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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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zelensky is already talking surrender terms

"Ukraine has been left to fend for itself" "we have offered Russians neutrality"

This clown really thought he could directly troll and threaten Russian security with his NATO and nuke comments. He grossly underestimated the seriousness of the situation. and he greatly overestimated what the west would do for his regime...

He will face a sakashvilli like humiliation, and ukraine will turn into another georgia, while losing far more territory then georgia.
@Joe Shearer @T90TankGuy @MilSpec gentlemen, i would like to read your take on this issue. Thanks in advance.
  1. This is today, here and now, naked aggression.
  2. It is also the Russian reaction to continued and sustained NATO pressure on Russia, by extending NATO boundaries eastward directly threatening Russia.
  3. Russia will seemingly create a buffer zone to the east, consisting of its Russian-language majority in the Donbas region, and additional strips of land to the west of this zone, to create a buffer to the west against land attack.
  4. Ukraine will be kept demilitarised by force, under threat of renewed attack.

  1. Putin has made it clear that he will react to these pressures violently.
  2. He has not made it clear how he hopes to keep Russia in working order under the massive weight of sanctions imminent.
  3. China may or may not provide the economic counter-balance against sanctions.
  4. It is possible that this presages the final downfall of the Soviet Union, as its most important successor component, Russia, heads for decline. Perhaps sharp decline.

  1. India is very awkwardly placed.
  2. Supporting Russia sets her against her supposed new allies of the west.
  3. Breaking ties with Russia
    1. guarantees vast streams of surplus arms and ammunition into Pakistan, and
    2. the abrupt end to supplies of spares for the enormous Indian inventory of Russian weapons.
  4. She will also be left friendless against China.

  1. We are likely to see/hear/read verbiage in plenty, basically trying to say nothing against Russia and yet not annoying the USA.
  2. We are likely to see this response angering the US and Europe.
  3. This is also likely to chill relations with Korea and Japan.
  4. China and Pakistan are likely to look on with cynical amusement, as the Sanghis take India down with them.
You think you're being nuanced, but I don't think you are. I think we can both agree that Russia will lose hardware and men. We can also agree that Russia included prospective losses in its wargaming and, more importantly, long-term grand strategy before engaging in this conflict and found the payoffs/costs justifiable given their regional security goals.

Crucially, there must be a quantitative threshold after which such losses become significant enough for your theory to kick in. Time will tell whether Russia's losses cross that threshold or not. Perhaps we can devote our time (on this thread, which is more about updates) to more constructive, current discussions. Thanks.

Exactly. Most people have never studied realism or grand strategy formally, so they have no clue what they are talking about.
With 200K soldiers Russians won't be able to control Kyiv let alone whole of Ukraine. Russian strategy is weird unless this is just the start of a long term plan.
With 200K soldiers Russians won't be able to control Kyiv let alone whole of Ukraine. Russian strategy is weird unless this is just the start of a long term plan.
The strategy is to make it LOOK like they can take over Kiev and the rest of the country. Putin wants a lightning war, not a prolong one.
With 200K soldiers Russians won't be able to control Kyiv let alone whole of Ukraine. Russian strategy is weird unless this is just the start of a long term plan.

the line between Ukraine and Russia is very murky... especially in eastern ukraine.

the entire eastern half of ukraine could easily have been given to Russia in soviet times.

its not like some hard border between 2 different peoples with 2 different cultures and languages (Ex. China x India)
the line between Ukraine and Russia is very murky... especially in eastern ukraine.

the entire eastern half of ukraine could easily have been given to Russia in soviet times.

its not like some hard border between 2 different peoples with 2 different cultures and languages (Ex. China x India)

Actually along the Indian border are Sino-Tibetan-Burmese language speaking tribes with light skin and straight black hair who are suffering from repression.
Providing support to Ukrainian Forces - a lot more is in town too so it isn’t the “US has abandoned Ukraine” nonsense one sees publicly
With US and European interference Ukraine will end up like Syria, a battle ground for testing the latest weapons and strategies and outflux of millions of refugees. Poor Ukraine became a sacrificed Pawn , sacrificed by the west for their own interests and to take war to the Russian front. Ukrainians were Russian one day, renegades the next day and today enemies of Russia. Thanks to greedy politicians the civilians will suffer immensely. The UN needs to come down heavily on the war mongers, the bringers of chaos and negotiate peace before huge calamity befalls the Ukrainian civilians. It is freezing cold there and if the war escalates Ukrainian food , water and heating could rapidly start dwindling causing untold suffering.
In other words, China is returning to her old status as subordinate partner to Russia. Just like the old days of the Cold War yrs.
It's called international trade, something you know very little about these days.

With US and European interference Ukraine will end up like Syria, a battle ground for testing the latest weapons and strategies and outflux of millions of refugees. Poor Ukraine became a sacrificed Pawn , sacrificed by the west for their own interests and to take war to the Russian front. Ukrainians were Russian one day, renegades the next day and today enemies of Russia. Thanks to greedy politicians the civilians will suffer immensely. The UN needs to come down heavily on the war mongers, the bringers of chaos and negotiate peace before huge calamity befalls the Ukrainian civilians. It is freezing cold there and if the war escalates Ukrainian food , water and heating could rapidly start dwindling causing untold suffering.
Unfortunately, the Ukrainians stumbled onto this when they started having NATO connections and exercises. They should have seen this coming but were thinking NATO exercises meant NATO presence when even NATO knows Russian red lines. However, as @Joe Shearer pointed out it may well be a 20 year policy to end the last remnants of the Soviet Union by baiting Russia into such moves.
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