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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Destroyers are class of attack ships, Cruisers are called shield of the fleet. Without the cruiser Putin will risk the sinking of the entire Black Sea fleet.
well kirov is battle cruiser not destroyer and i was talking about type of ship .
but well when it come to black sea fleet , i guess if you put non existent Caspian see fleet aside it never was that strong , and now by what happened the protection probably fall to shore air defenses and they probably must turn the black sea into sort of nofly zone with their air force on a side note some of frigates in the area notably the one belong to Grigorovich class can provide some limited air coverage
No,USA didn't lose the Korean War. They saved South Korea.

They didn't lose the Vietnam war militarily,they lost it politically. In the end,it was the South Vietnamese's incompetent government and majority of their officers who lost the war. And here we have to mention that certain ARVN units fought with extreme skill,courage and patriotism to the end.

USA didn't lose the war in Afghanistan,the Afghans lost the war themselves. Because they are corrupt,incompetent and idiotic. The Americans supported a worthless government once again and even though it was failing,they kept giving money and weapons to them. That was their mistake.
Is this an Indian style self comfort explanation?
The U.S. Army has released a new video giving the first look at a new and highly classified weapon. “Long Range Effect” is a loitering munition, a drone which cruises for an extended period under operator control, locating targets with onboard sensors before diving down like a missile.

Missile diving on target

The new weapon is part of a family of munitions known as Air Launched Effects (ALE) launched from helicopters or other Army assets. The video was taken at the Experimentation Demonstration Gateway Event 2021, commonly known as Edge 21, at Dugway Proving Ground in Utah in May. The video shows a variety of new technologies at work. There are clips of a light combat vehicle launching a smaller loitering munition, ALE-Small. This is based on the Altius-600 drone, a highly capable system with a range of over 250 miles, which is also being upgraded with advanced artificial intelligence.

If ALE-Small has a range of 250 miles, how far out can a system described as Long Range reach?

Journalists at the event were shown but not allowed to take pictures of video of the new weapon and few details were released. Brig. Gen. Walter Rugen, in charge of Army aviation modernization, told Defense News in a recent interview that: “We have payloads that we want that are a little bit bigger, and so we have a form factor that is a bigger form factor.”

Loitering munitions are playing a significant role in this war.

The US Army tested a classified loitering munition last year that can strike targets well in excess of 400 km. The munition is pictured above. These are far more advanced than the Switchblades being used by the Ukrainians.

This war is a fantastic opportunity for the USA to test out new systems, weapons in the field against Russia to get realtime feedback on new war fighting concepts and strategies.

While they are helping Ukraine, they are learning a hell of a lot on what works and what does not and how to refine the next generation.

The switchblades and their weapons of that type will play havoc with MLRS/Mobile SAM/Radars and artillery platforms. They are smaller - easier for tactical special forces groups to infiltrate and then use them behind enemy lines.

The need to transform this from a "Special operation" to a "war" is an admission by Russian state controlled media that the Ukranians were responsible for the sinking of that submarine!! What else would explain that level of anger?
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Kindly get an education before opining.

Do you know how a Central Banking System works?

So you were taught that US dollar or MONEY grows on tree and can be created out of thin air.

Russia has fixed the exchange rate of 5000 ruble to 1 gram of Gold.

Anyway you won't understand what it means.

It will be a complete waste of time.
I know enough to tell you that 5,000 Ruble per gram is equal to confiscation and if you ever want to sell me your gold for that price I’m ready to buy unlimited amounts.
The need to transform this from a "Special operation" to a "war" is an admission by Russian state controlled media that the Ukranians were responsible for the sinking of that submarine!! What else would explain that level of anger?

Russians should have taken the war to NATO offices and key personnel in Europe the moment NATO countries started supplying anti-tank weapons and other weapons to Zelensky's mostly Nazi military which was doing crimes against Ukraine's own citizens. Zelensky must be found and tried for lies and for being a NATO puppet and for enabling criminals in his administration and military for years before the war started. Zelensky's Nazis cannot just lynch people and shoot females in the back who are just cycling by and cannot just store or fire rockets and artillery in civilian infrastructure and cannot just host foreign Nazis in civilian houses and cannot just sabotage Russia's offers for humanitarian corridors and cannot just leave civilians to starve without the Zelensky and his Nazis being punished. So, grab him and put him on trial.
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well kirov is battle cruiser not destroyer and i was talking about type of ship .
but well when it come to black sea fleet , i guess if you put non existent Caspian see fleet aside it never was that strong , and now by what happened the protection probably fall to shore air defenses and they probably must turn the black sea into sort of nofly zone with their air force on a side note some of frigates in the area notably the one belong to Grigorovich class can provide some limited air coverage
I also meant cruiser. I speculate Putin would redeploy other cruisers. Turkey should close the straits immediately. Without the Moskwa russo warships are sitting ducks. They are within range of Neptune antiship missiles.
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