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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukraine refugees are treated as first class refugees especially here in Germany.
They can stay without visa for 3 months.
Free housing, free healthcare, free foods, free education, free vocational trainings, free everything. If the war not stopping millions of Ukrainians will live here.
I am ok with that. Germany needs more likeminded people.
So you are OK being treated for years like a slave, seeing people that look like yourself pick vegetables in fields and work long hours in the fields, while Ukrainians are just given everything you or your parents struggle for.
Russia has mo
Military intervention in Kiev and the overthrow of the government was certainly the first target. This was also the purpose of the troops crossing the border from Belarus in the north. You can read the article that Putin wrote for victory in the early days of the war, but which was later accidentally posted on the Internet. There should be a lot of documentation on this subject in the first part of this thread. However, when the first week of the operation did not go as expected, the aim of Novorossiya, which was plan B, was started.
Russia can bomb Kiev into rubble if they wish to. Russia has emotional attachment to Ukraine and initially had a softly approach. Taking Kiev will be expensive and serves no strategic purpose other than to raise a flag. Russia's primary goal is to downsize the Ukrainian armed forces and protect the people of the Dombas and Donetsk region.
Zelensky was supposed to be a Nazi. He is hiding in Kyiv. How to de-nazify Ukraine without taking Kiev? :unsure:
Russia is only interested in eliminating the Nazis attacking their people near the border.
Russia is only interested in eliminating the Nazis attacking their people near the border.
I don't recall Putin saying that Nazis are allowed to exist in Kiev. Where did you hear him say so?
I don't recall Putin saying that Nazis are allowed to exist in Kiev. Where did you hear him say so?
Going by his actions not by his talk. Putin said he wasn't going to invade and still did.
Why have most of the bodies no eyes left? Crows took them?

Look closer, the eyes are still there but due to frostbite, the entire face got swollen and as the eyes lost humidity and other liquids, the eyes shrunk. I guess the they died somewhere between 24-48 hours before the video was made because the skin hasn’t started to blacken yet.
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