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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Director of National Intelligence Avril Haynes: Putin has been using the Wagner Group effectively in Ukraine lately.

Director of National Intelligence: We believe that Putin will not be satisfied with victories in eastern Ukraine.

Director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency: Russia views Washington and NATO as the primary threats to its national security and geopolitical ambitions, and Moscow has sought to develop a modern army capable of confronting perceived threats and achieving its goals in this new era of competition between great powers.


Director of National Intelligence: The next few months will witness an unexpected escalation of the war in Ukraine

Some here need to read this many times over..
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The United States presented three Casus Belli and one is enough.
Hypocrites ignore the two I mentioned.
Using your logic most of the world could do the same with the US and say its enough justification to declare war. Alleged assassination of Bush happened in 1993 9 years before the illegal invasion in 2002 so that reason does not stand. Your second reason of Saddam targeting Coalition aircraft, the Iraqis would say they were defending their airspace from violations. So your reasons are those of typical war mongers who have no issue justifying aggression when it suits them. But when a country they don't like does the same they cry wolf. That is the real hypocrisy.

Moscow: We will respond if Finland joins NATO

Deputy Foreign Minister Grushko said that Moscow would not remain indifferent if Finland joined NATO

Our military will consider all necessary measures that will be required to ensure the legitimate interests of defense."

"This will not enhance the security of Finland itself or NATO itself," the deputy minister said.
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Director of US Intelligence: Russia's victory in Donbas does not mean the end of the war


The first recognition by NATO of Russia's victory in the Donbass!?

Director of National Intelligence: Putin has no intention of stopping in Donbass

Director of National Intelligence: Russia may try to block Western military aid to Ukraine in retaliation for the sanctions, which is a potential flashpoint.

Russia sacrificed a lot during the WW2. Soldiers and their families gave so much for the world to be free from fascism and nazism. Regardless of present day animosity between the West and Russia, I salute the Russian nation for their bravery and sacrifice during WW2.
All in all 27 million people including both Russian civilians and soldiers died in a war against the Nazi Germany.

And Russia on behalf of Soviet Union repaid all its debts to the USA under the Lend Lease Act 1941 for the weaponries supplied during WW2 back in 2006.
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Moscow: We will respond if Finland joins NATO

Deputy Foreign Minister Grushko said that Moscow would not remain indifferent if Finland joined NATO

Our military will consider all necessary measures that will be required to ensure the legitimate interests of defense."

"This will not enhance the security of Finland itself or NATO itself," the deputy minister said.

Dont understand what Finland is trying to achieve here. It has been peaceful and has not been attacked by neither Soviet or Russia ever since mutual understanding which came in effect after the WW2. During all those cold war days Soviet never attacked Finland.

But now Finland wants to be a part of NATO and risk becoming hot contested territory.
Russia has continue to repay its debt to the US even after the collapse of the Soviet Union back in 1991.
So how is Ukraine to repay all those weapons supplied by the US today under the Lend Lease Act?

Both Russia and France took 80 years.

IMO this is the real DEBT TRAP?
And Biden has just give Zalensky a pat on his head by suspending tariff on Ukrainian Steel for one year. Big deal?
Dont understand what Finland is trying to achieve here. It has been peaceful and has not been attacked by neither Soviet or Russia ever since mutual understanding which came in effect after the WW2. During all those cold war days Soviet never attacked Finland.

But now Finland wants to be a part of NATO and risk becoming hot contested territory.
agreed, ANNNND, Finland is joining NATO at NATO's weakest, which means the value that Finland can get from NATO membership today is considerably less than what NATO members have been getting from NATo up until now, its like military alliance inflation- NATO has been losing value over time actually, losing wars, causing chaos, worsening global reputation, overstretched, unmotivated, disorganized, demoralized...it just looks tough on the outside.
agreed, ANNNND, Finland is joining NATO at NATO's weakest, which means the value that Finland can get from NATO membership today is considerably less than what NATO members have been getting from NATo up until now, its like military alliance inflation- NATO has been losing value over time actually, losing wars, causing chaos, worsening global reputation, overstretched, unmotivated, disorganized, demoralized...it just looks tough on the outside.

Good points. Neither Finland or Sweden joined NATO immidiately after WW2 when US power was arguably at its zenith.

US hard power has been on steady decline since the Korean War. Same applies also to the US economy.

NATO was created as a Transatlantic defence block. It worked flawlessly for that special purpose. After integration of former soviet block nations it became more expansionist oriented, thus move away from its core philosophy IMO.
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