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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Did you personally see M270s in Ukraine because those haven’t been officially announced yet. I haven’t seen any evidence of those.
No M270 I saw, but I did see M777 in Western Ukraine.

But most Ukrainian outlet or even official I talk to say M270 were coming.
If you look at how many truck are needed elsewhere in the country, and how many are bringing in different stuff (Class 1 to 9) You would see only a small amount of truck are available on one sector of the battlefield. It may be only a small amount of trucks are available for this task.

And then you also need to consider a few different thing.

1.) If I bring all the guns in, how many ammo can I bring with the truck? Do you want to bring all (or at least as many as possible) guns into battle but wait for 4 days (2 days each side) to bring the ammo up? Or you want to bring half the truck with guns and half with ammo, so you can at least put some guns in action?

2.) What about convoy security? Don't forget the same thing happened to the 40 miles Russian convoy in Kyiv can happen to Ukrainian when they bring in a large quantity of supply. You need to hide them during daylight somehow, Russia have satellite too, they can see if you have a long convoy bringing in big stuff.

3.) You don't just have that on the road, you still have civilian traffic, military traffic, other supply using those road, you don't want to jam up the road for everyone, and you will when you bring in heavy equipment.
No I get it, but I also point out the extreme urgency of this and the fact that it can be done with 300 trucks. That NATO has.

They dont go in a column, they fan out over the road network. in 2 or 3 truck convoys. or 2 trucks. one truck pulling a M777 and loaded with food and another with the shells. How many? enough for a day. then go back and deliver again. Food can last 4 days.

You dont need an escort. you are in friendly territory. perhaps an escort in the final 100 km.

Roads will be busy but will never be that busy in a war.

Each M777 should have its own 2 trucks. The trucks will last longer than the M777's. the artillery will be destroyed as time goes on. Trucks will probably be ok.

I dont think this exercise in logistics is that tricky. we are talking 90 guns.

Let me point out that USA in 1943-1943 gave and delivered to the USSR 1 million trucks.

How manny trucks can it give Ukraine?
No I get it, but I also point out the extreme urgency of this and the fact that it can be done with 300 trucks. That NATO has.

They dont go in a column, they fan out over the road network. in 2 or 3 truck convoys. or 2 trucks. one truck pulling a M777 and loaded with food and another with the shells. How many? enough for a day. then go back and deliver again. Food can last 4 days.

You dont need an escort. you are in friendly territory. perhaps an escort in the final 100 km.

Roads will be busy but will never be that busy in a war.

Each M777 should have its own 2 trucks. The trucks will last longer than the M777's. the artillery will be destroyed as time goes on. Trucks will probably be ok.

I dont think this exercise in logistics is that tricky. we are talking 90 guns.
Well, think about it like this.

90 guns mean 90 trucks, each guns have 6 or 7 men crew, that mean another 90 Truck for the gunners. Then you have munition, firing radar, and other thing say each guns have its own truck for muniton, at this rate you are looking at 270 trucks for these 90 guns. That's a long convoy. Even if you break it down to 10 per convoy, that's still 120-150 meters end to end. That is still too big to spot, and that mean you have to truck it 27 different way.

I don't know about at night, but during the day, people still using highway and travel interstate. People still live in every part of Ukraine, which mean not just military are going to be on the road. You also have civilian cars, and trucks going about on the road, plus troop movement and transport would mean there are quite a lot of traffic going in and out Kyiv to Eastern Ukraine.

But well, that's just my thought, I am not the guy who handle logistic (I don't have that experience, not just in Ukraine) so I don't know how hard or easy it was to do that? I am just listing out the step.
Silly excuses . if people have issues with the west they should address them , not take it out on Ukraine.

Today it is Ukraine tomorrow it can be your country .

People who support Russia on this , have something wrong with their moral compass.


Pointing out the wests racism,hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to the ukraine has nothing to do with "supporting russia",thats as retarded as claiming that calling zionist israel out over its crimes makes one an "antisemite",but there you go thats good old,bad old,western pc for you.
Personally I happen to think that putin AND biden are both deluxe pieces of sh!t,its a bit like being given a choice between rabies and ebola.🤮
Ah, the United Nations Security Council, or as Muammar Gaddafi called it in his 2009 UN address, the UN Terrorist Council. From the Korea war of 1950 to the Libya and Syria invasions of 2011 to now condemnation of Russia, the UNSC has essentially been a proxy, a rubber stamp of NATO imperialism.

Gaddafi called for the dissolution of the UNSC because most of the UN member countries have no power in the UNSC and it has been mostly the Western members who have used the UNSC for their ends. The UNSC is undemocratic.

You mean the illegal coupmaker aka rapist that was killed by his own people. He, as well as a thief, is going to complain about not being able to commit crimes.

There is no requirement for a country to be a member of the United Nations and Gaddafi agreed to the rules by remaining a member.

Any resolution taken is unopposed by Russia and China, which means that the Libyan government under Gaddafi was branded as criminals that the world should stop from their atrocities.

You logically claim that Russia and China are vassals of NATO.
each guns have 6 or 7 men crew, that mean another 90 Truck for the gunners.
they dont get a truck. they get a van. or a civilian car. or. a hummer. or 2 cars.

Then you have munition
1 truck for M777 one truck for arty rounds. thats 2 trucks.
firing radar,
does each tube get its own radar? how big is it?
at this rate you are looking at 270 trucks for these 90 guns.
no, you're looking at 180 trucks and 180 civilian cars.
Even if you break it down to 10 per convoy, that's still 120-150 meters end to end.
you're talking 180 trucks and 180 civilian cars in a land the size of France x3. all going their own way to the front, in a goup of 2 trucks and 2 civilian cars. they dont have to leave at the same time. they leave various depots in 15 minutes intervals going slightly different direction to different locations. there will be no coloumn.

Its totally doable.
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If I had just a regiment too spare with armour, and air defence, pushing further southeast of Kharkiv would've been a good diversion.

  • Radiating pattern — ✅
  • Endangering supply lines — ✅
  • Retreat route — ✅
  • Diversion effect — ✅
That's very surprising to see Russians keeping so much troops in the southwest, when there is nothing happening there, and they have moderately defensible positions.

Balakliya is also a surprise, there were no reports of big Russian force there.

They are keeping many troops in the soutwest to prevent/counter a future Ukrainian offensive on Kherson. The Ukrainians will attempt it once they have received the majority of the heavy equipments (especially artillery) provided by the west.
You mean the illegal coupmaker aka rapist that was killed by his own people. He, as well as a thief, is going to complain about not being able to commit crimes.

There is no requirement for a country to be a member of the United Nations and Gaddafi agreed to the rules by remaining a member.

Any resolution taken is unopposed by Russia and China, which means that the Libyan government under Gaddafi was branded as criminals that the world should stop from their atrocities.

You logically claim that Russia and China are vassals of NATO.

Libya was the wealthiest and African country with probably the highest HDI. Now its a hellhole after NATO bombing.

Your exuses for Libyan intervention are so dull and pathetic. Using the same argument there are tons of nations that deserve to be bombed including western. Because political leaders in almost all countries are a bunch of thiefs and rapists. Some are just better at hiding it. In order to be a top politician there almost always involve some kind of psychopathy, according to research.

Libya was invaded on behalf of America, France and UK. You know what is the most laughable part? Libya could have provided the much needed gas and petroleum that now is sourced from Russia.

Its ridiculous that western governments still has not understood that in todays interconnected world you cannot destroy a nation without it harming yourself in one or another way (something Russia is also learning). Even more worrying is that China has climbed to the top without firing a single bullet since the Sino-Vetnamese War more than four decades ago! Proving that you DONT have to interfere and attack or invade countries anymore in order to become a strong nation. You simply have to be a good businessman and provide goods that someone needs.

Foreign intervention as solution to every problem, is a outdated stategy that no longer suits the 21st century. The West is loosing the competition by not trying to enchane its own competitiveness. That in turn leads to interventionist policies, which at its core is a way of treating the symptoms and not the disease itself. That disease is western reluctance to accept the realities and change its own thinking and market competitiveness.
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