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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Kh-35U has range 200 to 300 km against land targets, giving them stand off range.
Point is if they starting to use anti-ship missiles to hit land targets they could be getting low on missiles ...
Point is if they starting to use anti-ship missiles to hit land targets they could be getting low on missiles ...

Kh-35U is fitted with GLONASS guidance for attacking land targets if I'm not mistaken. Even Harpoon can attack land targets. These are not specifically anti ship missiles. These are in general anti surface missiles. Surface includes ships, surfaced subs, land targets.

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Austrian visit to Moscow to tell Putin the truth, minister says


AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer's visit to meet Vladimir Putin on Monday is meant to tell the Russian president the truth about the war in Ukraine, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said.

"It makes a difference to be face to face and tell him what the reality is: that this president has de facto lost the war morally", Schallenberg said upon his arrival for a meeting with EU counterparts in Luxembourg.

"It should be in his own interest that someone tells him the truth. I think it is important and we owe it to ourselves if we want to save human lives."

Kh-35U is fitted with GLONASS guidance for attacking land targets if I'm not mistaken. Even Harpoon can attack land targets. These are not specifically anti ship missiles. These are in general anti surface missiles. Surface includes ships, surfaced subs, land targets.
Guess russians disagree with you

Tactical anti-ship missile
The Kh-35UE tactical anti-ship missile is an advanced version of the Kh-35E air-launched anti-ship missile.
Most basic idea: back in USSR times 20000 tanks steamroll europe following heavy artillery bombardment, and 80000 mechanised armour units.

Implementing that on much smaller scale turned difficult... if not impossible

Russia had 1500 units of heavy armour in usable conditions, in active units. They lost 500 as a minimum according to Oryx, and those were the most up to date vehicles.

Russian tank forces were never made to work without their heavy self propelled artillery which pounds treelines, and defilades with "walking artillery barrages" in front of them.

Why they can't deploy arty en masse as USSR did? Not enough arty officers, and logistic trains can't sustain real "walking barrages" today.
Russia has 12,000 tanks according to estimates, so there is still a lot of rooms. In total 186 battalions. They seem not organizing like they did during Soviet times. Why Putin army performed so poorly? They participated this special military operation as a 3-day-war. He expected Ukraine would greet the invasion army with flowers, his brain never thought Ukraine would greet with Molotov cocktails.

Ukrainian military destroyed Russian army warehouse near Novoaidar in Luhansk region​

Tsya a bunch of dead bodies - just a part of the battalion tactful group, like the Ukrainian soldiers fell under the hour of assault on low settlements near the Donetsk region.

It is significant that the military armies of the occupiers lay to the ground, having taken an active part in the war in Syria.

That tank was a T72B3 tank sporting russian camo pattern.

Those soldiers dont have armbands to identify them.

Could be UKR could be RUS.
This madness has to stop. The constant supply of arms by UK to the Ukrainian Zelensky forces is going to make this war bloodier. Basically, NATO is fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Instead of leaving some neutral ground for negotiations, they are intimidating everyone to pick a side instead.
Yes, if you want to destroy a European democracy, you will indeed get quite bloody.
There is so much pressure on developing countries to "pick a side" and those who don't, are being threatened to either join "the enemy". I truly wonder if the people of United States and Britain have thought the consequences of this madness for themselves and their country.
This is the case and only likely getting more so. You have to pick sides in todays world. you will not be able to sit on the sidelines and profit from it.
Even European countries like France, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, etc., have begun to feel the pinch and are slowly moving away from their pro-war stance.
No they re not.
Seriously feel sad about the Ukrainian civilians who are getting hammered from both sides for the Biden's and Boris Johnson's egos.
They are begging for help, and they are getting it.
British people are seriously inbred and suffer from mental illness. I feel bad for them. This war is going to destroy Britain and the British people will suffer.
This sick. How could you say that.
Boris Johnson is a crazy hooligan who loves a good fight in the street. No one takes him seriously. Don't forget, Russia can arm Argentina with combat drones to take Falklands. If I were Boris Johnson I best not mess with Russia.
Why don't they? They could have done it during the Cold War.
A well documented, must-read piece by Scott Ritter.
Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author of 'SCORPION KING: America's Suicidal Embrace of Nuclear Weapons from FDR to Trump.' He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector.

Will he write a piece on why he finds children so sexually attractive? We would love to know. God knows what the Russians have on thus guy for him to so openly betray his country.
Just read a few pro UKR twitter accounts claiming Chinese forces are in Ukraine fighting for Russia 🤡🤡🤡

From shooting down a Tochka U ballistic missile with a Stinger MANPAD to Chinese forces in Ukraine. Amazing. Definitely nothing like the propaganda Armenia was doing against Azerbaijan during the NK2020 war. Where apparently SSG battalion were in NK fighting armenia lol.
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