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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Told y'all Russian regime is catching Ls left, right, and center

Germany has record low unemployment.
Man in pdf some are acting like west is dying for bread lol

U.S. labor market tightens as weekly jobless claims hit lowest level since 1969​

U.S. switchblade drones have not yet arrived in Ukraine. Will they be now renamed to "switch away drones"?

I have been reading about them for weeks now. They have still not been delivered to Ukraine? This is sad!
Only if Russia deputinizes. Russia is a complete facist regime in evry aspect. Even their symbolism is.

If Russia dePutinizes then you will have to contend with the Communists who completely support the current special operation despite having differences with Putin's policies. :)

Told y'all Russian regime is catching Ls left, right, and center


Perhaps you were reminded by this :
This Russian blunder might just be the catalyst for a European resurgence.

Europe has long been criticized for being overly liberal and soft - this has just set the clock back 50 years.

I expect a renewed focus on China and much more blatant realpolitik in the world going forward.

Russia and China have just ensured that every enemy that they had in the world, are now going to be even more dangerous.
Can't blame them. Europeans are largely soft because they don't have much to show for after WWII. They were rescued by Anglo-Americans and Russians. Their inferiority complex makes them distrust both while depending on either of them. The current war only further confirms their incompetence.
Oh now Germany is under Russian oppression. Where did you get all this victimhood sentiment?

History and Putins speech. He wanted Ukraine. Then baltics, poland and balkans. NATO cease to exist and Europe under russian "leadership".

With all due respect. I dont want leadership of a rather revolting poor country. I rather prefer freedom
If Russia dePutinizes then you will have to contend with the Communists who completely support the current special operation despite having differences with Putin's policies. :)

Perhaps you were reminded by this :
LOL Bush ducking those shoes is top 5 in American history wtf are you talking about. Got me ducking strays like Bush was ducking shoes #bars!

Can't blame them. Europeans are largely soft because they don't have much to show for after WWII. They were rescued by Anglo-Americans and Russians. Their inferiority complex makes them distrust both while depending on either of them. The current war only further confirms their incompetence.

I don't think it's to do with inferiority tbh, it's only natural that after the horror of 2 world wars, most Europeans shied away from the politics of war and conflict with neighbours.

That lead to a period of appeasement but also of pluralism and understanding. But that seems to have reached its limit now.

I consider myself politically liberal and this is exactly why I was so unhappy with Russia's actions. It has hurt progressive politics unimaginably.
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German government says a sudden import stop of russian gas would cost Germany 107 billion euro

We took 380 billion of russian assets. So i say EU should go for it
Got me ducking strays like Bush was ducking shoes #bars!

Ducking strays ? Bars ? What do they mean ?

With all due respect. I dont want leadership of a rather revolting poor country. I rather prefer freedom

Perhaps you prefer leadership of "Great" Britain where you have freedom to be homeless and hungry if you do not show the government your money :
I don't think it's to do with inferiority tbh, it's only natural that after the horror of 2 world wars, most Europeans shied away from the politics of war and conflict with neighbours.

That lead to a period of appeasement it also of pluralism and understanding. But that seems to have reached its limit now.

I consider myself politically liberal and this is exactly why I was so unhappy with Russia's actions. It has hurt progressive politics unimaginably.
Its a wake up call.
Ducking strays ? Bars ? What do they mean ?

Perhaps you prefer leadership of "Great" Britain where you have freedom to be homeless and hungry if you do not show the government your money :
View attachment 828453

Have you ever visited Russia? I have a hint, poorest european nation is Romania. Divide their income with 3...and you have russian income
Well here comes the hint, a germany under russian opression would be as miserable as russia.

Actually it sort off was. GDR was part of soviet bloc for 40 years. And was quiet wealthy by 80s. And many still fondly recollect it. There is even a german word for it - Ostalgie.
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