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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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And you are just stupid, I am sorry, but I have no other word for you.

People died then people die, it didn't matter if the war is still hot, people ALREADY died has already gone, those weren't a number only after the war end. People don't just "Officially" died after the war ends and a figure can be complied.

I mean, exactly how stupid were you?

It's not a computer game. Chaos, bodies in rubles, people ran away from the fightings... I should ask you how stupid you are to even state a figure of civilian losses. Are you 13 years old?
It's not a computer game. Chaos, bodies in rubles, people ran away from the fightings... I should ask you how stupid you are to even state a figure of civilian losses. Are you 13 years old?
Oh I don't know, Recovered Bodies? Funeral? Hospital Admission Record?

Dude, don't ask other if they are 13 when you post such a question as if you are younger than 13.....
Dude, do you know how many missile fired at the barrack in Lviv : 4

And yes, it is smaller than a single substation, so you would expect more missile is needed to completely destroy the target that is bigger than that Barrack. Now you are talking about 1 barrack, but how many substation is in Lviv? Care to venture a guess?

3 Meters CEP does not mean you can hit anything within that 3 meters, 3 meters CEP means you have a theoretically 3 meters error of probability, CEP means half of the missile would land within 3 meters of each other, and the other half outside, because of the arc and tangent, the further away the target it, it multiple the error distant. It's like a tank gun, if a target is 500 meters away, and my CEP is 1 meters, let's say the shot felt 10 meters behind. If that target is 1500 meters away, and if my CEP is 1 meter, then the distant I missed is not 10 meters but 30 meters. And in this case, for a Kalibr missile, it will not be 30 meters, but 90 meters. That is why one of those missile ended up 5 miles away as reported to the barrack attack

And finally, sure, some substation is standalone in the country side, but if you are talking about inside a big city like Kyiv or Lviv, it would not be most of the case, in side a city center, you would expect to have majority of those substation that are going to be in the local area.

Let's say even if you can target all the substation within a certain area and disable the power grid, the amount of resource you are going to spend on is going to be huge, and for what? To stop electricity supplying in one city? You may as well use your missile or bomb on other target that would make a difference.

That's why nobody in any military will attack power grid infrastructure to interrupt power supply, for a few hours yes, say if you want a few hours of darkness to take the town, but not as a continue arrangement. We don't do it in the State even we have better Air Force and better missile. I mean, sure, you can go waste 300-400 missile on 50 or so substation that wouldn't change anything in the battlefield.

You either bomb their power plant, which is the most efficient way to do, or you don't do it at all and move on.
That's a lot of typing to say "I don't understand grid infrastructure at all because I'm not a subject matter expert in electrical power".

Like I said, educate yourself on how grid level transmission works.

Not to mention the fact that Russian forces physically occupy many power plants.

Same can be said to the Civilian killed in Ukraine.
Didn't you say bombing hospitals is a war crime?

MoD Russia

🗓 Top News Today

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue their offensive in the course of the special military operation.

💥 High-precision, long-range aviation weapons destroyed a large fuel base near Lvov, which provided fuel for Ukrainian troops in western Ukraine, as well as near Kiev. High-precision cruise missiles have destroyed the workshops of Lvov Radio Repair Plant in Lvov city. Also, high-precision sea-based long-range weapons destroyed a warehouse of missiles for S-300 and Buk anti-aircraft missile systems in Plesetskoye.

🚌 Russian servicemen organized a safe route for about 90 citizens of Russia, Moldova and Ukraine to move them from Kherson region.

📹 The Russian Ministry of Defence has published footage of destruction of the 2S-7 Pion high-power self-propelled artillery system by high-precision missile weapons, the combat work of Russian Armed Forces units and footage of humanitarian aid delivery to Ukrainian cities.

🏥 Russian servicemen provided medical assistance to residents of Kiev region who were injured after shelling by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
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What a horror war is not seen by keyboard warriors and old corrupt men who send the young to die in useless sanctioned murder.
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