry defectors... It's the best way for them to not end being returned to Babushka in the infamous LIDL 150L trashbag, made in Germany.
All Russians with money have fled to the west, the west loves life more than Putin loves death.
There's a single point I agree with Putin : Russia has definitively the best whores in the world... Well, I should say "had" : we have Russian prostitutes everywhere, your only whore left is Vladimirovna Putina
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Now he believes he's Peter the Great...
He's just Putler the Dread
Soon he'll be Putler of the Dead
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Meanwhile, in Moscow's biggest mall...

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is there a reason you misquote me ?
Yes yes, USA government and CIA are totally disconnected from the 73-year-old NATO's global war on Communism and Socialism, not to mention involving Israel in this too. :rolleyes:
Maybe you should start to read an encyclopedia about what NATO is and how it is structured... BTW, many NATO countries even had socialist governments during the Cold-War, sometimes even with some communist ministers in, look at the Mitterrand administration in France, 1981-1995... And it was the French under his tenure who did the Operation Farewell and dismantled all KGB networks in the West. You don't seem to get that the Soviets murdered more leftists and commies than Hitler. For sure, Soviets helped India, but you don't know their true face!
how a country joins nato.jpg

after france left nato.jpg

Moreover, even Putin declared that anyone wanting communism back has no brain!
According to its inventor Benito Mussolini, fascism is capitalism pushed to the extreme. Putin's wealth is about the double of Jeff Bezos...

And when Putin sells monkey-models of Russian weapons to India, he also sells more advanced versions to India's enemies
Maybe you should start to read an encyclopedia about what NATO is and how it is structured... BTW, many NATO countries even had socialist governments during the Cold-War, sometimes even with some communist ministers in, look at the Mitterrand administration in France, 1981-1995... And it was the French under his tenure who did the Operation Farewell and dismantled all KGB networks in the West. You don't seem to get that the Soviets murdered more leftists and commies than Hitler. For sure, Soviets helped India, but you don't know their true face!
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Moreover, even Putin declared that anyone wanting communism back has no brain!
According to its inventor Benito Mussolini, fascism is capitalism pushed to the extreme. Putin's wealth is about the double of Jeff Bezos...

And when Putin sells monkey-models of Russian weapons to India, he also sells more advanced versions to India's enemies

NATO is an American created organization. There is no NATO without America. Indeed, as America weakens, NATO will eventually be disbanded in a few decades.

Su-57 smash French artillery in Donbas.

So it is Ok for Putin to invade Ukraine , because of something that the Americans did to the Indians.

Great Logic.


No, I just think the peace blahblah said by an israeli is not so persuative and a little hypocritical. Maybe you should try not to take the land from palestinian and stop killing palestinian firstly.
The Ukrainians have pushed a lot more heavy artillery to the Donbass front in the last week.

Seen a significant spike in fires on FIRMs and the Russians are stalled.
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