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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The Russian northern axis has been a complete and utter failure for Russia.

Some here will tell you "It's going according to the plan".

Russia has failed to decapitate Kyiv government and are even considering their objectives downward according to the financial time.... Russia withdrawn its demands about Ukraine's demilitarization and "denazification" and the status of the Russian language of Ukraine. Now they are no longer against Ukraine's will to join the EU. Big if confirmed.
I dont think sanctions will removed any time soon unless Russia pay damages which will be almost all the seize assets.

Ukraine wont give up any territory either. Ukraine ppl wont accept that deal if they give up territory.

The deal will probably be like Ukraine wont join Nato and Russia withdrawal. of course to make that happen Ukraine need to keep fighting and west will ensure Russia bleed economically.

There are no way to attack Odessa unless the Russian took Mykolaiv, you need a land component to support that amphibious operation, otherwise you are just going to send your troop into a slaughter piecemeal.

The chances for a complete landlocking Ukraine is probably gone, and depend on Russian lost fighting in Mariupol, they may not be able to hold the city when Ukrainian counter attack, and they had already started the counter attack in Kherson.

As I said before, the key is see who have done their part first, if Ukrainian retake Kherson, then Mariupol operation are all but over because Russia need to draw troop back to Crimea for defence otherwise they may lose it. On the other hand, depends on how much Russian and Ukrainian loss in Mariupol, the Russian force may be spent if they lost too much for taking the town. Then it will be open for counter attacks Either from Kherson or from Zaporizhzhia or both, Depends on battleground intelligence.

Good analysis. And perhaps Russia wouldn't care about Odessa as long as they have a strongly defendable land access from Crimea to Donbass region and I think they still have the power to achieve that goal. It will be a 'consolation' prize but looks like both parties ready to wind down.
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Some here will tell you "It's going according to the plan".

Russia has failed to decapitate Kyiv government and are even considering their objectives downward according to the financial time.... Russia withdrawn its demands about Ukraine's demilitarization and "denazification" and the status of the Russian language of Ukraine. Now they are no longer against Ukraine's will to join the EU. Big if confirmed.

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In UK? Most likely not.

So if CIA does its assassinations only in Britain will you accept that CIA does wrong ?

Only in the drone world you live in. Don't you know for example of Syrians who have already fought in Ukraine alongside Russians ?

I think I told you and your other shameless NATO mouthpiece comrades on PDF some days ago that he visited a military hospital in Russia to award Russian combatants including two females.
I don't really care if you don't eat or drink anything when you go to the US. You want to starve to death in the US is your call, I mean, you can do whatever the hell you want in the US, even committing suicide. Not the same I can say In Venezuela or Russia.

Dont take it personal, but I have to ask: Are you really that dumb?

Of course I am not writing about myself but about diplomats from not so friendly nations going to US. If you cant even figure that out, your employers should seriously think about hiring some better trolls.

Good analysis. And perhaps Russia wouldn't care about Odessa as long as they have a strongly defendable land access from Crimea to Donbass region and I think they still have the power to achieve that goal. It will be a 'consolation' prize but looks like both parties ready to wind down.
Again, it really depends on how much troop Russian got left after they took Mariupol. And whether or not they would be replaced by another BTG or 2.

On the other hand, I am not too sure whether or not the repositioning of Russia force is doable, essentially they are pulling troop elsewhere in the country to try to refocus on the south, which mean it will also free up Ukrainian Force for counter attack. So this is a two way street for what Russia is doing.

I don't know whether or not Russia have strategic reserve (or just in case troop) to use for this refocusing operation, but judging from several fact that I would think they don't as I don't think the war is going to go this way instead of a quick victories. If this is the case, then Russia would have a tough fight to keep the area they held at the moment.

Dont take it personal, but I have to ask: Are you really that dumb?

Of course I am not writing about myself but about diplomats from not so friendly nations going to US. If you cant even figure that out, your employers should seriously think about hiring some better trolls.
Well, you should ask yourself that question, or go back to school

It wouldn't take an English wizard to see the use of "You" in generic, it does not mean you. Why would I tell "you" what to do when I am talking about people in travelling in America in general, I don't think you had told me you plan to go there

Or you are saying the US only allowing "YOU" to starve to death and not anyone else if they choose to??

Dude, try harder next time LOL

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Ukraine and the West: ‘Don’t push us into the corner’​

I guess sanctions start to bite.
I dont think sanctions will removed any time soon unless Russia pay damages which will be almost all the seize assets.

Ukraine wont give up any territory either. Ukraine ppl wont accept that deal if they give up territory.

The deal will probably be like Ukraine wont join Nato and Russia withdrawal.

This will not change only change Germany but entire west. Canada just announced buying F 35 after dragging its feet for 6 years. You can see every country in west now doing 180 u turn. This war basically will start cold war 2.0 and end of globalization.

New world order? Pandemic and war rattle globalization.​

Removal of sanctions is one of the primary motivations for Russia to engage in a negotiated settlement. I don't think Russia will want to negotiate without removal of sanctions as an outcome. Despite what some people here say, no country can hope to have a thriving economy without globalized trade. Russia has lost access to their supply chains now and cannot recover from it so easily.

As for Ukraine's demand to have all its territory back, I don't blame them. But let's face this - No country will be willing to give up hard fought territory so easily after having lost its soldiers for it. Only time when countries move back is when they don't feel confident of being able to hold their territory. Like how Russia is moving back for consolidation right now.
Well, you should ask yourself that question, or go back to school

It wouldn't take an English wizard to see the use of "You" in generic, it does not mean you. Why would I tell "you" what to do when I am talking about people in travelling in America in general, I don't think you had told me you plan to go there

Or you are saying the US only allowing "YOU" to starve to death and not anyone else if they choose to??

Dude, try harder next time LOL

Now write another 1000 word gibberish about that but everyone knows what you meant and what a lame effort it was to simply distract the focus from "diplomats/negotiators" to "individuals". :lol:

As I said, your employers need to hire better trolls.

Have a nice trolling fest my vietnamese friend... LOL

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Ukraine and the West: ‘Don’t push us into the corner’​

I guess sanctions start to bite.

Same guy who said in Interview, that Putin did this to get rid of russia.


I love journalists reaction..."WHAT?! Get rid of Russia?"

Now write another 1000 word gibberish about that but everyone knows what you meant and what a lame effort it was to simply distract the focus from "diplomats/negotiators" to "individuals". :lol:

As I said, your employers need to hire better trolls.

Have a nice trolling fest my vietnamese friend... LOL
Well, you failed to see the "YOU" is generic, not me.

That mean you completely mistaken the entire context. Maybe I should post in Urdu from now on so you can understand......Which is worst? My Urdu or Your English?

Removal of sanctions is one of the primary motivations for Russia to engage in a negotiated settlement. I don't think Russia will want to negotiate without removal of sanctions as an outcome. Despite what some people here say, no country can hope to have a thriving economy without globalized trade. Russia has lost access to their supply chains now and cannot recover from it so easily.

As for Ukraine's demand to have all its territory back, I don't blame them. But let's face this - No country will be willing to give up hard fought territory so easily after having lost its soldiers for it. Only time when countries move back is when they don't feel confident of being able to hold their territory. Like how Russia is moving back for consolidation right now.

The sanctions cant be removed as long Putin is president. How you imagine this works? We all forget about it and thats it?

There is zero trust in Putin. What value have deals with him?
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