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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Some members continue to derail this thread with half-baked ramblings. Please stay on topic.

Sources that provide professional coverage of the war are identified and documented in the repository thread. Use them to provide relevant updates.
The Western media and governments are absolute masters of propaganda and mind control. They have to be. In any democracy, job number one is to fool the people well enough to get elected while you implement the agenda of those who funded your campaign.

Noam Chomsky's famous book Manufacturing Consent explains it all.
I love how you comment on western propaganda when you are replying to an obvious Chinese Propaganda.


Russia condemns attack on its envoys in Poland, says 'Neo-Nazis showing their face'​

The spokeswoman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova condemned the attack of Russian Ambassador to Poland with red paint.

Written by:Rohit Ranjan

Updated May 10 , 2022 5:45 PM


Image: AP
After the Russian Ambassador to Poland, Sergei Andreyev was splashed with red paint on the occasion of Victory Day on Monday, the spokeswoman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova condemned the incident, stating that Russian Ambassador, Sergei Andreyev and Russian diplomats accompanying him were attacked in Warsaw while laying a wreath at a Soviet soldier's cemetery. She further stated that neo-Nazi supporters have shown their faces once more, and it is bloody.

Zakharova went on to say that the disrespect of graves, the destruction of monuments to World War II heroes and now the interruption of a flower-laying ceremony on a day that is sacrosanct to every decent human being reveals the obvious once more, that is the West has prepared the stage for the resurrection of Nazism. She reaffirmed her previous statement by saying that they cannot scare Russia. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman also said that Europeans should be terrified when they see themselves in the mirror.

The incident was also criticised by Poland’s Foreign Minister​

The incident was also criticised by Poland’s Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, who stated that the incident was very disgusting and that diplomats should be afforded particular security, regardless of the policies adopted by the nations they represent, according to media reports. The Polish government was chastised for not providing stronger security for the ambassador, allowing an event to occur that could be used by Russia to portray Poland as hostile to Moscow, which Kremlin has already said. Last week, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stated that Poland’s action towards Russia is "openly hostile." As a result of the conflict, which began on February 24, more than 3.2 million Ukrainian refugees have fled to Poland.

While attacking the Ambassador with red paint, the demonstrations prevented the ambassador and others from laying flowers at the cemetery and chanted "Nazi" and "murderer" at him and waved Ukrainian flags. As police arrived on the scene, the ambassador and others in his group were able to depart. When asked by TVN24 about the ambassador being attacked, one demonstrator said it was good that he was attacked by red paint. The envoy had planned to lead a Victory Day march in Warsaw, but national and local authorities objected, and his appearance at the cemetery was seen as provocative by some.
The sea blockage imposed by Russian army hinders Ukraine to export 25 million ton grains. Which causes high food prices and potentially can inflict huge famine in developing countries.
G7 trying to find a way to break Russia blockade.

G7-Außenminister: Annalena Baerbock beim G7-Außenministertreffen

Annalena Baerbock beim G7-Außenministertreffen© Janine Schmitz/imago images
Zelenskki says yesterday in his daily video broadcast, Russia lost the war.
Just because Russians are cowards they don’t admit the defeat.
The military defeat is obvious. Russia hides the defeat behind terror bombing of schools, hospitals and other civil infrastructures.



Russia demands formal Polish apology for Warsaw anti-war protest​

Russia demands formal Polish apology for Warsaw anti-war protest
FILE PHOTO: Poland's Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau attends a news conference in Riga, Latvia April 29, 2022. REUTERS/Ints Kalnins
Russia demands formal Polish apology for Warsaw anti-war protest
An employee cleans the entrance of the Polish embassy after the building was splattered with red paint by an unidentified assailant in Moscow, Russia May 11, 2022. REUTERS/Lev SergeevNext
Published May 11, 2022
Updated May 12, 2022
WARSAW :Russia on Wednesday demanded a formal apology from Poland and threatened possible future reprisals for a protest in which Moscow's ambassador to Warsaw was doused with red paint.
The ambassador, Sergey Andreev, was accosted by people protesting against Russia's intervention in Ukraine as he went to lay flowers at the Soviet Military Cemetery in Warsaw on Monday, drawing a furious reaction from Moscow.

The Russian foreign ministry summoned Polish Ambassador Krzysztof Krajewski to receive its protest.
"Russia expects an official apology from the Polish leadership in connection with the incident and demands the safety of the Russian ambassador and all employees of Russian foreign institutions in Poland are ensured," it said in a statement.
"A decision on further steps will be taken depending on Warsaw's reaction to our demands."
On Wednesday afternoon, red paint was splattered over the entrance to the Polish Embassy in Moscow, a spokesman for the Polish foreign ministry said. Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau said authorities had warned Andreev that attending the cemetery on Monday, when Russia was commemorating the Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two, risked provoking an incident, according to the state-run PAP news agency.
"However, what happened does not in any way change our position that diplomatic representatives of foreign countries are entitled to protection ... no matter how much we feel the need to disagree with the policy of the government that the diplomat represents," Rau was quoted as saying.

Relations between Russia and the West have become fraught since Moscow sent tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24 in what it calls a "special military operation" to disarm the country and protect it from "fascists".
More than 3 million Ukrainians have fled to Poland, which has consistently argued for the Western sanctions imposed on Moscow to be tough, and has expelled 45 Russian diplomats, prompting a tit-for-tat response from Moscow.
Ukraine and the West say the fascist allegation is baseless and that Moscow launched an unprovoked act of aggression against its neighbour.
(Reporting by Alan Charlish, Marek Strzelecki; Editing by Kevin Liffey, Nick Macfie and Mark Heinrich)

Putin says large Russian grain harvest to support higher exports​

Putin says large Russian grain harvest to support higher exports

FILE PHOTO:Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting on economic issues via a video link, with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and other officials seen on a screen, at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia May 12, 2022.

Sputnik/Mikhail Metzel/Kremlin via REUTERS
Published May 12, 2022
Updated May 12, 2022

Russia, one of the world's largest wheat exporters, will increase wheat exports this year due to a potentially record harvest, President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.

Russia competes with the European Union and Ukraine for supplies of wheat to the Middle East and Africa. It continues to export despite difficulties with logistics and payments caused by Western sanctions on Moscow over what Russia terms its "special military operation" in Ukraine.

Russia currently expects to harvest 130 million tonnes of grain in 2022, including 87 million tonnes of wheat, Putin told a meeting of top economic officials in Moscow.

Russia produced a record grain crop 133.5 million tonnes in 2020, including 85.9 million tonnes of wheat. The crop was smaller in 2021.

"If this happens, which we are counting on, it could be an all-time record [for the wheat crop] in Russian history," Putin said. He did not provide an export estimate.

Higher exports from Russia in the new July-June marketing season could help to partly meet rising global demand in the event that Ukraine's exports remain low and Kyiv does not regain access to its Black Sea ports, Sovecon consultancy said in April.

Ukraine's ports have been blockaded since Moscow began what it calls a "special military operation" in Ukraine on Feb. 24.

Russian exporters have largely managed to resolve problems with logistics and the transfer of payments caused by Western sanctions imposed on Moscow since late February and are exporting wheat from the Russian side of the Black Sea and sporadically from the Azov Sea.

(Reporting by Reuters; Editing by Kevin Liffey/Guy Faulconbridge)
BERLIN, May 11 (Xinhua) -- Germany's inflation rate in April rose to 7.4 percent amid soaring energy prices, according to confirmed figures published by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) on Wednesday.

"The inflation rate reached an all-time high for the second month in a row since German reunification," said Georg Thiel, president of Destatis.

A similarly high inflation rate was last recorded in Germany in autumn 1981 when mineral oil prices had sharply increased as a consequence of the war between Iraq and Iran.

Prices of heating oil in April nearly doubled year-on-year, according to Destatis. Marked price increases were also recorded for motor fuels and natural gas, up 38.5 and 47.5 percent respectively.

The development of energy prices since the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict had a "substantial impact on the inflation rate," Destatis noted.

Food prices also picked up and rose by 8.6 percent year-on-year, accelerating significantly from an increase of 6.2 percent in the previous month, according to Destatis. Prices for edible fats and oils rose particularly sharply at 27.3 percent.

For 2022, the German government expects an inflation rate of 6.1 percent as the sharp rise in oil, coal and gas prices was consequently driving up consumer prices. Inflation is expected to return to near-normal levels next year.

US baby formula shortage marks another crisis for Biden​

Republicans are arguing that low supplies, caused in part by a factory shutdown, are evidence the Biden administration is inept​

A production shutdown following a recall has resulted in nearly empty shelves of baby formula at some supermarkets. EPA

The National
May 13 2022

The White House on Thursday vowed to take action to boost supplies of baby formula as US President Joe Biden was slammed by Republicans for nationwide shortages.

Last week, the average out-of-stock rate for baby formula was 43 per cent, according to Datasembly, which collected information from more than 11,000 retailers.

The administration, already under fire over the highest inflation rate in decades, did not specify what action it might take but said Mr Biden would speak to manufacturers and retailers later on Thursday.

The shortages have been worsening since February 17 when, after the death of two infants, manufacturer Abbott announced a “voluntary recall” for formula made at its factory in Michigan — including Similac, a brand used by millions of American families.

A subsequent investigation cleared the formula, but production has yet to resume, exacerbating already ongoing scarcity caused by supply chain problems and labour shortages.

Republicans, who have set their sights on wresting back control of Congress in November's midterm elections, have seized on the issue to berate Mr Biden and the Democrats.

Elise Stefanik, part of the House Republican leadership and a new mother herself, told a news conference she had contacted the US Food and Drug Administration in February but received “no substantive response”.

“Joe Biden simply has no plan. In fact, when Joe Biden's White House was asked about the shortage, they laughed. Shameful,” she told reporters.

Her Republican House of Representatives colleague Anne Wagner of Missouri said her state was one of six in which more than half of the normal supply of baby milk was out of stock.

“I've heard stories of mums first-hand — my own daughter-in-law — bartering for baby formula on Facebook,” she said.

“Pregnant women are asking if they should start stockpiling. They're anxious during a time of high stress and anxiety.”

Randy Feenstra, a US representative from Iowa, said families in his state were travelling up to 160 kilometres to source formula.

-AFP contributed to this report

While Biden is busily planning, how many more USD billions he is going to send to Ukraine to save the Zalensky neo-NAZI regime, the real war, a war of attrition is beginning to affect and hurt the average Americans.
Repository thread is updated and expanded with new sections.

1. Causes of Russia - Ukraine War are identified and documented - separate section.
2. Wider effects of Russia - Ukraine War are documented - separate section. This section will be expanded in time.
3. Some of the contents are re-adjusted.
EU gives another 500 million euros to Ukraine to buy weapons. Increasing the weapons assistance to 2 billion euros. The initial total package is 5 billion euros in total. That figure will probably dramatically increase.

The responsibility for the situation is squarely at the Islamist and War Lords together with their supporters.
It is also a failure of Libyan leadership.
If Gaddafi had been a good leader, he would have prepared the society for self rule, but since he was an awful leader who struck rich through oil, he did not.

The responsibility lies soley at the agressor not the victim. Agressor here being NATO.

You know that very well so stop trying to come up with childish excuses. One can use the argument that might is right and to me your reasoning sounds just like that. But then why use so many non-coherent arguments? why not be straightforward and just say it.

That does not show the economics of war.
The video proves that most of the German manpower were in Soviet territory and the war was longest and most fierce on the eastern front.

Case closed.
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According to reports, Kiev is actively pressuring the US to send part of the financial assistance to buy at least part of the 320 x T-80UD tanks from Pakistan....originally sold by Ukr
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