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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Is it that rocket type that goes up to hit tank from above?

Very interesting. Because Russia has not declared war, a large number of trained troops simply quit their jobs when called into duty. They are not held for treason, because technically Russia is not at war :laugh:
I can see why with Russia moving 2,000 troops in occupied Georgia unless they can't meet the needs for a possible operation with finding any forces in its own country.

Inside hostomel airport... first picture of AN225 destroyed with a Russian VDV BMD destroyed.... the AN224 is damaged but seems can be saved. Everywhere russians go they only bring death and destruction...

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Ukraine can build another one or a better one.
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Russians retreat and don't even bother recovering their dead.

Even in places where they have occupied for weeks or a month. I can see why they kept the casualty numbers low and didn't report it to the top.

Some say Russian forces are regrouping to re-attack Kyiv... with such attrition rates already suffered,that would be suicidal...

Regroup to where to attack Kiev? They already lost their supply bases and are getting surrounded. They have no choice but to retreat if they can.
Dude, it was in your "Scenario" that Russia bomb Australia with ICBM first.

You already escalated, as I said, even without US involvement, and without Australian Air Force going into Russia, it will change the already difficult war into an unwinnable war for Russia. Even if RAAF do not go inside Russia, RAAF with NATO AWACS would basically enforce a no fly zone in Ukraine and every Russian troop concentration and armor will be targeted by RAAF and Ukrainian.

Again, we have F-35, Russian wouldn't know what hit them until they can literally see the bomb on top of their head.
I can think of ways of hitting back the Russians without escalating if Russia decides to hit an a country providing military supplies and equipment. Belarus. They have many Russian helicopters and fighter planes along with those Iskander missile platforms that are lobbing those missiles into Western Ukraine. Destroy those, it will help Ukraine more.
I am not sure why he contradicting. I can see ppl doing what ever they can to help.

In canada they have accepted thousands of Syrians and other refugees in the past. And i can see Ukrainian refugees are mostly women and kids. While in 2015 it was mostly man who were coming to Europe. Most of them are young too. So i am not sure why those man were running away while women and kids were struck in bombing.

How do i feel? I fully support Ukrainian women and kids getting help.

I am disappointed why so called rich gulf countries didnt do shit to take any refugees during 2015.
Muslim countries have taken many times more Syrian refugees then Europe... Fyi. Stop spreading BS.

Looks like we are sending some Bushmaster 4x4 Carrier to Ukraine.....

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Exact number and type is unknown, ADF have more than 1000 Bushmaster 4x4 in surplus, Bushmaster is very versatile vehicle, they can mount just about anything on top, from 25mm autocannon to AT Missile. It carry 10 troops in addition to the crew serve weapon. It's mine resistant and armoured up to 12.7 calibre.
U.S. should transfer Humvees (which the Ukrainians already using) and MRAPs, we have thousands of them. I'm certain there are many vehicles gathering dust in Europe, someone should start looking and see what they can do to help Ukraine. Russian made BMPs, BTRs, helos, etc.
Muslim countries have taken many times more Syrian refugees then Europe... Fyi. Stop spreading BS.
Yes turkey did. Not duabi or saudis. I said rich gulf countries.
Germany green lights the resell of 58 light tanks to Ukraine.

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Britain, Germany and Australia now providing vehicles, the U.S. should do the same. Even encourage other hesitant European countries to do the same.
Now with the Counter offensive the hell will take the Russians, strong men Putin should Stand by his men like Selensky !
U.S. should transfer Humvees (which the Ukrainians already using) and MRAPs, we have thousands of them. I'm certain there are many vehicles gathering dust in Europe, someone should start looking and see what they can do to help Ukraine. Russian made BMPs, BTRs, helos, etc.

I agree, media in germany say the war shifts from defense to offense now. Russias attack collapses, now its about destroying them. At moment its even possible to retake crimea. The type of weapons needed is different now. Humvees, tanks, drones.

Now with the Counter offensive the hell will take the Russians, strong men Putin should Stand by his men like Selensky !

Only with a 30m long table 😂

Russia loss is horrific.

Per Csis, Russia casualty can be as high as 45,000 men.

Yes turkey did. Not duabi or saudis. I said rich gulf countries.

So did Jordan, many went to Egypt. Dubai and Saudi Arabia are fascist states... And there is no other countries in the middle east to go to.
I agree, media in germany say the war shifts from defense to offense now. Russias attack collapses, now its about destroying them. At moment its even possible to retake crimea. The type of weapons needed is different now. Humvees, tanks, drones.

Only with a 30m long table 😂
They need to retake Crimea so it won't be use for any future invasion of Ukraine. Same for the Donbas region. Two major cities Donetsk and Luhansk can also be used as major fortresses against any future invasion as long as Putin is in power, he will do it again whether he loses or gets some of Ukrainian territory, he won't stop. Controlling Mariupol, Donetsk and Luhansk, it be like Kharkiv, Sumy and Chernihiv strongholds in the north holding and attacking an invasion force especially the supply line.
So did Jordan, many went to Egypt. Dubai and Saudi Arabia are fascist states... And there is no other countries in the middle east to go to.
saudis and dubai are fascist? are u nuts.

they are just selfish that's all.
A thousand T-72s is a lot. Very much enough for possible counterattack and counteroffensive, even retake Crimea and Donbas region which is in the interest of Ukraine and Europe as well as as for the U.S. I know the Marine Corps gave up their tanks for a shift in doctrine of possible war in the Pacific and didn't want the tanks anymore. Should give it to the Poland since Poland already bought 250 Abrams tanks and should get more to boost the NATO strength. Even with the classified armor. Its better in the long term of a strong NATO country like Poland. U.S. wouldn't have to worry about keeping a 100k military personnel every time there is a conflict in or near Europe. Should trade for like 3 T-72s for every 1 Abrams. So Poland getting almost 600 Abrams tanks total while Ukraine gets a thousand T-72s.
Ukraine can retake Donbas.
Crime will be a risk. a nuclear war with Russia.
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