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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I edited my previous reply to include your answer. You can refer to it for more details.

To summarize:

* If two candidates agree to run in the second round, then the Ukrainian election law does not require the winner to receive over 50% of votes. Simple majority, including less than 50% will be enough.

* If only one candidate accepts to run in the second round, then the Ukrainian election law demands that this one candidate receive over 50% of votes to be elected.

This is the actual rule. I can see where the confusion stems from, but if you read the paragraph carefully, this is what it says Ukrainian law stipulates for.

So yes, Yanukovych's win was legit.
lol, again, call it whatever you will, I am not going to circle back and write the same thing 3 (or 4 ) times, over and over again.

Also, even if that is the case, you still can't oppose the fact that he left his post BEFORE Maidan (Again, seeing the first thing the angry mob did was to surround the Presidential Palace, the fact that he is still alive and well in Russia instead of being skinned alive suggest that he left before Maidan happen), so whatever point you made is moot either way....
PMC Wagner burned down in Stakhanov .... A new recruitment has been opened.
About 100 to 200 Ukrainian KIA per day. The general ratio is about 5 wounded to every killed, so they're suffering anywhere from 500 to 1000 casualties per day. Russians might be doing slightly better thanks to firepower advantage, but I don't imagine casualties are light on their side in recent weeks as well.

100-200 casualties = WIA+KIA
Rashist Orcs play turret throwing, Ukrainian humans don't
More Russians coming back home in trashbags

So, one of the two officers is...
Lt-Col Vadim Gerasimov.jpg
_ Russian soldier back home - Copie1.jpg

There was already Vitali about 2 months ago...

_ Russian soldier back home - Copie1.jpg

Weekend at Gerasimov's.jpg

Russian oil exports were last week 10% down, but their revenues, due to price increases, were actually up 50% (source: International Energy Agency). The Russian oil firm Lukoil suggested that export be reduced 30% to maximise profit and save on production and transport costs. Now, the eu has said it will eventually stop buying oil from Russia, which will again increase the price. Even selling at a 20% discountprofit will be maintained. Sanctions are hurting everyone, and the longer they're applied for, the worse it will be, globally
1. Less demand => prices fall
2. We're replacing the 3rd gen nuke turbines of our 58 NPPs (near all with 4x P'4 EPR 3817MWth reactor) with new gen of Siemens ones : 60%+ efficiency instead of 35%=> about 2.3GWe instead of 1.3GWe per reactor.
3. EU shale gas basins : time for fracking!!!
Shale gas.jpg

fracking does profits as soon the barrel is over $50...
4. We can unlock Venezuela's sanction regime, even if Biden opposes...
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lol, again, call it whatever you will, I am not going to circle back and write the same thing 3 (or 4 ) times, over and over again.

I quoted the relevant paragraph bit by bit, and this makes its meaning clear.

Also, even if that is the case,

It definitely is.

you still can't oppose the fact that he left his post BEFORE Maidan (Again, seeing the first thing the angry mob did was to surround the Presidential Palace, the fact that he is still alive and well in Russia instead of being skinned alive suggest that he left before Maidan happen), so whatever point you made is moot either way....

Mob violence is not conforming to democratic principles.

You're free to believe NATO regimes and their intelligence services didn't have a hand in organizing and enabling those mobs. For my part, I will opt for the published literature (including from western sources) that points to such an intervention, and seems well researched and credible to me.
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Said by a person from a country which founded by invasion and apartheid, very persuative.
Said by a person from a cuntry which founded on invasion, apartheid and GENOCIDE...

china1949 - Copie.png

Muslim Uyghurs are forced to eat pork, drink alcohool and insult their prophet while kept in concentration camps...
Chinese Comunist Party : #1 genocider in history ! Mao Zedong : 4x worse than Hitler...
And always remember :
dalai lama.jpg
Putin in a speech yesterday showed what a deluded crazy tyrant he is, comparing himself to Czar Peter I and how Russia should expand even more.
Im willing to pay cuts, so are all that i know. The russians must be destroyed in Ukraine.
Negotiations make no sense. It must end in their complete collapse
He believes he's PETER THE GREAT...
Soon he'll be PUTLER OF THE DEAD
_Putin WWZ no comment.jpg
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Mob violence is not conforming to democratic principles.

You're free to believe NATO regimes and their intelligence services had no hand in organizing and enabling those people. For my part, I will opt for the published literature (including from western sources) that points to such an intervention, and seems credible to me.
First of all, NATO definitely involved in this, not sure about US, but seeing how UK and EU react when Russia attack Ukraine. You would bet they have something to deal with it.

On the other hand, if he abandoned his post before Maidan, that have nothing to do with being conforming to democratic principal. Because, well, he abandoned his post before that happen.
100-200 casualties = WIA+KIA
Rashist Orcs play turret throwing, Ukrainian humans don't

Stop trying to misrepresent the actual article dipshit. Take your "slava ukraini" crap elsewhere.

A senior Ukrainian presidential aide has told the BBC that between 100 and 200 Ukrainian troops are being killed on the front line every day.
Mykhaylo Podolyak said Ukraine needed hundreds of Western artillery systems to level the playing field with Russia in the eastern Donbas region.

Very good Q&A session about Ukrainian War with Prof Michael Clark

If you have a question about the war, chances are you are going to find the answer there.
Said by a person from a country which founded by invasion and apartheid, very persuative.

Just another example of a conflict that should have been sorted by an agreement 70 years ago , and would have spared 70 years of pointless fighting.

But the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not a fight between two nations fighting for survival .

It is one powerful nation invading another country in order to subjugate them and steal their resources. More like what china did to Tibet.

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Putin compares himself to Peter the Great in quest to take back Russian landsImage1.jpg

First of all, NATO definitely involved in this, not sure about US, but seeing how UK and EU react when Russia attack Ukraine. You would bet they have something to deal with it.
It's the contrary : US stated Dept., not NATO...
Fattie Vickie (Nuland) with Geoffrey Pyatt (them ambassador) have put some stuff in place... And a great time of US diplomacy nobody has forgotten in the EU...🤬
BTW, NATO has no such capability on its own... Actually, most of NATO criticisms are hilarious because those doing these are parroting utter BS propaganda from penguins not even understanding what NATO is...
But the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not a fight between two nations fighting for survival .

It is one powerful nation invading another country in order to subjugate them and steal their resources. More like what china did to Tibet.


Or like what NATO did to Iraq, Libya and doing to Venezuela. :)
Much less accurate than American systems, and can only fire one volley per hour. HIMARS and M270 can fire 5 volleys per hour.

Russia is relying on massed artillery barrages to advance. Thats the only thing working for them. Once in sufficient numbers, HIMARS and M270 are going to rip Russian artillery formations a new one.
Do you have comparison or data to prove the accuracy superiority?
Thanks in advance.

100 years after World War 1 , we see countries pounding each other with huge cannons for months , like a bunch of Neanderthals.

This is how much humanity has developed. We may have internet and iPhones , but this has not eliminated bloody wars. Even worse , with all this technology , now it is out there for all to see.

as for the reason for this war :

People seems to have all sort of complicated explanations for that. As if dictators deciding to invade and annex a neighbouring country , is something new in history.

From Alexander of Macedon to Napoleon Bonaparte . Dictators like to invade other countries ,and care little of the suffering they cause.

I am talking about Mr white judo pants , Mr long table , Putin.

Who instead of helping the world , by battling the hard issues the world is facing like Viruses , food shortage , climate change , thought it wise to drag the world into a new , long forgotten , 1950s , arm race.

Instead of allocating all our resources to solve the challenges we all face.


The long peace we had since WW2 was due to one thing only - the presence of one global superpower which can smack anybody else with 1 finger.

Now that 1 finger has broken, and the superpower is afraid to use the whole fist.
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Or like what NATO did to Iraq, Libya and doing to Venezuela. :)

People repeat themselves because they want to be heard.

First of all, NATO definitely involved in this, not sure about US, but seeing how UK and EU react when Russia attack Ukraine. You would bet they have something to deal with it.

On the other hand, if he abandoned his post before Maidan, that have nothing to do with being conforming to democratic principal. Because, well, he abandoned his post before that happen.

It isn’t. Only Putin is responsible for the war in Ukraine. However, by indicating that he would tolerate a ‘minor incursion’ President Biden made war more likely
Those Thermobaric weapons are real bad a$$, I saw some video documentaries about how they work and in action... The best defense is to keep away..
Thermobaric weapons not works well in open field, but white phosphorus bomb, cluster bomb do.

The long peace we had since WW2 was due to one thing only - the presence of one global superpower which can smack anybody else with 1 finger.

Now that 1 finger has broken, and the superpower is afraid to use the whole fist.
You totally forgot Korean War and Vietnam War? U.S. was defeated in both battlefield.
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