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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukraine denied it (few hours ago)

There was some other reason for the explosion.

@Apollon : Sorry to disappoint you, not much balls of steel here.

May be next time.

View attachment 829456

There were helicopters shooting at it. Either the russians now destroy themself or Ukraine wants to keep it low profile. Or another actor stepped up to do the attack
There were helicopters shooting at it. Either the russians now destroy themself or Ukraine wants to keep it low profile. Or another actor stepped up to do the attack

Why would "balls of steel" want to keep it low profile? If showing them was the whole point?

I am confused.


In a complete absence of Russian air defense???
Ukrainian Mi-24 helicopters just crossed the border to Russia and hit a fuel/oil depot in Belgorod!

The Russian Emergency Service: The Ukrainian bombing led to a fire in 8 fuel tanks,
It is likely to spread to 8 other tanks.
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Accuracy of Ukrainian artillery

As I understand it, the Ukrainian artillery units not only have laser-guided artillery shells(which is expensive) integrated with UAVs, but also have a course correction system.

Course Correction System is a low cost solution that enhances the effectiveness of existing ammunitions and decreases the dispersion in the rounds and improves the effectiveness of the artillery fire by applying correction to the ammunitions’ ballistic trajectory.

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Why would "balls of steel" want to keep it low profile? If showing them was the whole point?

I am confused.

Breaking the russian censorship wall. Belgorod now had two attacks in 3 days. Population gets scared, Putin appears weak.
Mariupol has fallen. Next major attack Kharkov. All the nato eu propagandists will be out of words soon. Russia is kicking ***. Great diversionary and maneuvering tactics by RF. The UA cant maneuver no more and the eastern front is there for the taking. Kharkov next. Denazification.
Come again?

Maybe the poles did it. Maybe the Germans, maybe Ukraine. Who cares? Evrything that matters is shit in Russia gets demolished.

I blew up my teachers mail box when i was in 8th grade. Was damn proud for it but nobody knows i did it. :D could be same here.
Supposedly, Ukrainian Mi-24s went across the border and interdicted an ammo dump. Anyone have confirmations on that?

Ballsy if true.
Don't know, as far as anyone can tell, that's a Mi-24 but whether or not it's Ukrainian? Nobody can tell, and Ukrainian were not admitting it was them.

It's goes one of two way.

1.) It's Ukrainian - That mean somehow they can penetrate the Russian ADIF network basically make RuAF and Russia Military a laughing stock, but it also mean it is an attack in Russian mainland. Which is a clause for Russia to escalate the entire conflict.

2,) It's Russian - Either it's a false flag or some disgruntle Russian have access to Mi-24 and decided to bomb the shit out of the fuel depot. Or It is a false flag op the Russian did it to themselves and blame the Ukrainian so they can escalate the entire conflict.

A few issue did not sat right with me. We only see 1 gunship, you usually send a pair or 2 pairs if this is an airstrike, you want to exploit the situation, I mean, if you sneak one in, you can sneak 2 or 4 in, and maximize your damage. So sending just 1 would be a giant waste of opportunities, how often can you caught Russian off guard?

Another issue is Ukrainian have Cruise missile, they can strike that oil depot with Cruise missile, they don't really need to use gunship.

On the other hand, if this is a false flag, it didn't make any sense to go after actual military target. It would work just as well for a gunship to strafe a city or something like that.
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