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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Me watching this thread turn into a Palestine v Israel debate (somehow)

(mad props to the amount of false propaganda certain users are putting up though 👍)

Modern Israel became a reality in 1947 by virtue of the United Nations Resolution 181 (approved by 33 member states). Episodes of violence at the time were due to political effects of partition and relocations.

Partition violence was much worse in the subcontinent in fact.

The 1st Arab - Israel War was fought in 1948, and Israel gained more lands due to this war.


This war was a bad decision (Arab miscalculation), and changed the political calculus and environment of the region.

The 2nd Arab - Israel War was fought in 1967, and Israel gained even more lands due to this war.

Israel became bold and began to encroach on foreign lands since 1980. Religious fundamentalism had taken roots in the region by now. The encroachment was definitely wrong.

But things should move forward from here. OIC should contemplate one state solution now. It should be pitched to Palestinians.

Al-Aqsa Masjid should be declared an 'international heritage site' in connection with one state solution.


It is important to respect internationally recognized borders of (any) country.

Linking Ukraine to Palestine will solve nothing. It is not good and helpful to do politics over misery of others in my humble view.

Muslims should never condone and support unfair acts of aggression/oppression around the world. WE are answerable to Allah Almighty in the end.

Peaceful merger or expansion of a country is another thing.

Bro, i commend you for trying to be balanced and all that.

Let me say that, if more americans were principled like you on this matter, especially american jews, then there would be a lot less Palestinian suffering and we would have a separate Palestinian state long time ago.
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Bayraktar TB2s have struck the Russian targets under the protection of S-400 in Ukraine. S-400 radar systems can't detect a TB2 for its slow and low physical movement is perfectly matched with its EW envelop associated traveling EM waves. Not to mention the highly effective sensor fusion supporting the optimized on-the-fly real-time computational capability including signal/image processing, finite element analysis, AI, deep learning etc....

All the vodka and tobacco in Europe can't help the Russian physicists and mathematicians...

Your "mighty Bayraktars" are dropping like flies. So fast, you can't even build them fast enough, with foreign parts you can't even produce yourself . Maybe The russians should rename the Pantsir to Fly Swatter. :lol:

There is probably no weapon in the last 2 decades overhyped so much like this drone. And polluting your own post or the forum here with fancy buzzwords change nothing about this fact.
The main events of May 23

Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

💥High-precision, long-range sea-based missiles have destroyed weapons and military equipment of the Ukrainian armed forces' 10th Mountain Assault Brigade from Ivano-Frankovsk that had been transferred to Donbass.

💥High-precision air-based missiles have hit 4 command posts, 1 communication centre of the North Task Force near Bakhmut in the Donetsk People's Republic, 48 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration, as well as 6 ammunition depots

✈️💥Operational-tactical and army aviation have hit 39 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration and destroyed 1 ammunition depot

▫️The attacks have resulted in the elimination of more than 230 nationalists and up to 33 armoured and motor vehicles.

💥Russian air defence means shot down 3 Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force overnight

💥Missile troops and artillery have hit 73 command posts, 578 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, as well as 37 artillery and mortar units at firing positions.

Dollar/Euro- Ruble exchange rate

The euro exchange rate on the Moscow Exchange fell to 59 rubles for the first time since June 2015

The strengthening of the ruble on May 23 reached its peak, the Ministry of Economic Development said

Liberated territory

▫️Kherson region will completely abandon the hryvnia before the end of the year


▫️"All prisoners from Azovstal are held in the DPR, they will be judged by a tribunal on the territory of the republic."

The document, which will determine how the tribunal will take place over Ukrainian nationalists who left the Mariupol Azovstal plant, may appear within a month

Russia’s foreign policy

▫️Russia will rely only on itself and those countries that have proven their reliability and do not "dance to someone else's tune," Lavrov said.

He noted that Russia should stop in any way dependent on the supply of anything from the West for critical industries.

According to Lavrov, Moscow in its further development should rely on partners in the Eurasian region.

▫️Lavrov: those who seek the defeat of Russia "on the battlefield" probably did not study well at school and do not know what Russia is

▫️Economic cooperation between Russia and China will gain momentum in the near future, as the West "takes the position of a dictator,"

Kids in charge of world politics

Biden says the US would defend Taiwan militarily against an invasion by China.

▫️ White House officials said that Biden simply meant the US would provide military equipment to Taiwan, not send troops to defend the island if China attacks

▫️The French government is preparing to introduce new subsidies for gasoline and food to support the living standards of the population

▫️The Swedish government has decided to increase military assistance to Ukraine

Zelensky from the mental health clinic

invited countries and international companies to take "patronage" over the regions of Ukraine for restoration after the end of hostilities.

▫️Zelensky is again ready to meet with Putin (before the defeat in the Donbass he was not ready) - "to end the war":

"I do not perceive any meeting with anyone from the Russian Federation, except for the President of the Russian Federation, even if there is one question - ending the war“

International news

❗The total amount of deals for the supply of US arms to Taiwan has already exceeded $70 billion


▫️The assault on the city began. Our troops entered from the north and began to occupy city blocks. Artillery and aviation have been working very actively since the morning. The enemy retreated to the southern part of the city. A large number of prisoners are reported.
backing commie terrorists in India while attacking jawans at the border...

False flag Indian detected.

Now, ya all, it's interesting, and for sure, I like to discuss the subject as well as debunk the insane propaganda that sticks to this, but please, you all :

Indian confirmed.

The phrase "y'all" is spoken in the American South. It is rarely used in written speech, except for literary reasons. The ONLY people who use "y'all" in written speech are South Asians who are desperate to sound Western.

As for the rest of your babble, it is off-topic so I won't bother.

Ukraine taking a battering, if Ziolensky paints a bad picture you know its much worse.

If even the Nazi jewboy Zelenski is stating up to 100 Ukrainian Nazis are dying every day, you can probably double that figure for the actual amount. And according to that same footage, even the US state the Ukrainians have lost over 10,000 men. But the Nazi loving Ukrainian fanboys here don't even acknowledge Ukrainian losses, or don't care, as long as they're dying as cannon fodder for the Russians.
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