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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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We send both. Humaniterian support for Ukraine and weapons to destroy russian army. Now we also have to send teams to note all the russian war crimes
Where and when? And who are the we?

Starts with Germany.
First helmet from Germany and that will feed the Ukrainian I bet and now weapons to get them killed.

Zalensky is asking civilians to fight against trained soldiers. It is an act of murder.

And you are so supportive of the murderous decree by an Actor cum President.
You laugh about massacres on women and children. Youngest victims in Bucha are said to be 6 years old.
Really. While you encourage these kids to hold guns. Stop the hypocrisy.
IMO you just love war and killing.

Grow up or move your family to the war zone in Ukraine. Then you will experience the reality of a war.

If you survive, you may actually grow up to be a better man.
Really. While you encourage these kids to hold guns. Stop the hypocrisy.
IMO you just love war and killing.

Grow up or move your family to the war zone in Ukraine. Then you will experience the reality of a war.

If you survive, you may actually grow up to be a better man.

Russian war crimes are being well documented. This is the most documented war in history. The evidence is overwhelming.
You are getting personal because you are running out of steam and reason to support the demonization of another race and a nation.

Are you a racist?

All we required from you is evidences of your allegations and not blind partisan support for one side. It does not concerned me but I only see fake news, nuances and manipulated video clips.

Show me one that can be verified.

Whether it is a Ukrainian or a Russia victory, is a matter of days or weeks ahead. I can waited and see and seriously I don't care who wins.
My bet is on Russia based on fact.


Warcrimes in Iraq, I Syria, I Libya, Afghanistan by the US and her allies are well documented.

The warcrimes by the US and allies are well documented.

Australian government tells ICC it should not investigate alleged war crimes in Palestine​

Prosecutor rejects Australia’s argument International Criminal Court has no jurisdiction because Palestine is ‘not a state’
Ben Doherty
Sat 9 May 2020 16.00 EDT
1 year old

The Australian government has told the International Criminal Court it should not investigate alleged war crimes in Palestine because Palestine is “not a state”, arguing the court prosecutor’s investigation into alleged attacks on civilians, torture, attacks on hospitals, and the use of human shields, should be halted on jurisdictional grounds.
Australia was lobbied to make the submission to the court by Israel, which is not a party to the court. But the office of the prosecutor has rejected Australia’s argument, saying it had not formally challenged Palestine’s right to be a party to the court before.
In December, the ICC’s office of the prosecutor concluded a five-year preliminary examination of the “situation in the state of Palestine”, concluding there were reasonable grounds to believe that war crimes have been, or are being, committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip by members of the Israeli Defence Forces, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups, and members of the Israeli authorities.
“I am satisfied that war crimes have been or are being committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip,” the prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said. “There are no substantial reasons to believe that an investigation would not serve the interests of justice.”

Do you live in some parallel universe ?

I wonder where you get your information from , if you try to sell such nonsense here.

Pro Palestinian demonstration in NYC :


Here it turned violent and Pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested, and your Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has made these claims in order to get the Western politicians to suppress any protest against IsraHell's genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza:

"On Thursday, the Anti-Defamation League released preliminary data revealing an increase in both online and real-world incidents of antisemitism in the U.S. since the conflict between Israel and Hamas began.

'We are tracking acts of harassment, vandalism and violence as well as a torrent of online abuse,' said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. 'It's happening around the world — from London to Los Angeles, from France to Florida, in big cities like New York and in small towns, and across every social media platform.' "

Your puppet Joe Biden made this statement in that demonstration: "Mr. Biden said the U.S. will continue to support Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, which blocked thousands of rockets during the conflict.". In other words, Israel can continue killing the less-armed Palestinians and America will provide whatever it needs to carry out those massacres. That is the proof that America is a colony of Israel.

Your NYPD also arrested innocent pro-Palestinian demonstrators. "Twenty-six people have been arrested so far in connection to the protests, the NYPD said. The charges include obstructing governmental administration, resisting arrest, unlawful assembly, disorderly conduct and criminal possession of a weapon."

You can also see here how you demonize the Palestinian people in Murica: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opini...inian-rights-condemn-antisemitism-ncna1268680
Crimea was the results of a number of things including the genocide of AZOV in Dombass, Lugansk but also have to do with geopolitics. Russia leased naval military port is there and she will never allowed a pro-NATO or US Ukraine to use it to block Russia Black Sea fleet.
Will the US or UK allowed that. So it is meaningless as it involved Russia National Security.

As for Crimea joining Russia.
Crimea joined Ukraine by a vote of referendum back in 1990 but historically was never a part of Ukraine.

This time they hold another referendum and they decide overwhelming to join Russia.

IMO Nothing is wrong in here.

Theh join Ukraine by referendum and now joined Russia also by referendum.
Majority of the people voted Yes.
By your logic the Muslim minority in China have the rights to have s state. Ok.
They can hold a referendum. 99 per for separation.

Russia army is not hunting Nazi. They are hubring women shoes.
Carry on spooking one and another with unverified photo and video.

I only see photos of unnamed victims, and video clips of burnt vehicles from God only knows from where and when.

Sorry I am not convinced.

To me it is still the butler who did it and I know not of his natuonality.

I will just have to stop here and watch my favorite drama.

Happy spooking!

Here it turned violent and Pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested, and your Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has made these claims in order to get the Western politicians to suppress any protest against IsraHell's genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza:

"On Thursday, the Anti-Defamation League released preliminary data revealing an increase in both online and real-world incidents of antisemitism in the U.S. since the conflict between Israel and Hamas began.

'We are tracking acts of harassment, vandalism and violence as well as a torrent of online abuse,' said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. 'It's happening around the world — from London to Los Angeles, from France to Florida, in big cities like New York and in small towns, and across every social media platform.' "

Your puppet Joe Biden made this statement in that demonstration: "Mr. Biden said the U.S. will continue to support Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system, which blocked thousands of rockets during the conflict.". In other words, Israel can continue the less armed Palestinians and America will provide whatever it needs to carry out those America. Here is the proof that America is a colony of Israel.

Your NYPD also arrested innocent pro-Palestinian demonstrators. "Twenty-six people have been arrested so far in connection to the protests, the NYPD said. The charges include obstructing governmental administration, resisting arrest, unlawful assembly, disorderly conduct and criminal possession of a weapon."

You can also see here how you demonize the Palestinian people in Murica: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opini...inian-rights-condemn-antisemitism-ncna1268680

When a demonstration turned violent people get arrested. You tried to argue that that anti Israel demonstration are not allowed in NYC , nothing in what you wrote proves that insane claim.

You complain about imaginary things , yet have nothing to say about this :

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By your logic the Muslim minority in China have the rights to have s state. Ok.
They can hold a referendum. 99 per for separation.

Russia army is not hunting Nazi. They are hubring women shoes.

You read but failed to comprehend what I wrote, right. It is absolutely alright, something to do with IQ.

The answer is: Sovereignty is not negotiable and I bet you don't understand it either.

Go hom, brush your teeth and stop trolling.

Xinjiang Muslim Chinese live a better life than you.
You read but failed to comprehend what I wrote, right. It is absolutely alright, something to do with IQ.

The answer is: Sovereignty is not negotiable and I bet you don't understand it either.

Go hom, brush your teeth and stop trolling.

Xinjiang Muslim Chinese live a better life than you.
Sovereignty is not negotiable? So why you support the separatists in Crime, Donbas?
Just because they speak Russian language?

Australia has Chinatown. Malaysia has Chinatown. Vietnam has Chinatown. You want to hold referendums there?
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