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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Mariupol has almost fallen and when almost all civilians have left the city, I believe Russians will pulverize any leftover resistance. Ukraine tried to vainly made the city another Stalingrad symbol. It was foolish and cruel. Weeks ago an offer was extended that even soldiers would be allowed to leave with their weapons. Russia wanted the city badly and would do anything to grab the city.
Pity those who died due to some false pride and vanity of people like Zellenskyy prodded by his foreign handlers. The bloodbath and the destruction in Mariupol didn't have to be on this scale. Armies lose battles all the time and do tactical retreats or outright surrender when odds are insurmountable.

An evacuation effort from the port city of Mariupol was at least partly underway on Friday for civilians trapped for weeks by a Russian siege, according to an adviser to the mayor’s office, who said buses with civilians had left the city.

Russia had agreed to open the humanitarian corridor for the city, lifting a siege that has become a symbol of Ukraine’s agony, but the International Committee of the Red Cross warned that the effort to evacuate civilians from the city of Mariupol “remains extremely complex,” suggesting that a full evacuation was not yet underway.

On the military front, Ukrainian helicopters, flying low, crossed into Russian territory early Friday and fired on an oil depot in the city of Belgorod, according to a Russian regional governor. The airstrike, which would be a first for Ukrainian forces since Russia’s invasion began on Feb. 24, appeared to be an embarrassment for Moscow.

Mariupol did not fall, Putin destroyed the city. There is nothing left for him to conquer. 4 weeks of war, extreme losses for russia. Not one big city under russian controle and all they have is ash and dust.

Borodyanka (Kyiv) cleared from Russian/Chechen terrorists.

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Few weeks ago Kadyrov's lapdogs were filming themselves there.

Civilisation returned to Borodyanka
On the official channel of the Bundeswehr

Interview with a panzer general of the German tank army. To be successful Putin’s invasion army must exceed Ukraine defender by 3:1 in open battlefields, 10:1 in urban areas like Kiev, Mariupol, Kherson.
By this calculation Putin would need one million men, must mobilize all reserves and recruits.
Viewers may notice the Wehrmacht panzer armies were operating in Ukraine some time ago.

Mariupol did not fall, Putin destroyed the city. There is nothing left for him to conquer. 4 weeks of war, extreme losses for russia. Not one big city under russian controle and all they have is ash and dust.

You may be right. But you know that under the dust and debris of the destroyed cities like Mariupol is real land!! Mariupol provides Putin land connectivity from Crimea to Donbas. BTW, an Indian anchor Arnab Goswami said a couple of days ago that Russians are only 35-40 KM from even Odessa.

Look: Pakistan has no dog in this fight. I personally care for the bloodshed to end asap, just as I had followed and cared for the Rwandan massacres in the 1990s and many since then. A weaker Russia may be in Pakistan's interests. But I wouldn't stoop to the lows of geopolitics to condone senseless killings.
I must admit that it takes a hell lot of courage to go on missions like that. And like the one they did in Mariupol.
These people are fighters no doubt. Both sides.

It also shows that helicopters can be used to infiltrate heavily defended spaces with good planning and NAP-of-the-earth technique. This is something that scores of members here struggle to digest.
Man,there's common sense. Western interests could have tried to avoid meddling in that area. Yes,theoretically Russia cannot tell Ukraine what to do. Of course. But there's also common sense that in the geopolitical arena,this is considered Russian turf.

Again, that explained nothing in term of Russian Strategic Threat.

First of all, Ukraine had already applied and rejected twice by NATO. Sure, if it was Ukraine who want to join, and NATO is willing to accept, then what you said would make sense, but this is not that case because NATO had rejected Ukraine membership twice (in 2008 and 2015) and there are no plan for NATO to accept Ukraine as a member in any term of future, not just near future. In terms of NATO membership, the packing order goes Kosovo, then Georgia, then Ukraine.

This is not about Geopolitical need for Russia, they wanted Ukraine to remain neutral, they are, because NATO rejected their application.
They did try. They had Yanukovich. Then Yanukovich was kicked out by a riot of organized nationalists and pro-Western parties. And then there were the Minsk agreements.

As I said before Yanukovych government is NOT Majority, the government was dissolved before Maidan and that is because Tymoshenko's party pulled out of the power sharing deal, without Tymoshenko Party, Yanukovych government would lost both Presidential Majority (which accounts for nothing because he would still be president until next election) and Parliament Majority (Which would dissolve the government and trigger a re-election)

On the other hand, Zelenskyy is probably the MOST pro-Russian president after Maidan, he is ethnic Russian, he speak Russian and he was hail from a Russian Speaking South near Crimea. Did you see Putin try to works with him?

Yes,the Russians had acted because they saw this as a regime change by Ukrainian ultranationalists and foreign centers. They considered Ukraine's future as uncertain and they acted fast. Was it right? Was it wrong? They did act and took Crimea back.

Problem is, Russian is also "Foreign" to Ukraine.

Just because they annexed Crimea, does not mean what they did is right. If so, how about the US start annexing Cuba or Part of Mexico? Or Venezuela because of the Preceived threat offered from these countries? What would you say about that?

Apparently getting in the EU is something Russians don't want. For what reason,I don't know. Probably economic reasons.
Maybe they consider the EU and NATO as the same club in a way.

So then what exactly the problem for Russia then? Or you are telling me Russia do not understand the basic different between EU and NATO??

Like I said in a previous post,the Baltic countries are small and can be easily smashed. I mean the Russians probably keep an eye on them all the time.

Yes of course ballistic missiles can reach Siberia in a few minutes from the East. The Americans can even invade easily.

But the core is European Russia. An invasion from the Baltics could theoretically be easy to defend against. But from Ukraine? The area is much bigger. Siberia gives them huge depth. They don't need South Korea or Japan,don't be absurd.

The most important cities and population mass is in European Russia,that's what they want to protect the most.

What you failed to see is that there are 3 landmass NATO can invade if they choose to, Ukraine is not even one of them. They can go over the Baltic, they can go over the Bering Strait, and they can go over Finnish Border.

Why Ukraine is not one of them you would ask? Did you see how hard it is for Russia to invade Ukraine? The reverse will also be true because soil is not going to be harder and favor one side over the other. It's going to be the same going in either direction.

There are also a sea route from Turkey (Which is a NATO member) via Black Sea, and another Sea Route via Baltics.

If NATO wanted to Invade, they can choose either one of the 5, or they can choose all 5. Which make Ukraine more than Redundant in any of the scenario you can think of.

And funny how you discounted Japan and South Korea while focus on Ukraine.

But then this is beside the point, the point is, Threat Level is not going to go away for Russia even with Ukraine at their side (Which is now basically no way this will happen) NATO already fronting Russia in 3 sides, about to be 4 if and when Finland join NATO, which is highly likely now seeing 58% of Finns wants it.

Like I just explained,it depends where is that depth. In the Cold War they had the Warsaw Pact in front of them. Now,they only have Belarus. It's important for them to protect European Russia and the Urals.

Warsaw pact is the Entire Soviet Union, Warsaw pact nation are not neutral toward either the West or Soviet Russia. And as I said you don't understand what is the definition of strategic depth. Russia is probably the last country on earth that needed more. And just because they wanted Ukraine, does not mean Ukraine have to give it to them, hence this war.

If you can't have Ukraine on your side,you might as well have it kind of neutral. It used to be on the Russian side,but after 2014 the next best thing is to have them neutral,unless they agree to have a pro-Russian government again maybe?

LOL, you think the Ukrainian will ever elect a Pro-Russian regime?

Also, it was never on Russian side since they split, the only time they elected an out-right Pro-Russian leader is in 2010, and that's wasn't even a majority win, and is marred with Election Fraud.

The guy before Yanukovych is not Pro-Russia (He was poisoned by FSB), the guy after Yanukovych is not pro-Russia either. And if Ukraine is really Pro-Russia, they would not choose to go their separate way from Russia in 1991 when they were offered a chance of independent.
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