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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Freedom of speech?,only if you tow the approved western/nato line on the war it seems.
You could imagine the outrage in the nato nations if the headline was: Country XYZ arrests "pro ukrainian" blogger on behalf of russian government.
Still,we really shouldnt forget that spain has a bit of a prior history with fascism.....
Freedom is relative. Freedom of speech doesn’t give you the right to say lies, insult others, spew violent speeches, incite hatred.
War with Iran could have stopped after two years , But your Ayatollah refused a so the war lasted 8 years. nb And ended at about the same lines.

Pointless casualties for 6 years and your Ayatollah shares/bear the responsibility for that.

This contention is as flawed as it is oft repeated by the anti-IR front. Encouraged by his western and eastern backers, Saddam was not offering standard ceasefire conditions. Namely, he refused to acknowledge the fact that Iraq had been the aggressor, rejected having to pay reparations and fell short on other such key aspects.

Moreover, we saw how barely two years after the end of the Iran-Iraq war, Saddam ordered the invasion of another country (Kuwait). Even more to the point, in effect Saddam launched a second aggression against Iran through his MKO terrorist proxy only six days after Iran agreed to the terms of UN Resolution 598 putting a halt to the fighting.

This is what the Saddam regime meant by "ceasefire". So to assume that Iranian acceptance of the 1982 proposal would effectively and definitely have stopped the war is speculative at best, and not very likely in fact.

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Little Chinese girl’s analysis of Russia-Ukraine conflict through the perspective of Romance of Three Kingdom receives praise from Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary
By Global TimesPublished: May 12, 2022

The Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary, Teodoro Locsin Jr., praised the girl's commantary of Russia-Ukraine conflict as the 'smartest'. Source: Twitter

The Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary, Teodoro Locsin Jr., praised the girl's commantary of Russia-Ukraine conflict as the 'smartest'. Source: Twitter

A video footage of a Chinese girl comparing Russia-Ukraine conflicts to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms has gone viral on the internet. The girl was then praised by the Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary, Teodoro Locsin Jr., who commented that "Her generation of Chinese is the hope of China and the world", as reported by the media.

This little Chinese girl in school uniform is asked by her father "What do you think about the situation between Russia and Ukraine?" Although the question seems to be a little "beyond basic" for a school-aged child, the girl appears to only think about it for a moment, and then she starts confidently answering it in English.

The little girl first expressed sympathy for those who suffered in the war, then said that she had recently read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and thought the situation between Russia and Ukraine was similar to it.

"The US-led NATO is like the Cao Cao force," she said. "Russia is like the Jiang Dong under Sun Quan." Ukraine is the battleground of Jingzhou, caught between both sides in the dispute, constantly teasing the nerves of the two.

The girl then further analyzed the situation: assuming that Jingzhou is captured by Cao Cao, "there is no strategic buffer zone." Cao Cao can directly go down the river, which is a great threat to Sun Quan who feels threatened by this. In this predicament, Sun Quan decides he cannot sit still and die, thus he starts the Battle of Chibi.

"Look at the conflict between Russia and Ukraine today, there is no difference from the time of the Three Kingdoms," the little girl says in the video. NATO wants to expand eastward in Ukraine, and Russia, which is close to the door, cannot sit still, so the conflict finally broke out.

When asked about the "fate" of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the little girl said, "Think about Liu Cong." In history, Liu Cong directly surrendered to Cao Cao without a fight, causing Jingzhou to be acquired effortlessly, and then gradually disappeared from the stage of history.

"Although a comparison with the Three Kingdoms, is not rigorous enough to draw a perfect analogy of the situation between Russia and Ukraine, the little girl clearly realized that the essence of the conflict lies in the continuous eastward expansion of NATO led by the US. She has integrated what she has learned from the story with what she learned from the news and then she was able to express her opinions in fluent English, this level of analysis surpasses that of many of her peers and even some adults," said one netizen on the Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo.

Many netizens praised the child for her clear thinking and personal views despite her young age, and also expressed appreciation for the family education she received and that has allowed her to think independently.

In particular, the video impressed Teodoro Locsin Jr., the Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary, who retweeted it many times on his Twitter account and was still recommending it as of May 9.

"This is the smartest commentary on the situation between Russia and Ukraine to date," the Foreign Affairs Secretary said, praising the little girl, "Her generation of Chinese is the hope of China and the world."

The Foreign Affairs Secretary even expressed his desire of possibly sending his granddaughter to China for education, "I want her to be a little girl with great insights like the one in the video."
War with Iran could have stopped after two years , But your Ayatollah refused a so the war lasted 8 years. nb And ended at about the same lines.

Pointless casualties for 6 years and your Ayatollah shares/bear the responsibility for that.

But Iraq was bankrupted and destroyed. Which necessitated Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. I think Iran did the right thing.
Seems the purpose of this " special operation " was :

Get as many chunks of Ukraine as you can. They failed to take the whole of Ukraine saw now they would settle for chunks in the south .

Putin acts like a thief. Nothing else.
Leader of Finland may have her own assumtions after being briefed by people around her. Just never underestimate stupidity of people. Leaders are not magicians, they are fallible. People, even those who are apperantly informed one, has a tendency to be incredibly shortsighted and never learn from history. Finnish estalibshment obviously is riding the present media-wave. I am afraid they are gross miscalculting the whole situation. Its a classic example of self-deception, right now assisted by american influence of course.

Of course i worry about the Finns, they are our closest neighbor as we share border with them. We also share border with Russia in the same north. Easy for you to sit on your high horse when Finlands problems wont affect you in any meaningful way. Have you joined the Ukrainian Army in Donbass yet!? I guess the answer is a big no!

May i add that cut of gas supply will be only a small problem compared to what could happen in future.
Still a bit buthurt over Finland joining NATO. Thats ok. Nothing you can do.
IF even a small Chinese girl understands what really cause the Ukraine-Russia war.

Why can't many of the adults?
I wonder If she can analyse the circumstances that led to famine in china that killed 20 million people in the 1960's. That might be more useful so it doesn't happen to her country again.
I wonder If she can analyse the circumstances that led to famine in china that killed 20 million people in the 1960's. That might be more useful so it doesn't happen to her country again.
She certainly can and so can many Chinese. The Chinese unlike their Smart Western Alec understand this - the weather and mother nature is beyond their control.

Look at the current heatwave affecting India now or the zillions of hurricanes hitting the US today.

We wonder why the US can't control them?
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I wonder If she can analyse the circumstances that led to famine in china that killed 20 million people in the 1960's. That might be more useful so it doesn't happen to her country again.
BTW for your limited knowledge and lack of understanding of history, the US and West had imposed sanction on China then.

Although both Canada and Australia were willing to help by selling and shipping wheat to China, the US Administration overrule the sales claiming that they violated sanctions. Just like what they did to baby formulae powder, medicines, etc for Iraq, Syria, etc. We deemed these acts as INHUMAN. What do you think? Bomb them babies instead.

So you see the US and West has BLOOD in their hiddened hand over the death of allegedly 20 million hungry victims. All because the US and allies were wishing for a regime change in China.
Just like what they did to Ukraine in 2014 ousting a democratically and duly elected President and replacing him with a clown.

But retribution and karma is what is happening to the US and allies today.

We are just watching and will not uttered silly comments like many of you askew individuals who does not know what they are doing.

Silly girls. :coffee:
Published footage of the army evacuators BREM-1 in Ukraine. The video shows the evacuation of the damaged T-72B3 tank from the battlefield. In the current conditions, the repair of military equipment in Ukraine is carried out in an aggregate way. The main task is to restore and return equipment to the front as quickly as possible.

Russian troops and militia special forces, with the help of anti-tank systems, delivered an accurate missile attack on repeater towers in Ukraine. Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine installed surveillance cameras on the towers and used them to correct the fire of the artillery of the Ukrainian army. With the help of ATGM guided missiles, all targets were destroyed.

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