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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I thought you didn't even read my messages anymore?

Truly Indians are deluded and obnoxious people.
Yes, good that you are still crying. Putin lost his flag ship and all you can do is cry here. Cry some more :omghaha:
Russians should have taken the war to NATO offices and key personnel in Europe the moment NATO countries started supplying anti-tank weapons and other weapons to Zelensky'

The failure of Russian planners to anticipate and thwart the supply of weapons into Ukraine will go down in history as one of the greatest military blunders in recent times.

It doesn't even take a military mastermind to anticipate this but the Russians seem to have been completely unprepared for this scenario.
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Yes, good that you are still crying. Putin lost his flag ship and all you can do is cry here. Cry some more :omghaha:
You keep reinforcing the stereotype of the retarded Indian who is deluded and draws conclusions out of nothing.
You keep reinforcing the stereotype of the retarded Indian who is deluded and draws conclusions out of nothing.
Yes, this is how I want to see you cry. You will continue with these hopeless cries without forever being read. Don't stop crying. Cry more :omghaha:
the question is why it take them two month too understand they must take out those facilities, from military point of view they must have been on primary target list.

and on a side note unless they manage to stop or slow shipment from Poland to Ukraine , that don't mean so much

I think the Russian intelligence service was infiltrated or at least were not doing their work. But many say it was Putin who tied the military's hands. We may never know why Russians have been so sloppy in their conduct of this war. Perhaps they expected easy fight and quick departure of Zelensky and his regime. Nevertheless, they should've been cluster bombing on anything that moves from Poland, and other neighboring countries to Ukraine. Air, land, and sea blockade should have been the motto.
the ammount of bullcrap writen here is amazing

NATO never claimed a chemical weapon attack... that claim only come from Ukraine figther in Mariupol, all "western" media and NATO claimed clearly they CANT confirm this claim...that they used cluster bomb is clearly visible on videos taken by civilies with their cellphones...all things Russia already had done in Sytia... including targeting hospital churches/mosque and child shelter

Please stop listening to NATO lies and disinfo. Russia is helping save Syria from destruction by NATO-created-armed-funded Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood because NATO wants regime-change in Syria and AQ and "M"B are the means, as ever. NATO tried it in Syria from 1976 onwards but Syria defeated the means - the "M"B criminals. Below is a great short speech by then president Hafiz al Assad in 1982 after defeating the "M"B :

2011 onwards Syria's war against NATO proxies is a much bigger one. Appreciate that and please stop spreading lies.

Are these Ukrainian air force units from where "The Ghost of Kiev" used to take off ? :rofl:
I think the Russian intelligence service was infiltrated or at least were not doing their work. But many say it was Putin who tied the military's hands. We may never know why Russians have been so sloppy in their conduct of this war. Perhaps they expected easy fight and quick departure of Zelensky and his regime. Nevertheless, they should've been cluster bombing on anything that moves from Poland, and other neighboring countries to Ukraine. Air, land, and sea blockade should have been the motto.
Sure, good point. Why are they not attacking supply lines or executing a blokade ?
Yes, this is how I want to see you cry. You will continue with these hopeless cries without forever being read. Don't stop crying. Cry more :omghaha:

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