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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Yeah, but Putin is not targeting Ukraine's electricity grid or telecom infrastructure. Aside from freezing the population in the tough winter, turning off electricity would also shut down clean water and sewage systems across the country, creating major health hazards.

The incompetence of the military campaign aside, these are deliberate kid gloves that Putin is using to spare civilians as much as possible.
He should do it in day 1, honestly.
This is Marketing 101.

Create an impression that supporting the enemy is for old fogies, and all the cool, young, educated people are on your side.

That’s how they are led to the chopping block first and what remains come back with PTSD which we have to pay for via their medical treatment to not make them go full retard.
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That is a load of crap "muh the best Russian army is at home,they aren't using their whole force and most modern equipments,they send conscripts". Their armed forces are trash,simple as it is.

Those VDV,Spetsnaz,Rosgvardia,Chechens etc. are considered as "Russia's elite troops" and yet they performed soo poorly,wouldn't imagine the rest. Sheer incompetence and corruption gets you this result.

Western (US, UK) intel early in the war reported Russia's invading force for Ukraine was mostly made up of junior conscripts, paramilitary, Kadyrov's Chechen troops, and some military regulars.
Source: https://www.thedailybeast.com/russi...ne-invasion-contrary-to-vladimir-putins-claim

Spetsnaz being used in this invasion? Now talk about a load of bs, there is absolutely no evidence that Spetsnaz is being used in this invasion. If there is a legit source, post the link here; they were however used in small part in the Crimean invasion of 2014. Rosgvardia aren't even conventional military troops they're basically a Praetorian guard to protect Russian government personnel, calling them "Russia's elite troops" shows you really don't know what you're talking about. In fact, If I recall correctly Rosgvardia started out as riot police and you think they are elite Russian troops!? :lol:

Russia 900k active duty, using only 140k troops of mix units for a Ukrainian conventional force of 200k + NATO backed and Russia has already occupied 45-50% of Ukraine. The fact you think Russia would invest its best military units and capabilities for a country like Ukraine is ridiculous. You better hope they don't lob some missiles your way with how stupid your "analytical thinking" is.
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such cringey muppets, all these people who have changed their DP/avatar to the Ukraine flag... haa :haha:

They amuse me one day their French after Charlie Hebdo without a clue what lead to them being put 6” under and next day their Ukrainians, I wonder what’s next after this. Note: Only blonde hair, blue eyes and skin as white as bleach nationals can be chosen. The rest olive skin people don’t count.
Russia 900k active duty, using only 140k troops of mix units for a Ukrainian conventional force of 200k + NATO backed and Russia has already occupied 45-50% of Ukraine. The fact you think Russia would invest its best military units and capabilities for a country like Ukraine is ridiculous. You better hope they don't lob some missiles your way with how stupid your "analytical thinking" is.

1st Guards Tank Army was activated, which is unthinkable. It's like Moscow's strategic reserve force, which would've normally guarded Moscow at all times.

Their modernised mechanised units met combat, and were destroyed completely. I repeat, completely brand new, built from scratch units, with nineties+ military hardware only, professional soldiers, and handpicked officers.

A presence of Nona SVK, a rare mortar-gun-howitzer wunderwaffe, and 203mm artillery indicate that division level combat, if not corps level, is taking place in the field.

If the entire corps is active, there is no question they would have some very elite units at their disposal.
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Yea....... "mine" "Ukraine Government is Nazi" :D

Nobody knows here when the agenda began, or by whom...

Anyway, in my opinion, the video is just another propaganda instead of fact check just like others. (where first assumptions are made and then nicely azov is picked up as an example with "not anymore" and forgetting the rest)

Every outlet has the fact check template these days, which they mold it according to there version/agenda... aka half truth aka lies...
Well, as Zelenskyy said "If defending your own country is Nazi, then sure, everyone in Ukraine is Nazi"

I have no intention to sway you or what so ever, after all, YOU replied to MY post, not the other way around.

On the other hand, it wouldn't really matter what you or what Russian believe, propaganda is for your "as in your own country" consumption, You can say or tell your people how Ukrainian is Nazi or reject any rational idea on it, at the end of the day, saying Ukrainian is Nazi does not mean Ukrainian themselves believe they are actually Nazi, or the general world view, nor it help the Russian invasion in anyway, shape or form, I am pretty sure Ukrainian will not be affected by this, I mean, they will not defend their country slightly just because you call them a Nazi, or they will not just surrender because you call them a Nazi, so, at the end of the day, How Russia label them is, well, how Russian label them, does that change the ground calculus one bit? No.

So, please do go ahead and consider a Jewish government Neo Nazi, I mean I have no comment on this issue beside, of course the irony.
Yeah, but Putin is not targeting Ukraine's electricity grid or telecom infrastructure. Aside from freezing the population in the tough winter, turning off electricity would also shut down clean water and sewage systems across the country, creating major health hazards.

The incompetence of the military campaign aside, these are deliberate kid gloves that Putin is using to spare civilians as much as possible.
He can't target electricity grid, Ukrainian depends on Nuclear Power, if you target Ukrainian electricity grid, you will need to do something like this

You cannot target Nuclear Power Station unless you want a Nuclear Incident.........

And they did target telecom infrastructure, they bombed TV tower, antenna and so on on the first few day just that it's really not a point now because almost everyone is using social media online (I mean, when is the last time you turn on your TV and tune in the news?), and unless Russia shoot down Elon Musk satellite, there aren't really a way to target Ukrainian Telecom.

And no, the level of invasion and destruction caused by the Russian force, as we can all see, is not "Kid-Gloves" They virtually levelled the entire city of Mariupol and Chernihiv, and the level of destruction in Kharkiv and Kyiv shown that they don't really care about the civilian population.
He can't target electricity grid, Ukrainian depends on Nuclear Power, if you target Ukrainian electricity grid, you will need to do something like this
Targeting the grid is 100% doable without targeting power plants - hit transmission substations and distribution.

And no, the level of invasion and destruction caused by the Russian force, as we can all see, is not "Kid-Gloves" They virtually levelled the entire city of Mariupol and Chernihiv, and the level of destruction in Kharkiv and Kyiv shown that they don't really care about the civilian population.
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