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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia won't rest until the objectives are met. You know this too. Russia didn't go this far to retreat or do a half job. Be rest assured. Russia will claim victory. Victory will be in the shape of control over important areas. Anything less and you can call me a liar.

China is beyond your reach. Only a matter of time before Chinese economy overtakes the US. Also in field of tech and otherwise China is making excellent ground. I understand why your officials and leaders are having nightmares about China. They should because what China has achieved in such a short period is nothing short of a miracle. Let's not even discuss about the future.

Russia has strategically lost. They have little ability to compete with the US, especially now.

China has 4X the population of the US and still remains $6-7T behind in GDP, and the average American is far more productive than Chinese. The US has the most innovative companies in the world, with the most unicorns as well. Capital flows to the most innovative companies. Over 60 have been created so far this year alone. US financial markets are the deepest and most liquid in the world.

China will never achieve the total comprehensive power of the United States.

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according to RT news?

according to UN 1119 killed civiias...BUT according to UN the real number is much higher, that are only the civilians the UN can confirm... in many areas are no UN inspectors able to count civilian victims. Specialy in the areas with intense figthing

Still much better than other conflicts started by US & Co., and besides there's always collateral damage in war as our great American generals put it.

Russian propaganda film about this conflict for Russian kids at school :omghaha:
Criminals of Ukraine torturing their own civilians:




Because as per their doctrine, if they think you must fight then you must fight or get killed:

There're over 2-3 dozen street justice footages available like the one below:
Notice Azov patch. They are inherently animals.

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Remember when they claimed China banned the letter N?

Everything they accuse China of doing, they do themselves.

Russia should put LGBTQ symbol and flag on their vehicles as well so that gets banned. Don't have to see that stupid acronym again.

Russian propaganda film about this conflict for Russian kids at school :omghaha:

While its funny, I wouldn't laugh cause these kids will eventually be breathing down others neck for pay back. We are living in dangerous times with the rise of far right movements in EU/US (elsewhere) and now Russia its a recipe for disaster.

@Wood one thing I will say and I'm 100% in my belief its true, during Cold War how we demonized the USSR we are doing the same to the Russian Federation we should not have escalated the tone to this extent. However, this time the RF has the Chinese that none had before to balance, these two teaming up and possibly rebuilding Russian Forces will pose more of a threat down the road. One thing about this conflict the Russians have saw their shorting comings and knowing them they'll retool and retrain as now they are in a life or death situation. They will also clean house from incompetent officers, and looters.

I'm sure the Chinese gave tactic approval for this conflict and they've created a hot iron on EU border and that to which is nuclear armed.
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i think these are regrouped remainings of 1st GTA which retreated back to Russia 10 days ago. They probably got R&R, and are now back.

Otherwise, there is nowhere for new armour to appear in Izyum, and Kupiansk. It could've only sneaked there from Russia itself.

Knowing this sneak in route will be very handy for Ukrainians as well.

In field with drone recon team who guide artillery by using civilian drones. The press guy is so brave :o:
i think these are regrouped remainings of 1st GTA which retreated back to Russia 10 days ago. They probably got R&R, and are now back.

Otherwise, there is nowhere for new armour to appear in Izyum, and Kupiansk. It could've only sneaked there from Russia itself.

Knowing this sneak in route will be very handy for Ukrainians as well.
Interesting to spin "encircling Ukrainian forces in the Donbass" as "sneaking".
While its funny, I wouldn't laugh cause these kids will eventually be breathing down others neck for pay back. We are living in dangerous times with the rise of far right movements in EU/US (elsewhere) and now Russia its a recipe for disaster.

@Wood one thing I will say and I'm 100% in my belief its true, during Cold War how we demonized the USSR we are doing the same to the Russian Federation we should not have escalated the tone to this extent. However, this time the RF has the Chinese that none had before to balance, these two teaming up and possibly rebuilding Russian Forces will pose more of a threat down the road. One thing about this conflict the Russians have saw their shorting comings and knowing them they'll retool and retrain as now they are in a life or death situation. They will also clean house from incompetent officers, and looters.

I'm sure the Chinese gave tactic approval for this conflict and they've created a hot iron on EU border and that to which is nuclear armed.
The future of the Russia China cooperation will also depend on who eventually succeeds the 70 year old autocratic ruler. Most dictators do not groom successors and Russia is not run by a politburo anymore. Can we say that the eventual replacement for Putin will not try to make peace with the west? We'll have to see how the chips fall.


The future of the Russia China cooperation will also depend on who eventually succeeds the 70 year old autocratic ruler. Most dictators do not groom successors and Russia is not run by a politburo anymore. Can we say that the eventual replacement for Putin will not try to make peace with the west? We'll have to see how the chips fall.


Russians are to drunk to think this long trust me he's already picked a few to chose between -- a designated survivor of sorts. However the chips fall, the media campaign to demonize Russian's is already done that can't be white washed away and Russian's were the 1st to see it clearly and its here to stay.

As for the flag, yeah stupid millennial crap, not going to buy some random twitty accounts online changing flags, etc., don't put to much thought into it.
Short range directed energy defense coming to the US Army

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ZING.

Widespread use of mobile DEW will make 99% of the world's existing military arsenal obsolete.
As for the flag, yeah stupid millennial crap, not going to buy some random twitty accounts online changing flags, etc., don't put to much thought into it.

This is Marketing 101.

Create an impression that supporting the enemy is for old fogies, and all the cool, young, educated people are on your side.
when did the US not focus and Russia and China? Do us all a favor and read a good history book...

Short memory?
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