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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I don't think it's to do with inferiority tbh, it's only natural that after the horror of 2 world wars, most Europeans shied away from the politics of war and conflict with neighbours.

That lead to a period of appeasement it also of pluralism and understanding. But that seems to have reached its limit now.

I consider myself politically liberal and this is exactly why I was so unhappy with Russia's actions. It has hurt progressive politics unimaginably.
Actually WWII should teach them a lesson about appeasement. The rise of Hilter was partly a result of appeasement policy employed by other European countries. In fact, after WWII, French was very much on guard against appeasement.
History and Putins speech. He wanted Ukraine. Then baltics, poland and balkans. NATO cease to exist and Europe under russian "leadership".

With all due respect. I dont want leadership of a rather revolting poor country. I rather prefer freedom
I feel sorry for you for having such a miserable life. :)
Actually it sort off was. GDR was part of soviet bloc for 40 years. And was quiet wealthy by 80s. And many still fondly recollect it. There is even a german word for it - Ostalgie.

Yes it was so great that they had to build a wall to keep people from running away.
I feel sorry for you for having such a miserable life. :)

I consider my life as quite cool. Big part is travelling. I could not travel if we would be under russian tyranny. I would live as miserable as them.
Talibans never had anything more than few Chinese flir sights for their guns and what they captured or bought from corrupted Afghan army commanders. Nobody send them modern ATGM's or manpads.

Afghan Taliban are not equipped for warfare like a European country but they have their methods to create insurgency. They are able to blend in with the locals and collect INTEL to determine targets and strike at the time of their choosing. They incorporated suicide attacks and IEDs in their tactics to devastating effect from time-to-time.

They were able to obtain advanced equipment from the Afghan National Army (ANA) in various battles. They had sourced manpads and used them to shoot down helicopters when possible. Examples in following footage:

They are known to use terrain to their advantage in particular. They were able to kill hundreds of British troops in Helmand province for instance.

Afghanistan is called graveyard of Empires in modern times for a reason.
Afghan Taliban are not equipped for warfare like a European country but they have their methods to create insurgency. They are able to blend in with the locals and collect INTEL to determine targets and strike at the time of their choosing. They incorporated suicide attacks and IEDs in their tactics to devastating effect from time-to-time.

They were able to obtain advanced equipment from the Afghan National Army (ANA) in various battles. They had sourced manpads and used them to shoot down helicopters when possible. Examples in following footage:

They are known to use terrain to their advantage in particular. They were able to kill hundreds of British troops in Helmand province for instance.

Afghanistan is called graveyard of Empires in modern times for a reason.

I think that depends on the kind of warfare. Taliban depend on an enemy who has basic set of morals. I doubt they would stand a chance against hitler style warfare, where evrything that moves gets killed and its just for the land to settle.
I consider my life as quite cool. Big part is travelling. I could not travel if we would be under russian tyranny. I would live as miserable as them.
So you are suffering from imagined misery while living a comfortable life. :)
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Yes it was so great that they had to build a wall to keep people from running away.
The wall was within berlin and entire surronding country was east germany. Stories on that are vastly exaggerated. Ofcourse it was poorer than west germany at starting point. And people from poorer countries migrate - like you moved to germany from greece. But being part of soviet bloc did not make it poorer. Its wealth grew through out 4 decades.
I think that depends on the kind of warfare. Taliban depend on an enemy who has basic set of morals. I doubt they would stand a chance against hitler style warfare, where evrything that moves gets killed and its just for the land to settle.
Dude they did beat the soviets. Maybe you werent born then.
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