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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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X : total voters 1000
Y : Blank votes : 40
Z : Invalid votes : 10
V : Valid votes : X-Y-Z = 950

A : votes for Mr Y : 490
B : votes for Mr W: 460

% Y : A/V = 490/950= 51,58%
% W : B/V = 460/950 = 48.42%

Dunno how Ukrainian counting system can differ from the above.
As I said, and as the TASS (TASS is russian by the way) and as the other guy said, Invalid Vote and Blank vote are counted in Ukraine, what that mean by count is it was counted toward the grand tally, but it did not goes to either of the candidate.

Which mean if 20 vote out of 1000 are blank and invalid, and one candidate get 495 vote, and the other have 485, that mean none of them have gone over 50%, as it should be, as just because I don't like either candidate that does not mean my vote does not count, and putting it in advantage of one over the other using my preference is not going according to my original will to vote, which my intention is to have it go to nobody.

Here in Tunisia, if you fight in any external war, you are considered a terrorist and terrorist laws are applicable. Seems logical to me.....

But if the English pow are Ukrainians citizens, should be treated like any other Ukrainian pow.
What you are talking about is more akin to Treason. It too happened in the US, US Law explicitly stated that no US citizens shall engage in warfare that the United States were not engage in. If US is not at war with Russia, then any US citizen that went to war with Russia is breaking that law.

However, that did not account for dual citizens, because if I am a Ukrainian-American, it would be my duty to defend Ukraine now that Ukraine are at war with Russia, that mean it would be okay for me to join the Ukrainian Force and fight the Russian, that did not break both US Federal Law and International Law.
About 100 to 200 Ukrainian KIA per day. The general ratio is about 5 wounded to every killed, so they're suffering anywhere from 500 to 1000 casualties per day. Russians might be doing slightly better thanks to firepower advantage, but I don't imagine casualties are light on their side in recent weeks as well.
Not only do mercenaries not fall under the Geneva Convention, neither do soldiers not in uniform
About 100 to 200 Ukrainian KIA per day. The general ratio is about 5 wounded to every killed, so they're suffering anywhere from 500 to 1000 casualties per day. Russians might be doing slightly better thanks to firepower advantage, but I don't imagine casualties are light on their side in recent weeks as well.

Exactly so. The Ukranian casualties, IN TRUTH, must be immense. Many times what they admit. Between soldiers and civilians. Two thirds of war casualties happen in artillery bombardment and the Russians have been pounding the country for weeks
As I said, and as the TASS (TASS is russian by the way) and as the other guy said, Invalid Vote and Blank vote are counted in Ukraine, what that mean by count is it was counted toward the grand tally, but it did not goes to either of the candidate.

Of course they are counted and of course they don't go to any candidate

Which mean if 20 vote out of 1000 are blank and invalid, and one candidate get 495 vote, and the other have 485, that mean none of them have gone over 50%, as it should be, as just because I don't like either candidate that does not mean my vote does not count,
Yes your votes don't count because your candidate didn't reached the secondary tour.

and putting it in advantage of one over the other using my preference is not going according to my original will to vote, which my intention is to have it go to nobody.

They go to nobody, they are deducted from the Total Votes for both candidates, division is done on V : valide votes not X : total votes

Following your logic :

If blank votes are 6% of all votes, candidate Y should have 6%+1 more votes than candidate W to win and have a valide election, that's illogical

What you are talking about is more akin to Treason. It too happened in the US, US Law explicitly stated that no US citizens shall engage in warfare that the United States were not engage in. If US is not at war with Russia, then any US citizen that went to war with Russia is breaking that law.

However, that did not account for dual citizens, because if I am a Ukrainian-American, it would be my duty to defend Ukraine now that Ukraine are at war with Russia, that mean it would be okay for me to join the Ukrainian Force and fight the Russian, that did not break both US Federal Law and International Law.
Dual citizens are fine of course to fight for "one" of their citizenship.
About 100 to 200 Ukrainian KIA per day. The general ratio is about 5 wounded to every killed, so they're suffering anywhere from 500 to 1000 casualties per day. Russians might be doing slightly better thanks to firepower advantage, but I don't imagine casualties are light on their side in recent weeks as well.

Loads of Ukrainians fleeing Ukraine, dying of disease due to poor healthcare because of war, dying of hunger because of loss of agricultural land in the southeast. Probably millions of Ukrainians be gone from Ukraine before the end of the year. Sad end to the country.
Not only do mercenaries not fall under the Geneva Convention, neither do soldiers not in uniform

Never mind those guys are Ukrainian citizens. Anyways still execute them.
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100 years after World War 1 , we see countries pounding each other with huge cannons for months , like a bunch of Neanderthals.

This is how much humanity has developed. We may have internet and iPhones , but this has not eliminated bloody wars. Even worse , with all this technology , now it is out there for all to see.

as for the reason for this war :

People seems to have all sort of complicated explanations for that. As if dictators deciding to invade and annex a neighbouring country , is something new in history.

From Alexander of Macedon to Napoleon Bonaparte . Dictators like to invade other countries ,and care little of the suffering they cause.

I am talking about Mr white judo pants , Mr long table , Putin.

Who instead of helping the world , by battling the hard issues the world is facing like Viruses , food shortage , climate change , thought it wise to drag the world into a new , long forgotten , 1950s , arm race.

Instead of allocating all our resources to solve the challenges we all face.

That's thermobaric, best defence is to stay out of range

Well you got the fire itself. It will burn anything it touches. Then you got the concussive force which is lethal even farther than the fire. Then you got the fact that it sucks all the O2 out of the air so even if you are in a vehicle or bunker that kept you from being burnt or blown up you die of asphyxiation. As for how much damage it depends on the target and the size of the weapon. As usual

100 years after World War 1 , we see countries pounding each other with huge cannons for months , like a bunch of Neanderthals.

This is how much humanity has developed. We may have internet and iPhones , but this has not eliminated bloody wars. Even worse , with all this technology , now it is out there for all to see.

as for the reason for this war :

People seems to have all sort of complicated explanations for that. As if dictators deciding to invade and annex a neighbouring country , is something new in history.

From Alexander of Macedon to Napoleon Bonaparte . Dictators like to invade other countries ,and care little of the suffering they cause.

I am talking about Mr white judo pants , Mr long table , Putin.

Who instead of helping the world , by battling the hard issues the world is facing like Viruses , food shortage , climate change , thought it wise to drag the world into a new , long forgotten , 1950s , arm race.

Instead of allocating all our resources to solve the challenges we all face.

Said by a person from a country which founded by invasion and apartheid, very persuative.
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