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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I would say Russia want the sanction to bel lifted as much as Ukrainian wanted their sovereign integrity. And I don't mean Post 2014 (with Russia took Crimea and the Donbas separatist) but a Pre-2014 Ukraine.

On the other hand, what can Russia give in this peace talk? Russia so far only captured 2 cities that mean something, and those are their bargaining chips, I don't think given that back would worth the lifting of Sanctions. I will say even after they took Mariupol, that still not worth lifting the sanctions.

The only solution I can see if they made any deal now is to go back to Post 2014 with some Sanction lifted. Otherwise I don't think either side will budge on the issue.
There would be no complication in the negotiations if the answer to your question is so easy. We have to wait to see what both parties agree to give up.

I'm just guessing that removal of sanctions will be on the prime agenda for the Russians. Simply because their industries cannot be sustained without western supply chains. :undecided:
Ah, suddenly its "medium term" :laugh: Medium term means what? 5-10 years? Ooohhh, so how will Germany compensate russian gas end of this year? And the next years? If Germany do not pay in Rubles? No Rubles -> no gas! And there is no other gas delivery in sight.

Then stop it. Making deals with tyrants has a price and now is that payday.

Germany already said it wont pay rubles. This is decided. Putin needs the money.
Gemany is resisting all the possible pressure at the moment, because lets face it - there is no alternative to Russian gas till at least 2027.

And tbh, Germany/France did not want this war. They tried all they could to stop it, they wont get much out of it.

Anglo-Saxons had their way, like they always do and Germany, Ukraine, Russia and other Europeans have to pay... no prize for guesssing who are the real winners here... *sigh*

Yes. And no. The german gov is such idiotic that they like to destroy germany. As always...
Gemany is resisting all the possible pressure at the moment, because lets face it - there is no alternative to Russian gas till at least 2027.

And tbh, Germany/France did not want this war. They tried all they could to stop it, they wont get much out of it.

Anglo-Saxons had their way, like they always do and Germany, Ukraine, Russia and other Europeans have to pay... no prize for guesssing who are the real winners here... *sigh*

So you say Putin was ordered by USA to attack Ukraine? Are you kidding?
No one has that much free time to "challenge" all the bullshyt you write here.

Most of the time I see your nick and scroll down to the next post, because it is so so predictable what the contents are going to be - unsubstantiated utter garbage ("yeah Abrahmovich is poisoned, here I have proof from a tabloid which says he was 'allegedly' poisoned.").

And now we have to accept it as a "fact" or make a mistake to challenge it to read another 200+ non-sensse posts. Yeah right! :cuckoo:

Carry on, I know you are paid per post and dont want you to get fired. So make it count.
So in short, you are all talk and no action?

You could have just said "I am all talk" in stead of writing 5 lines of words that's really hard to comprehend..........
Not a total failure. A minor victory for Russia. Ukraine will not join NATO and some parts of Ukraine now liberated. But great victory for ukraine too that they hold the capital for long.
I guess Ukraine will also join EU. They fought hard and deserve our full support.
Well, depends on the "Neutrality" Ukraine would put up for the peace talk. I don't think joining EU would be neutral. It is also the thing that started all these in the first place.
Germany already said it wont pay rubles. This is decided. Putin needs the money.

Then unfreeze and return their reserves.

There is not gonna be any free gas for sure.

Here is the situation:

1) Europe needs gas
2) Russia says will sell only in Rubles (or unfreeze/unsanction their assets - that seems like their real aim)
3) Europe says wont pay in Rubles and wont unfreeze/unsantion Russian assets

What is the immediate solution out of this catch-22?
Then stop it. Making deals with tyrants has a price and now is that payday.

Germany already said it wont pay rubles. This is decided. Putin needs the money.

Oh man (or do you define other?), you really want to see Germany die. You are mentally ill.
Hope that Russian BMP2 recovers from its injuries

There would be no complication in the negotiations if the answer to your question is so easy. We have to wait to see what both parties agree to give up.

I'm just guessing that removal of sanctions will be on the prime agenda for the Russians. Simply because their industries cannot be sustained without western supply chains. :undecided:
Well, just because Russia want it does not mean the West have to give it to them.

The problem here is, if sanction is not in place, then how can we guarantee Russia will do what they do in peace talk?

On the other hand, I really don't see how the West will roll back the entire sanction unless Russia pay for it, you need to think about it globally, if they do, that will encourage other actor to do the same. There are a few place in the world where land dispute exist, if you don't go all the way, you are just encouraging people for it. This is the lesson the west learn after 2014 and they did nothing serious......
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Well, depends on the "Neutrality" Ukraine would put up for the peace talk. I don't think joining EU would be neutral. It is also the thing that started all these in the first place.

Austria is in EU too. Beside that, Russia is in no Position to make such demands
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