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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Going by his actions not by his talk. Putin said he wasn't going to invade and still did.
Strange how you are able to read Putin's actions so will when his own domestic supporters are not able to. :azn:

the reason why most were shot in the Berlin area was because that was the only place you could really cross. If you lived in any other city you could not go anywhere close to the West German border. You needed your papers with you at all times and if you were new to an area you would get ID'd at every corner asking you what business you had there. You would be interrogated and shot in a dark room way before you got to the border area.

People that got visas to visit West Germany were closely vetted and usually powerful people in the communist apparatus or old grandmas who would return knowing they had family and grandkids in the East.

Id'd at very cornet - yea right and also very clever play of words "most were shot" without telling the actual number which is in few dozens. So how did those millions migrate then ? why were hundreds of thousands migrating legally with permit ? And this in addition to millions who in 80s just visited west germany. You are way hyping up this and propagandizing here.
Strange how you are able to read Putin's actions so will when his own domestic supporters are not able to. :azn:

Strange how you are able to read Putin's actions so will when his own domestic supporters are not able to. :azn:

I can read your mind too, so watch out.

Ethnic Russians in Kharkiv have some words for Putin. These people cannot speak Ukranian, so you have to understand Russian to make sense of what they are saying. Or, you can just read the subtitles :rolleyes1:

As I wrote earlier today ;

Russian lapdogs are hilarious,they will tell you it's part of the objective and anyway Kyiv and Chernihiv axis were only to divert Ukrainian forces from Donbass.... So kind of Russia to have sent its most elite divisions to the slaughterhouse just to divert some forces from Donbass.... and magically Russia's main goal to decapitate Kyiv nazi regime is suddenly forgotten. :lol:

Russia's objective from the start of the war was to take Kyiv and decapitate Zelensky government,the reason they rapidly pushed to Kyiv...

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Oh ok then why is Ukrainian health minister contradicting you?

What are your thoughts on Ukrainians being able to get ez pz immigration as you claim, while you as a Bangladeshi have seen either first hand or through parents your struggles with proving your merit?
I am not sure why he contradicting. I can see ppl doing what ever they can to help.

In canada they have accepted thousands of Syrians and other refugees in the past. And i can see Ukrainian refugees are mostly women and kids. While in 2015 it was mostly man who were coming to Europe. Most of them are young too. So i am not sure why those man were running away while women and kids were struck in bombing.

How do i feel? I fully support Ukrainian women and kids getting help.

I am disappointed why so called rich gulf countries didnt do shit to take any refugees during 2015.
Hearing of desperate attempts to get 'certain people' out of besieged Mariupol. End game for the Ukrainian army there, at least two failed helicopter attempts.

Rumours of Nato 'advisors' with the trapped Ukrainians.
At these hours which we have the first sahur of Ramadan, my prayer to Allah(cc) is that a permanent ceasefire can be achieved during the month of Ramadan. May Allah(cc) protect all the oppressed.

I hope one day I can visit Cuma Han Camii again.
Ukraine denied the attack few hours back.

Could it be a false flag?
Biggest OPEC CUT.
Larger SPR release .
Jeddah attacks.
Russia attacks.
Ukrainian war.
Historical oil price scenario soon.
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