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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I am still waiting for the proof for the claim that Neptune Missiles fired by a Ukrainian unit struck and sank the Moskva.

Anyway that is how fake news are spread.

Yes. The Moskva sank BUT not by Ukrainian missiles as claimed. That is what I understand up to this moment.

Not until they can prove it.

Twisting the statements from US Pentagon and Russia Ministry of Defense don't work for us.

Which is more believable?
  1. The Moskva was struck by a Ukrainian missile, caught fire, and sank while under recovery efforts by Russia.
  2. The Moskva mysteriously caught fire, its ammo store exploded, and the ship sank in a storm while being towed in a recovery effort by Russia.
No,USA didn't lose the Korean War. They saved South Korea.

They didn't lose the Vietnam war militarily,they lost it politically. In the end,it was the South Vietnamese's incompetent government and majority of their officers who lost the war. And here we have to mention that certain ARVN units fought with extreme skill,courage and patriotism to the end.

USA didn't lose the war in Afghanistan,the Afghans lost the war themselves. Because they are corrupt,incompetent and idiotic. The Americans supported a worthless government once again and even though it was failing,they kept giving money and weapons to them. That was their mistake.
They lost it because they lost it no matter what spin you put on it. General Milley admitted it himself:-

US 'lost' the 20-year war in Afghanistan: top US general"​

Well, Putin wanted to crush Ukraine in a 3 day war. Now we almost pass 2 months. Ukraine says the war will continue for months, the West predicts the war will last for years.
Stop the propaganda BS and go home. This is NOT your war and we don't know Putin plan.

This is 2022, the war is Ukraine and Vietnam War is over long time ago.

So underground foxhole strategy won't work today and neither will your childish provocations.
It’s you the troller.
The ruble has no real value that’s a fact.
Russia central bank withdrew from ruble/gold peg that’s a fact.
600 foreign bands left Russia that’s a fact.
Russia returns to old Soviet days.
30y economic progress wiped out.

View attachment 834563
Simply demonstrate that this Khmer Krom don't understanding what she is posting.

She thought she can simply DONG her argument and a DONG is worth more than a DING and a Ruble.

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:


Which is more believable?
  1. The Moskva was struck by a Ukrainian missile, caught fire, and sank while under recovery efforts by Russia.
  2. The Moskva mysteriously caught fire, its ammo store exploded, and the ship sank in a storm while being towed in a recovery effort by Russia.
I'm most definitely in the first camp, and in an admission of sorts the Russian fleet in the area near Odessa have been shifted back further from the coastline.

French far-right presidential candidate Le Pen wants out of NATO, no weapons to Ukraine​

She is right if the French wished to live in peace.

Russia is a neighbour that won't go way and dialogue and communication is the only way forward.

EU don't need warmongers as members.
History taught us one thing, it is easy to invite the devil but it is difficult to ask it to leave.

On 21 June 1963, France also withdrew its Atlantic and Channel fleets from NATO command.

The rift deepened on 10 March 1966, when General de Gaulle officially announced that France intended to withdraw from the Alliance and demanded that all NATO bases be removed from French territory.

That is why France has no US military base..
This is a huge loss for the Russian Navy.

They can’t build ships at that tonnage anymore.
on other hand a modern ship of smaller tonnage is more resilient against such attacks and have 10 time the fire power

Putin still has the missile cruiser Varyag the flagship of the pacific fleet. Let’s wait. He probably thinking to deploy the ship.
to attack Odessa he needs the cruiser there.
Ukraine should make a plan.

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why he need that while he can use his strategic bomber to flatten Odessa if he want . also i doubt turkey will allow it entry into black sea

Meanwhile in democratic Europe...

View attachment 834447
people never change
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Simply demonstrate that this Khmer Krom don't understanding what she is posting.

She thought she can simply DONG her argument and a DONG is worth more than a DING and a Ruble.

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

Why repeatedly call me krom?
From now I call you nigger.
Name one country where A2/AD arrangements could NOT be breached in times of war.


Saudi A2/AD arrangements have produced numerous intercepts and prevented much damage in the country:


Saudi territory is huge and very costly to shield, however.

A2/AD arrangements are found to be historically ~30% effective in warfare (percentage was much lower in some countries). Saudi A2/AD arrangements have produced better results in comparison. This is in part due to superior technologies in use.

Credit should be given where due.
many of those interception are due to nature of the missiles , they had separating warhead , they hit the body and they claim a hit , while the warhead do its work.
Actually I feel the reverse. The West seems to have employed the strategy of shoot-first-no-question-later. First, the snake island fiasco. Lately the Russian missile with cluster bombs on civilians. The moment their claims were rebuked, they just moved on to new claims. Even Pentagon follows the same practice, claiming Russians are going to use chemical weapons without a shred of proof. They openly admitted of having no proof but claimed that they wanted to use lies to prevent Russians from actually using chemical weapons. Quite lame. Pentagon seems to have realized the problem of doing this and has been more honest lately.

On the contrary, Russia has been more reserved. It is more accurate to assess the ground progress based on the news coming from Russia.

the ammount of bullcrap writen here is amazing

NATO never claimed a chemical weapon attack... that claim only come from Ukraine figther in Mariupol, all "western" media and NATO claimed clearly they CANT confirm this claim...that they used cluster bomb is clearly visible on videos taken by civilies with their cellphones...all things Russia already had done in Sytia... including targeting hospital churches/mosque and child shelter
What did they hit this time?

Administration Building???

Hope Russia did not upgrade the war to the stage of decapitation as we were predicting.

If it is true then Zalensky and team better find a deeper bunker to hide himself.
hitting administration buildings at night ? what for ? they are just buildings , the people inside are important
The ship might be ageing and crappy but it’s the best Russia has. And outside of the major NATO members it’s the best anyone has
honestly Kirov class look more formidable than Slava and JAPAN and china have far more interesting ships
on other hand a modern ship of smaller tonnage is more resilient against such attacks and have 10 time the fire power

why he need that while he can use his strategic bomber to flatten Odessa if he want . also i doubt turkey will allow it entry into black sea

people never change
Just a matter of days or weeks Russia will deploy strategic bombers. Putin threatened using nuclear weapons on the very first day of the war. There is no reason not believe the Russian army will not use every means to win the war.

Destroyers are class of attack ships, Cruisers are called shield of the fleet. Without the cruiser Putin will risk the sinking of the entire Black Sea fleet.

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