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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Not even the US can produce thousands a year.

And I highly doubt Russia can produce these missiles easily with Western sanctions. It’ll likely be much harder.
Well we dont know for sure. The actual stock number is likely to be classified.

However, dont think it is far fetched for Russia to possess such a large quantity of CM, ALCM and BM. Their doctrine is heavily influenced by it and their military industry has the means to meet those figures.

Just look at how long it takes to make a single Abrams MBT compared to a single T90A

Finland parliament held a short moment of silence in the memory of the victims of Russian invasion.


With what? Russia has already expended 1/3 to 1/4 of its titanic ammo stocks.

Rocket artillery ammo is especially not cheap, and is very bulky.

1 grad reload = 3 tons, or 2 military trucks because they are so bulky.

1 300mm reload = 4 tons, or 2 heavy transports.

1 Tochka = 1 special missile transporter

This is why they only launch those from their own territory.

Russian stock of 5500 cruise missiles must be 1/3 expended, which is evident by them using older, and rarer missiles. They recently used an air launched anti-ship missile against a land target, which is really telling.
Russia military complex is big. Russians are hardcore siberians, they will eat less to make more missiles.

The Donbas battle is coming. Russia 4th tank division on the way to Easter offensive. Ukraine army will meet them.

A well documented, must-read piece by Scott Ritter.

More than 300 civilians where found dead in Bucha , with bullets holes in their bodies. This is the undenied fact.

So how do you suppose this happened ?

What ever the cause , if it was not for Russia invasion , those people would still be alive today.

Like most of pro russian posts here 🤷‍♂️ Like mariupol has fallen a month ago and all heli and planes where destroyed if you would belive russian propaganda 1 month ago to ...

Bla bla im not pro russian but ... cut the crap your one of most pro russian guys here 🤣

yee they painted a V for shure

Me pro-Russian?... Lol. Not at all.

I hope Russia ends losing this war... But before doing so pulls all of Europe down with it. Revenge for the European attacks on the Middle east and North Africa.... And revenge for Russia's invasion of Afghanistan and Syria.

Now you understand?
Russia military complex is big. Russians are hardcore siberians, they will eat less to make more missiles.

The Donbas battle is coming. Russia 4th tank division on the way to Easter offensive. Ukraine army will meet them.

They lost an entire tank army, what 1 already damaged tank division will do? Even if they are supposed to be the best. There are already territorials, and their INLAWs behind every tree near Izyum gap.

Of course it will be a bloody fight, because the new opcom needs to show Putin action on his first day on the job, but it cannot be bigger than the initial thrust, which failed.

Rumours keep swirling of Western military advisers trapped in Mariupol​

There have been unconfirmed rumors on social media that US Army Major General Cloutier has been captured by the Russian forces in Mariupol.

Published: April 6, 2022, 12:22 pm

Intel Slava Z, a Telegram channel, reported earlier that NATO officers from Germany, France, the UK and Sweden were trapped with Azov fighters in Mariupol.

Some frantic efforts to rescue these trapped individuals have been recorded. Western powers would not like to see NATO commanders or mercenaries eventually paraded with Azov fighters for obvious historical purposes. The optics of fighting for Nazis is not a popular one.

There are even rumors of a captured US general but they could not be confirmed. The general in question is to the Ukrainian military what Victoria Nuland is to Ukrainian politicians – an instrumental figure.

US Army Major General Cloutier may have been captured by the Russian forces in Mariupol. As an old-school, hands-on military man, he was photographed many times on the ground inside Ukraine before the war, training the Ukrainian Army to NATO standards. In a press conference Cloutier described Ukrainians as his brothers.

The British were incidentally aiding the Ukrainian Navy while France had trained the air force.

Cloutier would have been instrumental in the planned Ukrainian assault on Donbass and such a knowledgeable man would be keen to be on the ground helping to co-ordinate the combined American, British and French intelligence and technical support to Ukraine during the preparation of the assault on Donbass. “His arrogance may also have got him trapped inside Mariupol,” one source pointed out.

Another fact which may point to the importance of those trapped inside the steel plant in Mariupol: According to French researcher Thierry Meyssan, on March 29, 2022, General Eric Vidaud, director of French military intelligence, was dismissed and no official explanation was given. “It seems that in reality, General Vidaud had deployed men on the direct instruction of President Macron’s private staff, in 2021 when he was commander of special operations, to supervise the Azov Banderites regiment.”

Two of the five Ukrainian helicopters that had tried to flee the stronghold of the Azov regiment, after the Russians had encircled Mariupol, were shot down on March 30. The survivors were taken prisoner by the Russian army and were quite co-operative. Reporters near the scene have meanwhile found items belonging to French soldiers. According to unconfirmed rumours, a second attempt to flee via helicopter has also failed.

The story of the evacuation of Western advisers from Mariupol became the plot of a minicomic. According to the plot, for them everything ends sadly. Screenshot of minicomic.

“The soldiers of the Special Operations Command are placed for all logistical matters under the orders of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, General Thierry Burkhard, but they take their orders directly from the head of the armed forces, President Emmanuel Macron,” Meyssan explained.

Special operations helicopter pilots are not usually dispatched to exfiltrate mercenaries or even intelligence operatives, unless they happen to be senior CIA, MI6 or Mossad agents, a source said. “Much less would highly skilled and valuable Spec Ops pilots be sent on an ultra high risk mission twice.” Unless of course there happens to be high-level individuals trapped inside the steel plant.

Attacks in the vicinity by the Russian navy is believed to be connected to British Sea Skua missiles being set up, suggesting further measures by the British to ensure that such operatives are not taken prisoner.

“Although Sea Skua is an old system, the British have large stockpiles of them and they can be set up on a ground launch platform and fired from cover, a truck, inside a warehouse. They would make a mess of Russian supply ships and landing craft.”

The British have so far supplied thousands of missiles to Ukraine in the form of NLAWs, and now Starstreak, a short-range man-portable air-defence system. Boris Johnson earlier confirmed that anti-ship missiles would be sent to Ukraine.

An American General, co-ordinating Ukraine’s efforts against Russia together with NATO, could expose the direct military involvement of NATO and therefore its active participation in the war.

War commentator Pepe Escobar is certain that NATO advisers are still trapped in Mariupol: “Yes, there’s an array of NATO honchos still holed up with the Azov neo-Nazis in the bowels of Azovstal. Yet the key is what was going on in this underground eight floors down.”

According to Escobar there is a bioweapons laboratory in a deep bunker in which civilian prisoners of the “Biblioteka” are tortured and possibly exposed to human experiments. “The ‘pit’ may have been a NATO-run underground bio-lab at Azovstal.”

Avostal’s owner Rinat Akhmetov, a Ukrainian oligarch, has been involved in these experiments, said Escobar. Akhmetov is linked to Metabiota, a company in which Hunter Biden’s is implicated. On Hunter’s abandoned laptop there are emails detailing how Hunter had helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons.

Furthermore, Biden introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a “science project” involving high biosecurity level labs.

What an incompetence. The second largest army in the world can’t take a seaside city after 2 months. Instead, inventing more nazi stories.

They lost an entire tank army, what 1 already damaged tank division will do? Even if they are supposed to be the best. There are already territorials, and their INLAWs behind every tree near Izyum gap.

Of course it will be a bloody fight, but nothing more than that.
The 4th tank division is refreshed rearmed and just one of the army divisions. Then coming the airborne brigade that was engaged in the initial assault. The Russians probably amassing 100,000 men for the battle.
What an incompetence. The second largest army in the world can’t take a seaside city after 2 months. Instead, inventing more nazi stories.

The 4th tank division is just one of the army divisions. The Russians probably amassing 100,000 men for the battle.

I mean they lost their best dedicated tank force.

Other Russian mechanised divisions have own tanks, but they were never been prepared to be 1st line of attack.

As far as I know their military doctrine, only dedicated tank divisions were the real offensive force. In Russian military, tank divisions are to have more heavy artillery than mechanised divisions.

And they must have had their armies special artillery detachments attached to them for offensive.

Though, we haven't seen much artillery losses on Russian side in Ukraine according to Oryx, even if we take Ukrainian number of ~400, it would be disproportionally low for Russia.

My guess, Russia is limited by the number of artillery officers. This is why they can send in more guns from reserves, but we never seen amassed use of long range 155 fires.
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:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

History taught us when the US that announced quick resounding victories in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc she later lost all of them as the war grinds on. Now she is in denial.

When the war finally ended in Eastern part of Ukraine, we will tell you why the Russia did it this way.

These are bitter lessons drawn from Afghanistan, Chechen, etc.

Meanwhile don't be a noisy spectator.
I mean they lost their best dedicated tank force.

Other Russian mechanised divisions have own tanks, but they were never been prepared to be 1st line of attack.

As far as I know their military doctrine, only dedicated tank divisions were the real offensive force. In Russian military, tank divisions are to have more heavy artillery than mechanised divisions.

And they must have had their armies special artillery detachments attached to them for offensive.

Though, we haven't seen much artillery losses on Russian side in Ukraine according to Oryx, even if we take Ukrainian number of ~400, it would be disproportionally low for Russia.

My guess, Russia is limited by the number of artillery officers. This is why they can send in more guns from reserves, but we never seen amassed use of long range 155 fires.
How is Russian army organized for the war? Do they have formed army groups, tank armies or something similar?
Impossible that Russians lost major fighting force in Kiev. For the incoming battle Ukraine says they expect WW II like scenario with thousands of tanks and columns of armor assault. Western Intel says Putin recruits for the offensive young men in the occupied Transininia.
How is Russian army organized for the war? Do they have formed army groups, tank armies or something similar?
Impossible that Russians lost major fighting force in Kiev. For the incoming battle Ukraine says they expect WW II like scenario with thousands of tanks and columns of armor assault. Western Intel says Putin recruits for the offensive young men in the occupied Transininia.

Most basic idea: back in USSR times 20000 tanks steamroll europe following heavy artillery bombardment, and 80000 mechanised armour units.

Implementing that on much smaller scale turned difficult... if not impossible

Russia had 1500 units of heavy armour in usable conditions, in active units. They lost 500 as a minimum according to Oryx, and those were the most up to date vehicles.

Russian tank forces were never made to work without their heavy self propelled artillery which pounds treelines, and defilades with "walking artillery barrages" in front of them.

Why they can't deploy arty en masse as USSR did? Not enough arty officers, and logistic trains can't sustain real "walking barrages" today.

Rumours keep swirling of Western military advisers trapped in Mariupol​

There have been unconfirmed rumors on social media that US Army Major General Cloutier has been captured by the Russian forces in Mariupol.

Published: April 6, 2022, 12:22 pm

Intel Slava Z, a Telegram channel, reported earlier that NATO officers from Germany, France, the UK and Sweden were trapped with Azov fighters in Mariupol.

Some frantic efforts to rescue these trapped individuals have been recorded. Western powers would not like to see NATO commanders or mercenaries eventually paraded with Azov fighters for obvious historical purposes. The optics of fighting for Nazis is not a popular one.

There are even rumors of a captured US general but they could not be confirmed. The general in question is to the Ukrainian military what Victoria Nuland is to Ukrainian politicians – an instrumental figure.

US Army Major General Cloutier may have been captured by the Russian forces in Mariupol. As an old-school, hands-on military man, he was photographed many times on the ground inside Ukraine before the war, training the Ukrainian Army to NATO standards. In a press conference Cloutier described Ukrainians as his brothers.

The British were incidentally aiding the Ukrainian Navy while France had trained the air force.

Cloutier would have been instrumental in the planned Ukrainian assault on Donbass and such a knowledgeable man would be keen to be on the ground helping to co-ordinate the combined American, British and French intelligence and technical support to Ukraine during the preparation of the assault on Donbass. “His arrogance may also have got him trapped inside Mariupol,” one source pointed out.

Another fact which may point to the importance of those trapped inside the steel plant in Mariupol: According to French researcher Thierry Meyssan, on March 29, 2022, General Eric Vidaud, director of French military intelligence, was dismissed and no official explanation was given. “It seems that in reality, General Vidaud had deployed men on the direct instruction of President Macron’s private staff, in 2021 when he was commander of special operations, to supervise the Azov Banderites regiment.”

Two of the five Ukrainian helicopters that had tried to flee the stronghold of the Azov regiment, after the Russians had encircled Mariupol, were shot down on March 30. The survivors were taken prisoner by the Russian army and were quite co-operative. Reporters near the scene have meanwhile found items belonging to French soldiers. According to unconfirmed rumours, a second attempt to flee via helicopter has also failed.

The story of the evacuation of Western advisers from Mariupol became the plot of a minicomic. According to the plot, for them everything ends sadly. Screenshot of minicomic.

“The soldiers of the Special Operations Command are placed for all logistical matters under the orders of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, General Thierry Burkhard, but they take their orders directly from the head of the armed forces, President Emmanuel Macron,” Meyssan explained.

Special operations helicopter pilots are not usually dispatched to exfiltrate mercenaries or even intelligence operatives, unless they happen to be senior CIA, MI6 or Mossad agents, a source said. “Much less would highly skilled and valuable Spec Ops pilots be sent on an ultra high risk mission twice.” Unless of course there happens to be high-level individuals trapped inside the steel plant.

Attacks in the vicinity by the Russian navy is believed to be connected to British Sea Skua missiles being set up, suggesting further measures by the British to ensure that such operatives are not taken prisoner.

“Although Sea Skua is an old system, the British have large stockpiles of them and they can be set up on a ground launch platform and fired from cover, a truck, inside a warehouse. They would make a mess of Russian supply ships and landing craft.”

The British have so far supplied thousands of missiles to Ukraine in the form of NLAWs, and now Starstreak, a short-range man-portable air-defence system. Boris Johnson earlier confirmed that anti-ship missiles would be sent to Ukraine.

An American General, co-ordinating Ukraine’s efforts against Russia together with NATO, could expose the direct military involvement of NATO and therefore its active participation in the war.

War commentator Pepe Escobar is certain that NATO advisers are still trapped in Mariupol: “Yes, there’s an array of NATO honchos still holed up with the Azov neo-Nazis in the bowels of Azovstal. Yet the key is what was going on in this underground eight floors down.”

According to Escobar there is a bioweapons laboratory in a deep bunker in which civilian prisoners of the “Biblioteka” are tortured and possibly exposed to human experiments. “The ‘pit’ may have been a NATO-run underground bio-lab at Azovstal.”

Avostal’s owner Rinat Akhmetov, a Ukrainian oligarch, has been involved in these experiments, said Escobar. Akhmetov is linked to Metabiota, a company in which Hunter Biden’s is implicated. On Hunter’s abandoned laptop there are emails detailing how Hunter had helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons.

Furthermore, Biden introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a “science project” involving high biosecurity level labs.

Instead, inventing more nazi stories.

So the American and French military officers believed to be stuck in Mariupol are nazis? Thought so.


What an incompetence. The second largest army in the world can’t take a seaside city after 2 months.

Whether or not it's a seaside city won't really matter in this regard, nor is its size the most decisive factor. What counts is how well defended the town is, by how many units as well as the quality of their equipment and training. Considering that:

* An estimated minimum of 15.000 units, composed of nihilistic-minded Azov Brigade extremists keen on reenacting the hopeless 1945 defense of Berlin, plus Ukrainian Marines, the crème de la crème of the Kiev's armed forces who had been trained to NATO levels by the west,

* The Russian contingent attacking them is less than three times that size (an attacking force is supposed to be three times as large as (near-)peer defenders),

* Russia has sought to avoid turning the place into rubble NATO-style, like it would have been capable of, given that it is part of the Novorossiya region, has a significant population of Russian-speakers as well as Europe's largest steel plant sheltering Ukrainian troops and which Russia is trying to avoid damaging as best as possible in order to save reconstruction costs once the inevitable liberation of Mariupol is completed,

I'd say the Russian military has shown itself to be highly effective and professional in this battle. Thus far around 12.000 Ukrainian army units and members of extremist retribution brigades have likely been eliminated, with some 3.000 more to follow, since they've nowhere to escape.
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