Oh, c'mon, the Palestinian people was invented by Yuri Andropov in 1964, to be used as a demographic weapon against Israel! This is great from you since I CLOSELY studied the subject and the history of the region and obviously, you didn't and are just swallowing bogus propaganda without scratching the surface and looking for the truth, as usua !!!
BTW, despite having closely studied this, I still can't win the Bentley offered to anyone able to answer 12 simple questions you'd find the answer about ANY other country on its Wikipedia page, or any encyclopaedia, go figure why!!!
BTW, do you know there is no "P" in Arabic, that's why they pronounce "Fallestine" and sometimes "Ballestine"... Do you know any people unable to pronounce its own name?
Any idea why? The name "Palestina" was given to the whole region by the Romans to punish the Jewish revolt in 53AD, the etimology is the Hebrew word "Paleshet" which means... INVADER !!! So your beloved "Palestinians" call themselves invaders in broken Hebrew and don't even know it!
Oh, BTW, you heard about Hollywood, you've heard about Bollywood, but "Palestine" gave us
PALLYWOOD!!! Here's the best of Pallywood!
Moreover, the two states solution is ALREADY applied by the 1922 San Remo treaty that fixes the borders of Jewish Palestine (Israel) and Arab Palestine (Jordan)
Note that, the 1918 census says there were only 15,000 Arabs living in now Israel, including the Palestinian-occupied territories, more than half of them not even born here : 5000 were imported from Hejaz (Mecca kingdom) to Haifa by the Turks in 1905, to build the Haifa-Amman-Damascus railroad, about 5000 were nomad Bedouins wandering the deserts of the region with their camels, so depending on their trade, you could find as well in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Hejaz and even sometimes in Arabia or Iraq.
Now, please explain to me how to go from a population of only 5000 local Arabs to 5 millions in one century, and even 12-15 millions with an alleged diaspora, if you listen to the PLO terrorist Abu Mazen, better known as Mahmoud Abbas... ???
Well, the Brit ministry of collonies is partly responsible as, despite the treaties, they proceeded to an illegal Arab immigration in order to balance the growth of the Jewish population (about 85k in 1918) to which Jews from all around the world started to add to, returning to their historical land... This illegal immigration was even highlighted by Winston Churchill himself when 30,000 Syrians were imported in a single month in 1937 (or was it in 1936?). Not a surprise too, the ministry of collonies was also fuelling ethnic tensions, e.g. they appointed the infamous
Amin al-Husseini [who was Yasser Arafat's uncle!] as grand mufti of Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque (which was built about 1 century after the death of Muhammad, this is not the night journey's mosque, al-Aqsa was already destroyed twice by the God of Israel through earthquakes)
But this was nothing : by 1948, there were barely 900k Arabs only...The enormous growth was still to come:
Now, if you think I'm hasbara, which is wrong [my wife is an Arab, BTW, it's from this I notticed there was no "P" and started to question the Palestinan big lie : I used to believe the same BS as you, even wearing a keffiyeh when I was younger], while you're obviously from the
Prizhokin's Troll Factory and paid 85Ru per post, be aware that ALL I POINT comes from... Arabs!!! And here's what they, including Fakestinians, declared!
Even Mahmoud Abbas declared that it wasn't the Jews who expelled the still-not-named-so Palestinians in 1948, and so did the world's press of that time!
Oh, BTW, IsraHELL for whom?
What the Palestinian Authority doesn't wants you to see: the real extent of damages Israel constant shelling, bombing does to Palestinian cities: an absolute shame!
Well, OK, there's an area in Gaza that is damaged : it's from there that Hamas launches their usual 800-1200 rockets on Israel's cities and towns, usually on Saturday as it's Shabbat, then they pose as victims when Israel drops bombs (filled with concrete to avoid as much as possible to kill innocent civilians, but Hamas still uses human shields, and usually will sell their organs if these end killed. As Hamas minstry of Interior proudly declared :
"Hamas made death an industry!"