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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Amical encounter between Russian and Ukrainian soldiers









A large percentage of "Russia's fault" appears only to supporters of DEVA, a liberal party which, however, was created by a secondment from Erdogan's AKP.

Aha !

Yes, never post Ukranian units destroyed or captured by Russian and allied units. :rolleyes: And my commiserations for the deaths or injuries of the Russian unit in this encounter.
@dBSPL @SilentEagle @TNT

Greeks and Turks support Russia in the invasion

I googled translated the article:

There is a big difference between the reaction of Greece and Turkey to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with our country being identified with the EU sanctions. while Turkey is acrobatic between its relations with both Kyiv and Moscow. But if we agree on something - enough - this is the public opinion about the war that has strong "pro-Russian" characteristics. Thus, in a poll conducted by Metropoll in Turkey, with the question "who is responsible for the invasion", 33.7% answered "Russia", 48.3% "US and NATO" while a 7.5% answered " Ukraine"! This completely different perception from Western societies has further specialization depending on which party the Turks support. Thus, the most "pro-Russian" profile is shown by the voters of the "Good Party", Kemalist and nationalist, who answer 67% that "NATO-USA" is to blame, while Erdogan's party is at 48.5% and the Republican party at 48, 2% in the same answer. A large percentage of "Russia's fault" appears only to supporters of DEVA, a liberal party which, however, was created by a secondment from Erdogan's AKP.

In Greece now, yesterday's MRB poll for Newsbomb does not give very different results. As 42.8% of the respondents answer that "I am against the operation but Russia was right in some things", while 8.1% say that "Russia had serious reasons for the operation and I support it". Who says that in the political spectrum? Mainly the Center-Right and the Center, but also the Left.

Irrelevant, the majority of Greeks is against this war and our government stands 100% fiem against Putins facism
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Statement by Russian Defence Ministry

▫️As part of a tour through Western parliaments to collect weapons for 'defending Europe and democracy', Zelensky, speaking to Norwegian Storting MPs on March 30, accused Russia of allegedly 'mining the sea' and blocking foreign ships in Ukrainian ports.

▫️Given Zelensky's ignorance of the real situation outside Kiev and the activities of his own subordinates, we officially inform.

▫️Between February 25 and March 4, the remnants of the Ukrainian navy's mine clearing forces planted about 420 sea anchor mines of the YaM-1 type in the waters of Black and Azov seas, 370 in the Black Sea and 50 in the Azov Sea.

▫️As a result of stormy conditions in the Black Sea and due to poor technical condition, about 10 Ukrainian mines have had their bottom anchor wires broken.

▫️Since then, under the influence of wind and surface flows, the Ukrainian mines have drifted freely southwards in the western part of the Black Sea.

▫️One Ukrainian mine was recently discovered and neutralised by Turkish sailors. The second Ukrainian mine is neutralised in Romanian territorial waters.

▫️No one can know where the remaining Ukrainian mines are drifting today. The leadership of the Kiev nationalist regime, which by its criminal actions has created a direct mine threat to the transport and cargo ships of all Black Sea countries, is even more so.

▫️As for Zelensky's lie about allegedly blocking around 100 foreign ships in Ukrainian ports, we explain.

▫️Ukrainian authorities are currently forcibly detaining 68 vessels belonging to Turkey, China, Switzerland, Greece, Malta Panama, Marshall Islands, Sierra Leone, Comoros, Belize, Liberia, Cayman Islands, Denmark, Syria in Chernomorsk, Odessa and Nikolaev ports .

▫️At the same time, the Russian Federation daily from 08:00 to 19:00 Moscow time opens a safe corridor of 80 nautical miles wide for these vessels to leave the territorial waters of Ukraine in the south-western direction.

▫️However, the crews of the ships in question told us in radio conversations that any departure of a foreign vessel from Ukrainian ports was forbidden by the Ukrainian authorities under threat of immediate sinking.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
So German back down in the End.

The number of troops loses are fictional so the others are probably not correct as well

No Germany did not back down @Ich is a russian apologist and AfD voter. Those guys are putins 5th column in Germany.

Germany like all EU nations keep paying in €.
🇷🇺🇺🇦Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

▫️Units of the Russian Armed Forces, continuing their offensive, took control of Zolotaya Niva, crossed Kashlagach River and occupied an advantageous position.

▫️The advance was 6 kilometers. Up to 60 Ukrainian nationalists, 2 tanks, 4 infantry fighting vehicles, 9 vehicles for various purposes were destroyed.

▫️Units of the Lugansk People's Republic, having completed the mopping-up of Zhitlovka, have advanced 5 kilometers and are fighting with nationalists on the outskirts of Kremennaya.

💥On the evening of March 30, high-precision air-based cruise missiles destroyed large fuel bases in Dnepropetrovsk, Lisichansk, Chuguev and Novomoskovsk, from which fuel was supplied to the Ukrainian military grouping in Donbass.

✈️💥During the day, operational-tactical and army aviation hit 52 military assets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Among them: 4 command posts, 1 S-300 anti-aircraft missile system south of Izyum and 1 Buk-M1 near Kurakhovo, 2 multiple aunch rocket systems, 1 ammunition and missile-artillery weapons depot, 2 fuel depots and 38 strong points and areas of military equipment concentration.

💥Russian air defence means shot down 18 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the area of Balakleya, Verbovoye, Verhnetoretskoe, Dokuchaevsk, Korolevka, Komarin, Opytnoe, Pavlovka, Repki, Chernigov, Chernobyl and Shchors, including 1 Bayraktar-TB2 near Bezymyannoe.

📊In total, 124 aircfaft and 77 helicopters, 216 unmanned aerial vehicles, 341 unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,815 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 195 multiple launch rocket systems, 762 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,689 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

#Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
Irrelevant, the majority of Greeks is against this war and our government stands 100% fiem against Putins facism
You're like those communists who talk about "fascism" all day. Majority of Greeks disagrees with the invasion,but doesn't necessarily stand with Ukraine and the West. People know it was the NATO's fault.

The government supports NATO,EU and Ukraine. So what? You can't think for yourself? You can't decide?

They where Nazi cows

Oh yeah?

Screenshot_2022-03-31 La Marche vers la Gloire Facebook.png
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