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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Your "mighty Bayraktars" are dropping like flies. So fast, you can't even build them fast enough, with foreign parts you can't even produce yourself . Maybe The russians should rename the Pantsir to Fly Swatter. :lol:

There is probably no weapon in the last 2 decades overhyped so much like this drone. And polluting your own post or the forum here with fancy buzzwords change nothing about this fact.
What a frustrated commento_O take a break @NotSure. Your frustration won't change anything
Russia demanding all gas sales to Europe based on the Ruble has strengthened its currency. The West has frozen Russian assets in their financial institutions and imposed sanctions on Russia, thinking they would cripple the Russian economy.

In return, Putin demanded all Russian gas sales to Europe would be done based on the Ruble. He's also demanded all mineral and food sales to EU would be done on the Ruble as well. This is where the strength that you see on the Ruble comes from. Today, every transaction between Russia and EU and other countries, except China, is based on the Ruble.

He's also made deals with China, the largest economy in the world, where Russia is selling more hydrocarbons based on the Yuan. Having this trade outside of US Dollar and Euro is another blow against the "fiat money".

The English-speaking world's effort to kill the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has really backfired on them. It seems Ukraine and the rest of EU have chosen to be the sacrificial lamb here.

This war is about saving the "fiat money" and the system that suffocates many countries and peoples. It looks like Putin and his Russian nation are the ones who are successfully resisting it.
Well yes.. for Russia now..it is Gas-Ruble vs Petro-Dollar.. quite interesting ..
US Secretary of Defense: 50 countries have agreed to send more advanced weapons to Ukraine, including a launcher for Harpoon missiles and missiles to protect its coasts

Urgent | Dnipropetrovsk governor: the railway network in the Pavlograd and Senekiv regions was destroyed by Russian missile strikes

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: It is possible to solve the food crisis if sanctions on Russia's exports are lifted

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Much more. And I guess even more China not revealing to the world as yet.

And while USA trying to compete with Russia for laser power, China going to rip matter from empty space with laser.

Physicists are getting close to building lasers powerful enough to rip matter out of a vacuum.

Remember China invented gunpowder primarily to make amusing fireworks to entertain themselves.

Same thing with laser, and more
What do you even contribute if substance?
Mere propaganda
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